You offered to the Father in Heaven the Body and Blood of the Lamb you bore and sacrificed Him with the knife of your will on the altar of your heart. No apostolic act bears fruit without grace. It impels my mind to self-exaltation, because I am proud. I believe, according to the inspired teaching of St. Paul, that there is but one Mediator between God and manyour Son Jesus. Though you were the Mother of the Most High, you wanted to become the nurse of Elizabeth and the infant John. Little by little the links between your body and soul were dissolved by the resistless force of love. Place your gentle motherly hands on those wounds of my soul and grant that through the grace of the Sacraments and prayer they may be healed. We will list that feast and give as much information as is available about that feastday. You are the Mother of the Uncreated Wisdom, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You are truly our immaculate Mother for it is to you, after Jesus, that we are indebted for the supernatural life of grace and the hope of eternal life. The power of your intercession has no such limits, for the saints teach me that our Savior can refuse nothing to His Mother. Furthermore, Jesus made the revelation of His divinity and the strengthening of the faith of His disciples the effect of your intercession. "The Lord is with thee." You are the loving daughter of the Father, because, before all creatures, you were predestined to be His daughter at the same moment that He decreed the Incarnation of His Son. His mother named him after the great St. Francis of Assisi. To you then we owe the salvation which Jesus brought to us. As the dawn precedes and announces the coming of the sun, makes the darkness of the night disappear, consoles the sick and rejoices all nature, so you went before and announced Jesus, "The Sun of Justice," who made the darkness of the world disappear by the light of His Gospel, consoled and cured the sick in soul and body and brought an abundance of graces and blessings to the whole world. The Eternal Father unfolded His Omnipotence in order to form in you a heart full of sweetness and obedience to your Creator. Mary, My Mother, you stand in the presence of your Son, interceding for sinners. Although it is true that Jesus in glory, by means of His divine wounds, is our intercessor before the Father and all God's gifts come to us through His merits, you are the all-powerful suppliant, through whom every prayer reaches up to Him and every grace comes down. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.". A woman, the tree, and death symbolize our defeat. You have the charge of keeping faith intact and love unimpaired in the Church founded by our Lord, and of spreading through the nations and over continents the knowledge of the Kingdom of God. Continue to work wonders on our shores for our spiritual and material prosperity and keep us in peace and charity. At the very instant of your conception your mind was filled with the light of God, and your will was entirely conformed to the divine will. You did not have to wait until the end of time for the resurrection of your body. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE DAY CELEBRATION Sunday, December 11 from 1 to 3 PM Celebrate the Patroness of our Community & the Americas with live Mariachi Music, Food, Drinks, Games, Procession, and Blessing In honor of Our Lady. How courageously you united the oblation of your own suffering and grief with the offering of Jesus, thus proving yourself worthy not only to share but also to be one with Him in the redemption of souls. Mary, My Mother, in the mystery of the Visitation, you began your high office of bringing Jesus into the souls of men. Mary, My Mother, as often as your sweet name comes to my lips, you appear to me as a masterpiece of God's power, so perfect and so sublime that even the hand of Almighty God could not produce anything more perfect in the form of a pure creature. Mary, My Mother, I am happy to be your child. The more you beheld yourself enriched, the more humble did you become, remembering that all came to you from the infinite generosity of your Maker. Mary, Mother of God, you are my Mother of Perpetual Help because of your love for me. You did it for me - In His infancy Jesus depended upon your loving care, and in death when He was abandoned by all, even by His Father, He still had your heart. Jesus ascended to Heaven before you not only that He might prepare a throne for you in that Kingdom, but also that He might Himself accompany you with all the blessed spirits and thus render your entry into Heaven more glorious and worthy of His Mother. I have been especially blessed as a Catholic, for God has given me graces which He has not given to everyone else. By Francesca Merlo The Virgin of Guadalupe, like the shroud of Turin, appears on a piece of fabric. You are ever imploring favors for the just, as well as for sinners. Like the injured man in the parable of the good Samaritan, the lady lacked proper clothing, "looked beaten" and abandoned, and came across as "half-dead.". In so doing I simply imitate God who gave Himself and His Son to us through you. This doctrine was received in the early Church and handed down by the Fathers who praised you with extraordinary titles and most important writings. In 2017/18, the most recent full school year, 4.8% of half-day . Jesus died because He willed to die. The Archangel Gabriel expressed this very clearly: "Hail, full of grace"there was no room left for sin; "the Lord is with thee"where God dwells, Satan can have no rights; "blessed art thou among women"you were elevated above all other women in the world. Your life, like that of your Divine Son, was a daily crucifixion and martyrdom, but on Good Friday that crucifixion reached its climax. I promise to devote myself wholeheartedly to the spreading of devotion to your Immaculate Heart so that the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart may come and He may reign with you in my heart and in the hearts of all men. He ordered most perfectly His whole creation, for He is the true fountain and highest source of light and wisdom. You appeared as the Woman of the Apocalypse, clothed with the sun, standing on the moon. Your own extraordinary grace and merit, your own wondrous privileges give to your prayer an irresistible force and power. He forms Himself in me by supernatural principles, which He implants in my mind; by supernatural intentions and meritorious actions. Mary, Mother of God, teach me to be truly humble. Your Immaculate Conception permitted you to love God from the first instant of your existence; your virginity led you to vow an undivided love to Him, your fullness of grace made you capable of loving Him with the most intense love possible. Prophets foretold the coming of the Savior and the manner in which the Redemption would take place. Eve was unbelieving and disobedient; you were believing and obedient. DEC. 12 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. As you were the Mother of Jesus in the Incarnation, when He assumed a physical Body, so also you are the Mother of Jesus in His Mystical Body, and of all those who, as members of that Body, are the brothers and sisters of Christ by Divine adoption. "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Mary, Mother of God, I believe what Holy Mother Church teaches about your Immaculate Conception: that from the first moment of your conception you possessed justice and holinessthat is sanctifying grace, even the fullness of grace, with the infused virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and with integrity of nature; yet you remained subject to death and other pains and miseries of life that your Son Himself willed to undergo. Though you did not pay even the smallest part of our debt, you cooperated in His work by the entire union of your will with His. Teach me to answer such love with childlike confidence. Give me enthusiasm and joy in the knowledge, the love and the service of the Lord. Mary, Mother of God, how sacred was the life of Jesus in your womb while you awaited His coming! Jesus had delivered Himself in His Passion to the will of His Father, and before His sacrifice for sinners could be perfect, He had to be forsaken by that Father. How strongly Jesus reminded me of this: "As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remain on the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. You invite none to come to you but the lowly of spirit. At the Annunciation you received Jesus on earth; it was proper that He should receive you in Heaven. Mary, Mother of God, I believe that divine grace is absolutely necessary for the performing of any act that is meritorious for eternal life. Having loved your sinful children so much as to sacrifice for them your only Son in His Passion, you loved them to the end by giving them the Holy Eucharist. Though a creature, you gave birth to the Creator. Mary, Mother of God, I choose you as my model of Eucharistic devotion. We have the sublime dignity of being children of God by adoption; Jesus alone is His Son by nature. Jesus is my Savior and I have confidence in His infinite merits. All these souls were given to you by Jesus on the crossthey are your children. Surely it is through your special influence as Mediatrix of Graces that this Life is shared with me. If a single soul in the state of grace by far excels in beauty all other earthly beauty, what beauty must you possess, Virgin most pure, who surpassed in holiness all other souls in the state of grace! En life's dark hours you always remembered that you were God's handmaid, and you always wanted everything to be done according to His holy Will. Your faith taught you that the predictions of both were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Like you let me realize my own nothingness. He became Sovereign Master of the universe and Supreme Judge of the living and the dead. When still a child you consecrated yourself entirely to God, the Love of chaste souls; and afterwards you would rather be deprived of the great dignity of Divine Motherhood than to lose your virginity. As you were called to cooperate with your Divine Son on Calvary in acquiring the treasure of His infinite merits, so now in Heaven you cooperate with Him in dispensing those merits to His Mystical Body. Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation; but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Help me to overcome the enemies of my salvation and to persevere to the end in the friendship of God. He made you immaculate in view of the fact that Jesus Christ, the God-man, was to take His Flesh and Blood from you. In 1668 the feast in honor of the Seven Dolors was set for the Sunday after September 14, the Feast of the Holy Cross. As Christ was pleased to be comforted by an angel, so was it necessary that you should be encouraged by one. Wicked lust, the source and occasion of sin, flowing directly from original Sill and inclining to evil, drags me along in spite of myselfalthough always voluntarilyto personal sins, sins that I know only too well are my own. As breathing is not only a sign but even a cause of life, so your name, which is constantly found on the lips of your servants, both proves that they are spiritually alive, and at the same time causes and preserves their life, and gives them every help in their needs. We praise your virginity and admire your humility; but because we are poor sinners, your mercy attracts us more and we embrace it more lovingly. There is no more intimate bodily union than that of mother and child, for they are one life, one heart-beat sustaining the life of both. Then Satan could boast that he had overcome Jesus in you, His Mother. Such a stain would have reflected upon your Son, who is Holiness itself. Because of your dignity, you reach to the borders of the divine. It is but a symbol of the endless victories which you are to win over him to the last day. With your own eyes you saw Him brought first to Pilate, then to Herod and then again to Pilate. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins" (Matt. Bishop Robert J. McClory. The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Vatican News You are pure and sinless. He bestowed marvelous privileges upon you and loved you more than all other creatures together. I entrust to you all my anxieties and needs so that through the merits of your sorrows I may bear the trials and sufferings of life with the same love and resignation to God's Will with which you bore yours. From your pure blood the Holy Spirit formed the pure Body of Jesus. After the Sacred Heart of Jesus, never was there a heart more pure and more holy. Mary, Mother of God, your life, like that of your Divine Son, was a daily crucifixion and martyrdom. I wish to attend Holy Mass, receive Holy Communion, and visit Jesus in the tabernacle in union with you, in the spirit in which you yourself did so. Your Heart is a refuge for sinners, for you are the Mother of Mercy, who has never been known to turn away any one who came to seek your aid. 16, 26). 3. Had the angel said you were the most wicked sinner in the world, your wonder would not have been so great, as it was at the sound of his praises. Rolly Arjonillo. Bless our prayers and labors for the conversion of the world and support them by your powerful intercession with your Son, Jesus, that His Kingdom of Truth and Life, Holiness and Grace Justice. I rejoice with you in the happiness which filled your heart because of such love. The cross is the measure of God's love for us and the sum total of our love for God. He also found joy in His Divine Sonship and glorious human nature, joy in His intellect, with its immeasurable knowledge and the contemplation of God; joy in His will, with its freedom, sinlessness, holiness and unbounded power joy in His destiny as our Redeemer; joy in the future kingdom of His Church, which was to arise from His life and death. From Him there flowed heavenwards an unceasing stream of glory, the waves of His grace ever poured over the earth. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Feast day: June 27 Patroness of the Republic of Haiti and Almoradi, Spain Our Lady of Perpetual Help, also known as Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and Our Mother of Perpetual Help is the title given to a 15th-century icon that originated in the Keras Kardiotissas Monastery and has been in Rome since 1499. Teach me to understand something of your love for the Holy Spirit and His love for you in keeping your soul beautiful and holy. The saints tell me that it is the foundation and guard of all virtues, since without humility a soul can possess no other virtue. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are the holiest of God's creatures. This gift of Your Heart entitles you to be called the Mother of the Holy Eucharist. The supernatural life is the life of Jesus in us through grace. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mediatrix of All Graces. The Apostles, who had abandoned their Master informed you of your Son's betrayal by Judas and of His brutal capture after His agony. Note: This prayer was approved and enriched with an indulgence of five hundred days by Pope Pius X at all audience held on August 18, 1908, and was included in the official edition of approved indulgenced prayers (1950). Teach me to desire ardently all that is pleasing to God, to seek after it prudently, to accept it truthfully and to do it perfectly, for the praise and glory of God. 1. "Since the 16th century Catholic piety has assigned entire months to special devotions. 3. How God has loved you by making you His Mother! Mary, My Mother, you and good St. Joseph were married to become the models of family life. May this remembrance fill me with love and gratitude to you, and be the reason for my trust in your powerful protection and in your prayers in Heaven, where you plead with your Divine Son for the salvation of us all. Jesus belonged entirely to you, the holiest among women. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion September 15th Feast Day Liturgical Color: White The feast day of Our Lady of Compassion is every 15th of September. All the saints suffered during their lifetime, but you are the Queen of them all as Queen of Martyrs. You learned to read the sacred books by yourself and tried to penetrate their hidden meaning. Without that maternity, your other privileges would not exist; you yourself would not exist, for you were created only to be the Mother of God. There is nothing you want more than to give them to me, since you are even more anxious to save my soul than I am, for you know better than anyone else the price your Son has paid for it and the precious worth of each grace He so graciously offers to me through you. I implore the help of your protection and choose you as my advocate. Our Lady of Compassion - Roman Catholic Parish of Willesden Green Foundation of the Abbey of Dunes, Flanders, in honor of the Blessed Virgin (1128) 3. To bring us forth, you gave much more than our earthly mothers gave. When I have pain, you are ready to comfort and strengthen me. Grant that all these, men and women alike, may be freed from sin, to repose on His Heart of merciful love. If the honor of parents descends upon their children, what glory and joy for all of us, your children, to see you raised to such heights of glory! May the instructions I receive increase the love of God in me and strengthen my determination to serve Him with greater zeal. Mary, Mother of God, your death was entirely free from whatever might make death bitter: attachment to the world, remorse for sins and the uncertainty of salvation. The prayers of the saints avail only in a limited way. Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, make intercession for holy Church, protect the Sovereign Pontiff, help all those who invoke thee in their necessities, and since thou art the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son the grace of keeping our faith, sweet hope in the midst of the bitterness of life, burning charity and the precious gift of final perseverance. 2. The wisdom and power of God was constructing a living temple for the Savior of the world. Thus in consenting to the Incarnation, you cooperated directly in the redemption of the world, for the Incarnation was the first step in the work of our salvation. You formed His feet, to search after and seek us as a Good Shepherd, His hands to heal us and to be pierced for us; and His shoulders to carry the cross. Unceasingly praying for sinners, you stand before your Son. With your arms outstretchedthose arms in which the Eternal God delighted to rest when He became our Brotherplead our cause. I am the vine, you are the branches" (John 15, 4). You shared more in this wisdom than did any other creature, because you approached nearer to the Source from which it cameJesus, the Eternal Wisdom. Be pleased to intercede with Jesus, your Son, for Christian families. Mary'S Feast Days - Catholic Tradition When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart. And I am sure there is nothing you want more than that, to see me perfectly dedicated to God even as you are. 3. Mary, Mother of God, you are the hope of sinners, you are my hope! You are called the Mother of Mercy because God has given you power to deal with every sort of misery to which mankind is subjected. He wished to adapt Himself to our nature by giving us life and aid through the heart of a mother, having placed in your heart some of His own love for mankind to make you the spiritual Mother of the redeemed. Pray to Him for us, your children, that in our exile we may resemble you, His most devoted follower, and at last may glorify Him in union with you forever. Feast, Saturday after the Feast of the Ascension (Triduum, Wednesday before the Feast of the Ascension). 1. Mary, My Mother, your whole life was like a Mass. You heard the mob, led by the chief priests clamoring for His crucifixion. 1. He sanctified your marriage with St. Joseph so that it might be an example for all Christian marriages. After the name of Jesus, neither heaven nor earth can utter a name by which my faith and love receive more abundant grace, and reassuring hope, and lasting sweetness. It was fitting that the God of all purity should spring from the greatest purity. You receive all graces through Jesus Christ, because you pray and ask for them in the Name of Jesus Christ. The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. How many are now in heaven because of the protection given them by your merciful Heart! Show the same compassion toward me, for I am in need of grace to fight temptation, to avoid sin and to lead a holy life. GLADE PARK, Colorado (Catholic Online) - The feast dedicated to "Our Lady of the Rosary" was instituted by Pope Pius V. It was to commemorate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571. You were in the judgment-hall and heard it ring with lies. Mary, Mother of God, you are more truly our Mother than any other mother by the way in which you have given us life. 1. The Scriptures refer to you and Joseph as "the parents of Jesus." Forgetting yourself completely, you were most intimately united with God. The Nativity and the Crucifixion were as one action. Feast, Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine (Aug. 28) (Triduum, Wednesday nearest the feast of St. Joseph was a virgin for your sake, that a Virgin Son might be born of a virginal marriage. May the infirmities of my soul be my chief concern. How wonderful were the workings of divine power to make you a fitting dwelling for the Redeemer of the world! Our Lady of Sorrows: Compassion Unlimited. 3. Decorate your table with colorful flowers . According to earthly standards, nothing could be added to your fullness of grace. The dangers facing the Church and the world are grave and evil. . Mary, Mother of God, your divine maternity places you in a very wonderful relationship with the three divine Persons. There is no sinner so spoiled and so mired in vice that you would deny him aid. The reredos is in gold relief, being copied from work in the chapel of the Duchess of Newcastle. He alone has paid the full price of our ransom, and to this price no one else has contributed. You rule in heaven and on earth. Give them zeal that by prayer and sacrifice they may cooperate in the great work of the Redemption. Mary, My Mother, who crushed the head of the serpent, I pray for my country. As Co-Redemptrix, you must finish your work by applying the grace of redemption to each individual soul, for only then the redemption is achieved. All the tsars were crowned and patriarchs installed in the presence of this image, up until the revolution. Paul Haffner ( Inside the Vatican, September 2004) This feast is. Help me to return unceasing thanks to God for His many favors, and keep me humble in possessing and using them. Infirmities of the body, patiently endured, may become the occasion of great merit. Mary, My Mother, through your prayers may I be blessed with a keen understanding of the ways of God. An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 15 of September, repeating indefinitely Mary, My Mother, you always lived under the divine influence of the Holy Spirit and in the closest possible union with Him. 5, 7). You were willing to offer Him at this tender age, for the salvation of the world. He died out of love for us; this was His final proof of love. Mary, My Mother, I rejoice with you in the joyful expectation of your little Son. Only when I have understood your martyrdom, will I understand the greatness of the love of Jesus for you and the intensity of your love for your Son. Having carried within you Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you share, as no one else does, in your divine Son's holiness and purity. You fulfill the duties and enjoy the rights of a true mother. Give me a deep sorrow for my sins which have hurt God so very much. I am unworthy of that. You became the Mother of God without ceasing to be a virgin, and your happy fruitfulness only consecrated and increased your purity.
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