But as I think, it's not too late, there is still chance of Plan C, which is to fork Android (AOSP) from scratch and have consumers, carriers and OEMS happy because there is no app gap anymore. As a consumer, I am now no longer interested in MS apps or services, and am now figuring out whether to switch to Android (and Google's apps and services) or Apple. It's very difficult to tell what is quote, secondary source, or your opinion in these articles. You can create the worlds finished machine learning but if you are not getting the input from people on the most used devices then it will gradually lose traction to the devices people do use. Nadella needs to find a way to increase tablet sales, a device class that I suspect uses Windows Store apps on a larger per-unit scale than other form factors. A mythical, moving target, Surface handheld device that hasn't seen the light of day yet after 4 or 5 years? Since the launch of Windows 10 I thought the good times for Microsoft were about to come, and I increased my faith with the idea of a promised Universal Windows Platform running on every device, including smartphones. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. Across Europe/Aus/NZ many use a mobile and ISP provided digital hub/smart tv to access what they need. Even a ******* can become king..with loyalty and hard work.. We have been loyal..its about time Microsoft started being loyal to itself, its vision and to us as well.. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. Unless/until hundreds of millions are sold, no one is going to write MOBILE apps for it, because developers have all been burned too many times. I'm done with MS. Yes. In my experience because too many didn't even realise it existed due to a total lack of marketing. I wonder if windows 10 will have same demise?, I'm still on 7 i don't like it, I think that MS has developed (pun intended) a reputation which will not be shaken. And lastly taking simple things like a weekly calenders view or linked in boxes away in 8.1 and waitingb11 and 12 months to give them back is not acceptable either. You dont need anyserver hardware or server OS licenses, just a Windows Azure instance that you can spin up (meter running) and down (youre off the clock) as needed. This is especially the case if you are not a technically minded person - which is 99% of the market. There are things I found on my 928 8.1 phone that my 950 W10M still cannot do? - Growing Market Size and Evolving Preferences of Consumers Over the last decade and half the market size has grown at brisk pace. Windows Phone was great for a small amount of time but it failed all in all. While we had blips of great service, products and attention, ultimately it came back down and we went back to finding proper solutions. Then I hope Microsoft phone are on their feet again. Movies and TV will be next. Microsoft has been strident in the past in stating that it intends to have strong margins on the Surface line of products. I can honestly say that it is not stress free and definitely not stable. Dongles on the TV ( Firestick anyone ), Handhelds..etc.. It doesn't matter which is the best (it never has, e.g. Davos 2023: A conversation with Satya Nadella While 100 million phones sounds impressive, that is over what time span? I fully expect Amazon to buy MS..sooner than later. Many people wish for single product / service which perfectly blends there all needs. Belfiore was/is incompetenthe is the harbinger of doom for anything he touched including WP Yeah it was pretty much over when he was caught with an iphone on vacation with his family a few years ago lol. I agree with your comment, but here we both are in other ecosystems still reading W10 mobile news lol Hard habit to break. They aren't the only ones. And you know what two years back they seemed to really start to look cool. Yeah, it's called hundred dollar bills. Now it seems like they focus on corporate software and nothing that gets in front of the average user. The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. I am with the Windows ecosystem because that is what my desktops and laptops are. Still, this remains the dumbest decision that I believe MIcrosoft has made. why they killed project astoria? Trust and believe that if MS were offering me something new right now with full Windows and a stylus to follow up my 1520, I'd be all over it. Meanwhile, they failed spectacularly in the biggest markets such as US and China. Its the substance abuse of choice for the 23rd/24th etc centuries. except MSFT doesn't care about its own loyal users, with many of them switching to Android now. Windows phone really was caught between a rock and a hard place. And i have owned an 830 and then a 950xl since Not true. Apple and Google leak like seives and MS know they keep their cache with the big reveals. As an OS company, I don't understand how MS seems to have failed to grasp is that "consumer" = "enterprise." You're the new CEO of Microsoft! Until now Microsoft has let all their phone users down. Link to the interview please. yes, it was the best music service out there, now I don't know where to go, all the other service habe a flaw spotify don't allow personal library, google music don't have a PC apps, you have to use a third party apps, and apple music well, it's apple.. Once, IBM was known for their computers, but then they changed focus from the individual to the corporation. It seems he does not consider the consequences and we consumers are the ones paying the price. If MS has truely solved the CORE system then the Nadellas comments and the rest make sense and the development problem of a "mobile," desktop, and Social (Smart TV, IOT world) becomes trule nothing but a semantic difference in how a user interacts. You can create superb augmented reality but if people are using it on the device people have in their pocket you are lost. I think MS should learn from google and apple. Satya Nadella, chief executive officer said in . Because we all perceive and parse thoughts and feelings differently (cognitive processes and any forms of bias). WebOS was a great OS on very underpowered hardware. Other than that, this company is doomed. He joined Microsoft in 1992 and became CEO of the company in 2014. At a time when Chromebooks are getting popular they should not abandon the lower end or middle of the market. The list goes on. But until recently Surface and mobile were separate, meaning my statements about Surface would not apply to the 950 series. I keep having to reboot the Galaxy S7. There's no reason in the world Win 10 phones couldn't compete against iPhone & Android. So is leaving some software out from,10 like gestures beta lol. I'm sure this was not the only factor to Windows phone being in the state it's currently in, but I think this has a lot to do with it! That is just plain the stupidest business decision I have ever seen, I just hope Microsoft can dig themselves out of the hole that the CEO and VP has put them in before it is too late. Ballmer did, but of course short term profits is what share holders think about. If this trend keeps up, there will be little to no need for our consultants to even know Microsoft products. WTF??? Activity Finance teams are taking on a new role - striking the balance between strategic . I currently have a 950XL. What are Satya Nadella's strengths as Microsoft's CEO? - Quora Some people say that Microsoft is interested in Enterprise, but I think that is questionable, because of their recent behaviors like leaving HP high & dry with the Elite X3 program, and leaving 35,000 "Enterprise" handsets at NYPD high & dry Coolwill do. That's more than just fanboys. They will fail at AR/VR etc with the same gusto. No Windows/Microsoft mobiles means no OS that makes Microsoft Office relevant. That's the way it was back in the day of Bill Gates, but those days are long over and it's their own fault. Have already made the switch and though I miss windows phone, I have to say I'm much happier cause everything works. Until then we can enjoy the many new Universal apps on our superior Lumia 950 (XL) phones. The world may not need a third ecosystem, but Microsoft needed to be that third ecosystem. All except Surface Pros have been ditched by MS. MS cons consumers into investing in its ecosystem then dumps them a year or two later. Please do yourself a favor, and get either an iPhone or Android device. It faltered because MS failed to release any new compelling hardware to entice new buyers. Were already seeingsigns ofcommon sensein Office 365, wheresubscriber-based models are so much cleaner than the messy Office + Exchange on-premises licensing story. Of course I don't expect any company to do that. I'm much less up on news now because the lack of live tiles which would update automagically thruout the day. PC? Satya Nadella Succes Story - The Complete Journey of Microsoft's CEO While such a device MIGHT appeal to business, no consumer is interested in running Win32 stuff on an 8 touch screen. That flips and Nadella has a new problem on his hands. he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. That is just one long term aspect. I thought Game Of Thrones for all its fiction should have taught the lesson better.. Have a full and frank exchange of ideas in the board room. Facebook, Messenger, Line (in Taiwan, Japan), up coming iTunes, Netflix, Keeper, Instagram, TamperMonkey, Spotify, 8zip, etc. Youi cannot preach "Windows Everywhere" and "Eco System" without looking at the profitibility of the combined effort. They need to be serious on there each and every commitment. Microsoft CEO admits repeatedly abandoning consumers was a mistake Because you never understood Windows Phone, you jackass. I think with the news of the demise of windows phone and groove are the pivotal sign, that consumer focus is traded for strictly business oriented investment (whatever that means). The Organizational Development solutions & strategies has helped Nadella Satya in coming up with unique solution to tap the un-catered markets. Microsoft would have never appointed a tunnel vision IT person Stay as the President. Got my first used Surface Pro 3 last year for recording music and drawing. How they turned their early lead, and the potential for synergy with Nokia into zilch is truly remarkable. I honestly dont think there was anything MS could have done to get back in the game. Plus many government agencies were selecting windows phones for security reasons. I ended up with a Lumia 950 running Windows 10 Mobile. Learn from mistakes and grow with concepts not with words.First and most important, build products/services for each and every person. Even with this entire WM10 debacle we never got a clear statement aside from tweets from Joe, nor did we get any sort of apology for leading consumers on. Satya Nadella - How His Long-Term Vision Is Driving Microsoft's Success 225 views They lined everything up to continue growing the phones, but just didn't deliver. Microsoft's Bing chatbot to offer users answers in three different OneDrive can easyly be swooped by Icloud on Iphones and Googe drive on Android phones. That just doesn't look true to me - WP had significant market share and was growing for several years. Instead of building bridges to the future, MIcrosoft has burned many. I'm shocked how the Surface tablets are doing. I was mistaken to believe their vision and commitment to consumers went beyond that. Microsoft failed badly in the early stages of marketing and screwed its most loyal users. Satya Nadella - Wikipedia ting Vit Now, even tho I like Windows 10 (desktop), i'm done. surely not - there will be books written about how they failed in that area. The weaknesses of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset are - Aligning sales with marketing - It come across in the case study Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset that the firm needs to have more collaboration between its sales team and marketing team. WP7 was a mediocre crap, lacking copy/paste, BT file transfers, no file manager, mediocre email experience, PC sync was a mess especially for exchange stuff. If Microsoft fail to get a smart phone into the market within the next 5 years and gain market shares then that is it for Microsoft. Ready??? The overlap between product lines in Microsoft is substantial. When the camera started to fail on the Lumia 950 I thought whether I was going to get it fixed (it was out of warranty) or migrate to Android. It is easy to show leadership when you have all the information, when the systems work in harmony, and the plan for the future is laid out for you. I'm happily moving on to other platforms. Satya Nadella: Don't Spy on Employees to Ensure They're Working What is taking shape now is that consumers are finally catching on that Microsoft within a short period of time gives up on hardware,for example Zune, Windows RT, Micosoft Band, and now Windows Phone. The article and lots of the comment said WP fail because lack of dev/app, people must realize W10 also use the same dam UWP. Windows OS for Enterprise Now i rather have Phil spencer or Panos at head of Microsoft, people that stand behind their products and fans, consumers. Or their own apps in the Windows Store. Hehe . Edge is complete rubbish, Bing doesn't compare to Google for search. The Microsoft CEO ranks at No. You're dreaming. Ok, then where are all these European sales? Microsoft did the same thing. Look at Corvette. If Microsoft cedes ground to Amazon, or more precisely fails to grow its share of this market, it could harm its ability to promote its own software products, not to mention see a key new revenue source stagnate. The launchers and Cortana they came out with on Android are nice, but they didn't even bother to properly integrate Cortana into the launcher. MBA students will look at it for years to come. Jumpman, jumpman, jumpman, Nadella's up to something (cloud). Do you need one? Go. Then what? I was right. the reason i stick with windows 10 only because of photoshop. - Developments in Artificial Intelligence Nadella Satya can use developments in artificial intelligence to better predict consumer demand, cater to niche segments, and make better recommendation engines. HP would have felt the love and support they want and continued to develop the line in conjunction or beside the mythical Andromeda device as a more "phone like" iteration and a solid OEM partner would be there. Kinda worrying the CEO doesn't get that. A loyal user since Win 3.1I dispair. Guess my next phone will be a Samsung device because it will be a cold day in hell when I buy an Apple device. So, give them something they are familiar with but with a settingoption where they could useeither Live Tiles or Icons. A new concept is really not going to do much because just like a new car/ blanket/ cone of ice cream/ new love.. etc.. doesn't replace the very first (the excitement, anticipation, thrill, vibe, energy can never be thesame), a new project won't replace windows phone in the hearts consumers, no matter whether it fails or succeeds.. That's the role I had hoped (and still hope?) Some (Low) percentage would simply not work anyways, depending on how they were written. I'm guessing that the Xbox is next on the chopping block, and I would be shocked if MS releases another console after the One X. Nadella's management decisions are definitely defensible - but I still think a mistake. Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset SWOT Analysis As more consumers are familiar with Android - it will get into the business place. Many people would buy this device on a world wide basis even though it is bigger than a smart phone. I think the only Mobile device Microsoft could sell to the public would be a "Surface" 7 to8 inch Mini Tablet with acell phone in it's caseRunning Windows 10 on ARM withC Shell and "Continuum"such a device would run full Win32 Desktop PC programs. He has sank this company and is now trying to save his ass. What Could Go Wrong For Satya Nadella? TechCrunch For example, more will start use google docs and storage (due to integration with phone etc.) Who Satya Nadella is: the career path of a top executive. Career Insight: 5 Leadership Truths from Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella So the future is going to be more difficult because Microsoft filed to develop a mobile OS market I once had a SONY Vaio PC, The company stopped supporting it. What apps they wanted to run with it while they were changing SDK with every mobile Windows iteration. Strengths come from positive aspects of five key resources & capabilities - physical resources such as land, building, financial resources, past experiences and successes, human resources, and activities & processes . This tactic can work on mobile by allowing Project Astoria to be resurrected. The only thing wrong with Windows Mobile was that MS did not commit to developing the OS and decided that MS did not need the consumers anymore. I will watch and see! Seriously? @Sean D. I completely agree. If people aren't using Microsoft in their personal lives, it won't even enter their heads to use it in their commercial lives. People hanging about in a burning house while walls fell down around them and ash filled their lungs, smh. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's son is dead at 26, company says - NBC News If people see the REALLY low cost alternative that gets them in the touch game, with the responsiveness of their smartphone, and a keyboard to flip over when they need it, a little marketing could go a long way for a device such as this. They should have kept it going until they had something else to offer verus, "whelp we're pulling the plug, go give your money to someone else and we hope you'll like whatever we bring out in the future, IF we decide to bring it out." It just doesnt have apps. MWC: Microsoft's Satya Nadella on leadership qualities - CNBC While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Personally, to me is rather obviously simple however to many it won't be. Boy do I look like a fool now! IT employees working from home lazy and slacking? Microsoft CEO Satya Microsoft must rethink its business looking for a leadership with strength in marketing to achieve strategic agreements that allow the company to recover its level of competition. Satya Nadella, Buddhism and Modern Leadership - Medium Even Youtube apps are fine on Lumia 950 XL. However my contract expires in the next few months so I shall just keep my options open and see what happens. Here are the three traits that Nadella looks for in a leader: 1) Provide clarity In times of crisis or chaos, the people who are often looked up to, are those who are able to offer clarity and. They only needed to work on it! I also own Suface products, and I am very pleased with the devices however I won't buy anymore unless I see that MS is going to support the sytems and not leave me hanging in the cold. We dared buying your phones! I recently went back to an iPhone 8, and will now likely never go back to Windows on a pocket device. I was a young father of a little girl when I left and she's almost ready for kindergarten. He oversees Microsoft's computer software and hardware products, including Windows, Xbox, Surface, Office 365, and Bing. Then throw us a carrot and make Messaging Everywhere work. That made the other carriers apprehensive to carry and push Windows phones, yes? Europe is a 500 million people big market so I don't think that's a small market at all. Frustrating as hell! So Nutella just let down windows phone to focus on developping a bunch of Skype bots that nobody talk with? Tony Daltorio. Leaders with inspirational motivation traits provide employees with a set of shared goals and the vision necessary to attain them. (That means its a corporate-PR approved part of the official narrative.). MShave been announcing 1 unified OS (now called OneCore) scalable since many years now. Very few. Please used all the technology you bought from Nokia.. They have had a chance. After going through a frustrating week of having to decide which phone to move to because my 1520 is officially dying and recieving news that I would essentially be wasting money by buying another Windows Mobile phone as they are pulling the plug, this is cold comfort. I agree with much of what you said.and then Befiores comment.he must never have gone into any of the phone storesbecause during MOST of windows phones life (regardless of iteration), you could almost never find them in the storesor they were relegated to the back tiny corner with next to no supportand most of the folks in the store would either tell you bad thing about the phone (not truly knowing the truth or having any experience or training in the phopne whatsoever), or push you to either android or iPhones. I've heard about apps/software that can make an Android look like a Windows Phone home screen, but how much like the original are those softwares/apps? There is only one near-term way Microsoft could save mobile. Whether or not Microsoft want to admit it was their own decision to give up when in fact they had a growing market with thanks to the Nokia team. I will never understand how a software GIANT can be so damn bad as software. Time is running out, 8 things you can do with Linux that you can't do with MacOS or Windows, The most exciting phones at MWC 2023 (that you likely can't buy), The top satellite phones and gadgets for reliable off-grid communication, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Some of them will barely break even, and some may lose money in any one quarter, but if you focus on the cloud and enterprise customers only, you will quickly become irrelevant. Please forget about Win32 antiques. I must confess that we use only Android and iOS phones in our household. Although the loss of Groove Music Pass hurts. I cannot come to purchase another mac. Through that they get OneDrive customers and Microsoft office customers and even earn fine revenue on servers. Nadella has been a technical, "Big Iron" guy his entire career. Although Microsoft have no obligation to me, their practices over Phone and Groove have me very cautious. I've been on Android for a year now, full time since the S8 came out. And I was told I didn't know what I was talking about when I have repeatedly said this for the past two years. The following list is a sample of the issues and challenges that Nadella may face during his tenure as CEO of Microsoft: Windows Phone growth stalls, failing to reach the 10 percent mark in the next two years.
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