AGAIN, ANYONE WHO SAYS TO HIS BROTHER, RACA IS ANSWERABLE TO THE SANHEDRIN. [14] Heal The World also funds the Cornerstone Academy, a school in the village of Odokono N'kwanta, Ghanan. He was in town he was arrested on the day of incident. I doubt, however, that he likes to advertise his legal difficulties. All Rights Reserved. Are you pushed to bring people to church and invite so many per month? Last year,Carolyn McDonaldfacedmembers of the Circle C Ranch boardandsharedherstorydirectly for the first time. He was rather impressed by the large amounts of money collected every week and the men with guns to handle it all. If youd like, please call our office on 419-725-5000 with suggestions. Thats a Christians main goal, to do what God wants. Themeeting with the Circle C board, brokered by The Chapel,demonstrated the boards reticence to acknowledge apattern of troubling behavior from Aarum. Actually, the Delta incident like you called it was proven to be false just like the other so-called incidents its hard for him to do those things when hes out of the country! They are both the same because they are both sin. Circle C Ranch wouldultimately determinethe initial allegationswere false through its own internal investigation. Silleman confirmed in May that theSheriffs Office investigation isclosed. I think you perhaps mean undergraduate degree because Ive never heard of anything called an understudy degree. It sounds to me as if you could use what Pastor hasGod. But, according to the Bible, he does preach on tithing and giving. I like the pastor. hmmmmmmm thoughts to ponder!! Sights & Landmarks, Churches & Cathedrals. Disgusting! The warrants issued by a court normally are search warrants, arrest warrants, and execution warrants. In theweeks following, over a dozen womengave statements toofficers regarding their experiences with Aarum. Thats why they will go to Pitts pleasure palace and parade around for the sheeple to snap pictures of them and utter nonsensical religious platitudes. During the meeting,Wes Aarum Jr., a Circle C board member and Wayne Aarums brother,called the allegations horrific. Fellow board member Daryl Dekalbexpressed reservations about the process andsaid they couldnt truly respond without Wayne Aarum being present. Pastor Pitts is from that particular branch of Christianity that believes that being a holy man and making enormous profits from ones church are not mutually contradictory. Your hilarious. And yes, it will all be settled out in the end. Another aspect of the story that is seldom told is the fact that the park official who brought the charges against Pastor Pitts was indicted for purgery. The annointing is bigger than one person, there are many members of Cornerstone that are bless with nice things. In 1997, he faced eight counts of public indecency and seven counts of criminal trespass, linked to a series of incidents in which a man matching Pastor Pitts description was reported exposing himself to people in places like a local park and a Wal-Mart parking lot. Pastors at The Chapel spent most of last yeararranging orsupportingmeetings between Chapel staff, Aarum orCircle C board members,and the growing number of women alleging Aarums abuse. I was uncomfortable in retrospect looking back on this and wishing I would have done more. No questions have been asked about this experience. But thats the truth. I wouldnt personally want to go to his church, but I sure do wish people would be more concerned about taking care of pastors and familys of smaller churches, rather than making sure that The Big Guys get the bells and whistles. You know how I feel about no names LOL Big Chickens!! You should read his Bio. As part of the unusual plea agreement, both prosecution and defense agreed that neither side would be allowed to discuss the reasons for the sudden deal" Source:, 2000-Pastor Pitts charged with drunken driving:, 2007-Pastor Pitts Faces Judge: A urine test taken after troopers smelled alcohol on the pastor during a routine stop in December of last year putPitts' alcohol level at .13,well above the legal limit. God Bless. None of the townspeople knew they were part of a scheme to rob them of their lives. You also claimed that Michael Pitts offered no explanations for his actions, but only excuses. Shut it down with in 72 hours or I will sue you for slander. [9] Pitts has preached at the annual Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance conference several times,[10] as well as in Mexico and at annual meetings in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Ghana. Not sure how he found this website, but none-the-less, Im broken-hearted that my unfortunate past has been BB-Q (to quote my nonsense impersonator). The Blade is a terrible newspaper devoid of ethics and integrity! ROFLMBO, yeah, do post it once more please, and while your at it, look up this verse: Matthew 5:22 BUT I TELL YOU THAT ANYONE WHO IS ANGRY WITH HIS BROTHER WILL BE SUBJECT TO JUDGEMENT. He was released over the weekend. Well I amy also be surprised your a pastors wife seeing as you gossip on an online forum about other pastors wives. All Rights Reserved. ( dont you worry about your own walk and stop judging another mans servant if you want reference scripture. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. But, the one thing that made me open my eyes to the reality of my church was the internet and a website called reveal. You obviously only attended Pastor Pitts church as periodically and never really listened to what he preached theres no way you would be so foolish as you are now to touch Gods anointed. Maybe youll see. Righteousnees seek the welfare of others more than the welfare of themselves. Stay away from this false prophet and his cohorts until they repent. I dont want to sound crass or rude, but what on earth is the point of posting those articles on your site? Eight additional public indecency charges were dropped due to "substantial evidentiary considerations" and Pitts pleaded "no contest" to two charges of criminal trespassing and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. Going to the next level, a new season, Im believing God for a harvest, getting my stuff back from the devil are saying frequently used in Charasmatic circles. The Holy Spirit is still present and active in the life of every believer through fruit and gifts. All fourdid not respond. As I said, Google didnt turn up any notice of said difficulties. It can be difficult for people to see a well-known leader or authority figure as a potential perpetrator of abuse,said Rachael Denhollander,a lawyer and advocate for victims of sexual abusewho was the first victim to publicly accuse Larry Nassar, a former doctor for USA Gymnastics, ofsexualabuse in 2016. Its well in excess of 5 million dollars a year. Why didnt the church fold? Im sure Pastor Pitts isnt the happiest about this forum but you are doing more to defame his charactor by sounding like an idiot. Despite these efforts to raisethe alarmabout Aarumsbehavior,he remains in his position as president at Circle C Ranch as of spring2021, a role in which he has spentconsiderable time with adolescent staff members. He. It was normal to pick them in the first few days of camp they were pretty andthinteenagers, mainlystaff but sometimes campers,said Nicole Richard, 30, of Norfolk, Virginia, who worked at the Ranch in the mid-2000s and said Aarum touched her inappropriately and made comments about her appearance. Jesus crossed many lines for you, laying down his life that you might have eternal life. Read all 4 reviews . You like talking in circlesyoure not really making a valid point here, especially when you need to bring River Phoenix into it. Your post is very attacking to the point of threatening. It is not Bill Gates billions of dollars in donations that makes him righteous. But then again, dealing with false teachers is never pleasant. That could have been anyone to have seen Pastor pantsless. Let the mean rest? Did MIchael Pitts really post that Because if he did he cannot spell defamation of character. Call me funny but Pastor Pitts seems like a little more intelligent than that. It was 1997, and Aarum was her youth pastor. The focus is to keep people intimidated and blinded to the real issues. You know Matt, if you spent as much time arguing the CAUSE OF CHRIST, instead of the CAUSE OF PASTOR PITTS, maybe more people would be in Heaven someday. HOWEVER, HE OBVIOUSLY HAS SOME PERSONAL ISSUES. But enough is enough. LOL, hes out using his Understudy degree!! Cornerstone launches as the Downtown Campus 2019 Phil and Meredith Ryburn installed as Lead Pastors Privacy Policy Download Our App Careers Contact Us 1520 Reynolds Rd Maumee OH 43537 419.725.5000 Copyright 2023, Cornerstone Church. But Im always available for any of you to talk to. After reading all the posts I just cant believe it.. instead of bashing Pastor Pitts we should be lefting him up in prayer.. . His parents were raised attending church regularly. Galations 6:1. Reviewed October 12, 2018 . Lucky the Leprechaun. Glitz and showmanship don't hide their greed. There have been patterns of sexual misconduct and perversion from ministers and associate pastors over the years when I was a member and before then. And you go girl. God is the ultimate judge. This taught us one thing The media always start with the story they want to portray and then goes and gets information to support it. You will not hear from me again on this forum, because I have better things to do than dig up peoples opinions of my past., Denny Schaffer wasnt fired.he was promoted to WSPD. I heard that an offering was taken for him for his birthday, and he said it was not enough, and had the plates passed again. You have never heard Pastor Michael say anything like not tithing will send you to hell. Jesus is the only thing that sends you to heaven and not knowing him is the only thing that sends you to hell. Michael Pitts was identified and arrested in Delta, Ohio in 1995 for public indecency and did attend counseling for this arrest. I have always tried to do my best to help.. Jennifer Adema,now 42 and living in Salt Lake City, Utah, alleges she wasinappropriatelytouched by Aarum onmissionstrips and at The Chapel in the 1990s. Whats that called again (I dont have an understudy degree) oh yea FRAUD. It wasnt until this year that I saw (these moments)for the evil that they really are, McDonaldsaid in a recording of the meeting. Wayne Aarum was not present for the meeting. You people are just jealous of his success and despite your best efforts, his church continues to grow. If the city of Toledo had viable evidence againt Pastor Michael why would they have offered him a plea down. I think you certainly have to consider the fact that Pastor Pitts was out of the country on atleast 1 or 2 of the alleged dates he was accused of exposing himself in the park but the delta incident is perplexing me! So if you are comforting yourself, I have a stack, well you might have a stack, but if we consider the nature and content of your stack as opposed to his stack, well, your stack looks pretty sorry and pathetic. did ya miss me?? I went there for half my life. Toledo, Ohio. Furthermore, Pitts character is such that it makes it quite believable for me that he did it. Maybe that is why all of those charges were dropped. If anyone ever cares to chat with me, feel free to email me at, and Ill be happy to talk with you. Michael was identified in Delta on the date of the offense and did attend his court approved sex counseling. Keep your money in your pocket, since you have a better use for it. Men are to point to Jesusthe Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth. Rest assured, I know Michael Pitts better than you would ever wish to know him. Id rather have a pastor who is filled with love and compassion.two qualities definitely lacking in Pitts. Oh by the way, I attended Cornerstone from 1986 to 2000. Also, if you read the articles, the Pastor was driving a Black Cadillac at the time and a parishioner saw him in his green Saab. He is a man who has guided my learning well. . Rather the DA, deputy sherriff or a Sherriff himself. I know that Im not perfect I have done and said things that I wish I can take back but I cant there is nothing you can do but Ask God for forgiveness.