She did not come here to learn any lessons she came to teachshe taught unconditional LOVE and from what I can tell she continues to do so..Do not place any attachment or story to my mothers headstone for Dem that story will come out after my mom is no longer around.. that is another story Thanks for the oppurtinity to set a few things straightI know the misinformation did not come from you sorry if I appeared to be venting perhaps I was a little. 04/05/93|04/05/02 It is such a sad situation. A loving comment from Kathleen (Demris Mother) after she ran into Darin Lamb and found out about my website for the first time what a blessing. Layne Staley died on April 5, 2002 due to an overdose. He had someone call a psychic for him to make sure that he would be okay. So heartbreaking for everyone. But NOBODY should romanticize this story. He went into rehab after that. to make him jealous. The drs told my family that my chances didnt look good because the infection was too out of control n i probably wouldnt make it through surgery. More about Demri Parrott edit Dating History # Rosheen Raugi The site is great, the pictures are beautiful, and it so wonderful that we can remember them. I dont think that her and Layne had a healthy relationship and I dont think it should be idealised. If something seems amist, you need to stay on top of the situation or find someone who can. Demri suffered endocarditis (an inflammation of the inner layer of the heart, the endocardium, that can be caused by a bacterial infection. They didnt want people to be too scared to call them. Things were mellow, Layne was doing really well. As a loved one, you have to be alert. If people only knew how stuck in grief I was for YEARS and today I still miss them all but I dont break down crying anymore. I want people to know that you also had an amazingly strong and smart Mom who not only cherished you but also tragically lost you to a demon that she was powerless to fight against and so were you.. that she lost you far too soon.. which broke her heart and not long aftershe tragically lost your brothers too.Your life may of taken a wrong turn and you got too lost too find your way back but that was not your whole story. She stumples out to the car and passes out (O.D.s duh!). Ive really been inspired by a lot of Laynes music, both AIC and Mad Season. It has nothing to do with you why they cant get clean. I need spell check! Both Layne and Dem were very attractive individuals with a fan base. Im sure that hes sad, Im sure he feels it. So did Laynes fame, which Demri felt sucked into, although she always tried to maintain her own identity away from Layne. I am an addict and have been for years. It might have been here. Thats an actress and that picture is a screen cap from the video Sea of Sorrow. Get over yourself and if you remember to comment then be positive and stop snapping at people. Again thank you. Their own Children, Parents, best friends, partners and lovers do not usually stand a chance against it. I also want to be straight up about why Demri, Layne, Rosheen and Mike are gone now theyre stories should never be romanticized. We were all rocking the grunge uniform in those early days. Im loving this website and to found out more about Layne and Demri and how unique they were makes me really happy| . I never met him, but thats according to people who did. Rare pictures show her to be dark-featured and pretty, with long black hair and dark eyes. . Moreover, his body's autopsy and toxicology report revealed that Layne was laying two weeks before the police found him in his Seattle condo. I couldnt afford all the hospital bills, but somehow, or someone, helped Demri. I guess anyone could do the research and read all the interviews and maybe even talk to the people who knew them but no one is going to get it completely right. Which makes the seductive drugs become even more powerful. And Layne tried it, and he said that was the first time he really thanked God. Writing your own book would be such a trip..imagine visiting the old places and mentally putting yourself back there to get into that mind frame to bitterweet. Demri Parrott was an American artist who was born on February 22, 1969. That doesnt mean nobody cares that simply means people have priorities. Those things would be great, I just wanted to be there when others werent so they had a safety net at all times. OK, Ill stop now; I just wanted to write that to someone who understands, so thank you if you read this rambling mess. Or did others drive her to where she needed to go? She wasnt making a lot of money back then, but she did manage to get a lot of his. I made myself get over my stupid feelings for you because I had to, and when I did that I also got over my frustration with the fact that everytime I defended you I had to hide behind anonymity and lose credibility. Dear Barbara, thanks so so much for this post. Then they put out Tripod and yet again Layne would not be able to tour because he was so sick. I really appreciate this site. Not only am I a fan, but I have become intrigued by Laynes life due to having a 21 year old son, who in many ways, reminds me of Layne. She is not, as widely but wrongly believed, the woman on the cover of Alice in Chainss album Dirt, released on September 29, 1992, that is model and actress Mariah O'Brien. Staley couldn't bring himself to join Cantrell on stage after being asked, and a photo taken of him backstage is the last image of the singer before his death. I have no doubt in my mind about that. ROCK IS DEAD? Then Jack shared the photos of Demri and Rosheen which made my YEAR! By the time he tried to wake her she was in a coma. Bottom line they both had to want it and they were convinced that only people who mixed alcohol and heroin (as in getting so drunk you forget what and how much you used) is the only thing that could kill you. She has been an extremely impressionable part of my lifeand it warms my heart to see her honored. He directed me to your site which is beautiful. I remember a few months after she got the pacemaker that certain friends of Laynes were blaming her illness on him. Alice In Chains. Just stop! But why DID they break off their engagement? She was just honestly sweet and kind to literally everyone around her. When he came out, he assumed that she was asleep. There is a girl in the right hand corner, she turns right then left while looking behind her. Age has shown me that its probably good that I didnt, as Ive never had any sort of chemical dependancy nor drug habits, and been overall successful in my life. Oh lord, the jokes ;D They would go out together and a lot of people thought they were gay. Large gallery of Demri Parrott pics. Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. Bless you, get well, and have a Happy New Year filled with love, happiness, and joy. I didnt wish to get in an argument here I dont think its appropriate but I think it was just a misunderstanding. Demri never moved in. But as a fan who collects all kinds of memorabilia, it is nice to have. I moved thousands of miles away, he changed his email address and, though we spoke on the phone a few times since then it was only about little things. Believe me they love you!! REMEMBER Layne and Demri. She was the "it" girl in Seattle in the early 90s and anyone who knew her and the club scene at the time I doubt would argue with me on that.". I know it sounds crazy but Im begging you to check it out. Today the sitereceived a comment from Demris Mom Kathleen which is so special because she thought of us and wanted to let us know how she felt today and I personally wanted everyone who watches this site.. friends, fans and people who loved her a chance to hear from her Demris Mom today. The would cut and bag their heroin. She was only 27. Thank you for that! YOU NEED TO STAY FAR FAR AWAY FROM!! They both wanted to live a normal life, get married, but the drugs stood in the way. When they cancelled the 94 tour it was because Layne was afraid. Demri, who was the cutest, most beautiful thing in the world, came up to me one night and lifted up her shirt. I think at that point Jerry got pissed and tired of waiting around and did his own music. Just curious, why isnt Rosheen amongst the loved ones mentioned in Demris obituary? Older more successful groups need to talk to some of the up and coming or simply make a video so that record companies can play it to newly formed groups. Alice in Chains was opening for Van Halen on tour in 1991 when Staley, prompted by Parrott,. She must be a really strong lady. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a remote part of the scene, 25 years later! Such a sad story. A painting of Demri and Layne was featured on the cover of the Mad Season album.. Mad Season "Above" Album Cover Based On Photo Of Layne Staley And . Also how she would decorate her hospital room with the same. I can understand as well as empathize with Layne, Demri, and all addicts that have been seduced by a drug that seems so good at first. Thank you for sharing this, I don't care how accurate it was. I love this site and thanks Barbara for all the work you put into it. Her cause of death was an accute intoxication and the combined effects of opiate, meprobamate and butalbital. She did not need makeup to shine. They both deserved better. We live in a world of selfishness. Hi Susan, my name is Layla and I saw your comment about your cancer situation. The surgery went good..(tryin to hurry) after surgery i got on suboxone n was doing really good for 6 months. She was an addict, just like Layne. It needs to be a full on mission or its 100% harder. Being and ex-heroin addict myself, I know first hand the trials and tribulations that come with doing hard drugs, trying to keep a relationship going with my addicted girlfriend, and playing in a rock band, all at the same time. More information. Almost makes me ache (being a parent of two girls already). Despite never getting too involved, she is still my alpha and omega, my joy and sorrow, my beginning and my end. But not in a slutty way. If boundaries are established upfront, some of these issues can be avoided. She also had a very unique style, and was very popular. she looks really different than in her other photos, still pretty, just a little rough and worn down. Mad Season released only one album, Above, in March 1995. Then he drove to Bothell and unloaded the car at home and he couldnt get her to wake up. Who knows why, ours is to respect their will. There was no question about that. Ive read about how Demris was stuck inside her home with the dealers waiting by her front door somewhere. She believes her body is so damaged, which it may have been, that, why quit? After she died, in 96, it seemed like Layne went into a darker place. I am sober now and I understand this and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about how bad I was for all those years of stealing and lying to them and my mom crying worried if I was going to die. my heart aches when I see these pics. Its hard to have someone understand that you didnt get off the couch all day because you just couldnt get up or because you want to rip the painful gaping hole out of your chest. Its kinda surreal to read some of these stories from people who were actually there. I bring it up also because I know her family would prefer it be used that way. Thank you so much for sharing your story it means a lot and people who do not understand need to hear it. His last photos were published five years before his death in 1997 when he won Grammy Awards. The comments above and below have provided a welcome clarity on the Demri/Layne situation after MUCH reading for the last few days. Dating seems illogical. Demri made a mess of the house and the living situation in Laynes absence. In 2017, 81,000 Americans tried heroin for the first time. Very seldom been wrong. I hope that you come to this site again. Anyways, just some comments from me, a no one, to leave for anyone to read, so close to the Christmas holiday. She was also seeing this new guy that her family hadnt met. Heroin isnt a social drug that you experiment with. My hope is people considering trying heroin or opiates in general just one time will read your story and Demris story and think twice. As her mother, when I am missing her most all I have to do is google..I am so happy you made it, I tried to direct Rosheens Mother Tina to your site but she didnt get it so I will continue to try. I am not strong enough to deal with addicts bullshit anymore. I stumbled across it by chance. I was put into an induced coma for 6 days on a ventilator. All the sources for the information Ive obtained are from her friends or family, so I trust them. anyhow She was talking to another guy right behind Layne and she was wearing black shirt and shorts. Layne Thomas Staley (born Layne Rutherford Staley; August 22, 1967 - April 5, 2002) was an American singer and songwriter who was the original lead vocalist of the rock band Alice in Chains, which rose to international fame in the early 1990s as part of Seattle's grunge movement. My husband purchased it as a christmas gift for me. Demri died in oct 1996 and Rosheen died in 1997. Anyway, Im pleased to see others still commenting in these threads. She said take her to Capital Hill to Rehab so he thought he was (per what he told me). It seems like Demri was homeless, staying here and there. The day I met Demri she was wearing them, along with cut-off jeans, and a cardigan shed had since gradeschool (apparently). Was it the pressure she felt? I think he lived with Ian at the warehouse on Thank you B! Will has a decent range but hes no Layne and that era has passed and theyre just not as good as they used to be, which leads me to believe that Layne was responsible for a lot of why old Alice in Chains kicked ass.