The .graphql and .gql extensions are also recognized (for GraphQL) but are handled the same way as .txt and treated as a string. This comes in useful because depending on how you organize your files and folders - you can have multiple feature files executed by a single JUnit test-class. I tryed the, @LorenzoNardi no other than just use a tag. Url encoding is required to differentiate between special characters in your data vs special characters that are reserved to construct the URL. Is there a way to run a single scenario defined into a feature? Parallel testing is the core functionality that is provided by the Karate itself, hence we need not depend on Maven, Gradle, etc. If the argument passed to the call of a *.feature file is a JSON array, something interesting happens. You can actually refer to any JsonPath on the document via $ and perform cross-field or conditional validations ! Requirement: Open a feature file in VSCode Editor and ensure editor has focus. The match keyword will work as you expect. Instead I get this error. For Gradle, you simply specify the test which is to be include-d: The big drawback of the approach above is that you cannot run tests in parallel. Empty cells or expressions that evaluate to null will result in the key being omitted from the JSON. Step 2: Add feature and scenario description. Note that this is not supported for arrays like above, and you can have only one value column. Also look at the section on commonly needed utilities for more ideas. * header Authorization = call read('basic-auth.js') { username, # just perform an action, we don't care about saving the result, # do something only if a condition is true, # you can use multiple lines of JavaScript if needed, """ This can be achieved using karate.callSingle(). If you place it above the Feature keyword, it will apply to all Scenario-s. And if you just want one or two Scenario-s to NOT run in parallel, you can place this tag above only those Scenario-s. See example. This is a problem especially for expensive, time-consuming HTTP calls, and this has been an open issue for a long time. You can select a single Scenario (or Scenario-s or Scenario Outline-s or even specific Examples rows) by appending a tag selector at the end of the feature-file you are calling. If you are looking for Cucumber hooks Karate does not support them, mainly because they depend on Java code, which goes against the Karate Way. } } # the step that immediately follows the above would typically be: * def putOrPost = (someVariable == 'dev' ? name: Smith A URL remains constant until you use the url keyword again, so this is a good place to set-up the non-changing parts of your REST URL-s. A URL can take expressions, so the approach below is legal. Refer to conditional logic for more ideas. we need to have our first feature file which will be called from the second feature file.Here I'm trying to explain using the Git Repo APIs. all The argument can be provided after the function name, without parentheses, which makes things slightly more readable (and less cluttered) especially when the solitary argument is JSON. } # but using karate.range() you can even do this ! "arr": [ Or - if a call is made without an assignment, and if the function returns a map-like object, it will add each key-value pair returned as a new variable into the execution context. 'name is Bob and age is 5', # the single cell can be any valid karate expression, * def generator = function(i){ if (i == 20) return null; return { name, Keywords that set multiple key-value pairs in one step, Managing Headers, SSL, Timeouts and HTTP Proxy, Matching Sub-Sets of JSON Keys and Arrays, mix Karate into Java projects or legacy UI-automation suites, Karate entered the ThoughtWorks Tech Radar, 7 New Features in Karate Test Automation Version 1.0, nested chunks of JSON that name-space your config variables, alternate way of calling JavaScript functions, exact same example implemented in REST-assured and TestNG, do not use this unless you know what you are doing, see above, Comparison engine(s) to use. The configure key here is report and it takes a JSON value. """, Then match each contains { totalPrice, #? A JavaScript function or Karate expression at runtime has access to a utility object in a variable named: karate. By now, it should be clear that JsonPath can be very useful for extracting JSON trees out of a given object. some.feature:42 so it will invoke only the Scenario or outline Example on line 42 - this is designed only for IDE-s and developer mode, use a . You can always use a JavaScript switch case within an eval or function block. Standard JavaScript syntax rules apply, but the right-hand-side should begin with the function keyword if declared in-line. But the when using Run option on an individual scenario, i get the following error In fact Gherkin supports the catch-all symbol * - instead of forcing you to use Given, When or Then. Karate has a very useful payload templating approach. And this assertion will cause the test to fail if the HTTP response code is something else. This is convenient for complex nested payloads where you are sure that you only want to check for some values in the various trees of data. If you find yourself juggling multiple tags with logical AND and OR complexity, refer to this Stack Overflow answer. The name of the class doesn't matter, and it will automatically run any *.feature file in the same package. Note that Karate works fine on OpenJDK. When you have a sequence of HTTP calls that need to be repeated for multiple test scripts, Karate allows you to treat a *.feature file as a re-usable unit. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. For advanced users, note that tags and the karate.env environment-switch can be linked using the special environment tags. Here below is an example that also demonstrates using the multipart/related content-type. Instead you would typically use the match keyword, that is designed for performing powerful assertions against JSON and XML response payloads. You can even retrieve operating-system environment variables via Java interop as follows: var systemPath = java.lang.System.getenv('PATH'); This decision to use JavaScript for config is influenced by years of experience with the set-up of complicated test-suites and fighting with Maven profiles, Maven resource-filtering and the XML-soup that somehow gets summoned by the Maven AntRun plugin. """, # karate's unified data handling means that even 'match' works, # which means that checking if a cookie does NOT exist is a piece of cake, # check if the response status is either of two values, # this may be sufficient to check a range of values. common.feature. This approach can certainly enable product-owners or domain-experts who are not programmer-folk, to review, and even collaborate on test-scenarios and scripts. return 'this text will be displayed above the image comparison config\n' + customConfigJson 2. You may face issues if you attempt to mix in JS functions or Java code. . You can add (or over-ride) variables by passing a call argument as shown above. This is especially useful when you want to maintain passwords, secrets or even URL-s specific for your local dev environment. Add a runner Java class with Karate Junit 5 test. KarateIDE is: A Test Runner/Debugger and REST Client that uses KarateDSL to explore your API, import/export from cURL and generate tests/mocks from OpenAPI. #karate #junit5This video explain how you can call one scenario from another scenario from the same features files as well as from another feature file One extra convenience for JSON is that if the variable itself (which was cat in the above example) does not exist, it will be created automatically. The specific value here varies from request to request, so check the response value using Fuzzy Matching provided by Karate. The documentation on how to run tests via the command line has an example of how to use tags to decide which tests to not run (or ignore). You would typically use these to simulate a user sign-in and then grab a security token from the response. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. Here is how you can pass data from one feature file another. Note that the ? JSON can be combined with the ability to call other *.feature files to achieve dynamic data-driven testing in Karate. Observe how you can match the result of a JsonPath expression with your expected data. If you want to keep the level as DEBUG (for HTML reports) but suppress logging to the console, you can comment out the STDOUT root appender-ref: Or another option is to use a ThresholdFilter, so you still see critical logs on the console: If you want to exclude the logs from your CI/CD pipeline but keep them in the execution of your users in their locals you can configure your logback using Janino. See this other example for more ideas: dsl.feature. So you can do things like this: * def name = name + __loop - or you can use the loop index value for looking up other values that may be in scope - in a data-driven style. Multiple feature files (or paths) can be specified, de-limited by the space character. Here we want to call a file only if a condition is satisfied: Or if we dont care about the result, we can eval an if statement: And this may give you more ideas. We just need to follow the Karate DSL syntax. Might be desirable instead of, useful to brute-force all keys and values in a JSON or XML payload to lower-case, useful in some cases, see, functional-style map operation useful to transform list-like objects (e.g. """, """ Here is an example of an implementation. And karate.appendTo() is for updating an existing variable (the equivalent of array.push() in JavaScript), which is especially useful in the body of a karate.forEach(). You can use this to assert that it was returned within the expected time like so: Karate will attempt to parse the raw HTTP response body as JSON or XML and make it available as the response value. Another example is dogs.feature - which actually makes JDBC (database) calls, and since the data returned from the Java code is JSON, the last section of the test is able to use match very effectively for data assertions. But take a look at how Karate can loop over a *.feature file for each object in a JSON array - which gives you dynamic data-driven testing, if you need it. Here is an example: binary.feature. How to pass data from one feature file to another in karate? The match syntax involves a double-equals sign == to represent a comparison (and not an assignment =). Use either the param keyword, e.g. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. You simply do something like this: A common need is to send the same header(s) for every request, and configure headers (with JSON) is how you can set this up once for all subsequent requests. } physics 30 Animations - 15 WALK STYLES - LONG AND LOOPED VERSIONS - 60 Total Animation Files. Since asserting against header values in the response is a common task - match header has a special meaning. Each item within responseCookies is itself a map-like object. any valid JavaScript expression, and variables can be mixed in, another example: equivalent to the above, JavaScript function invocation, Pretty print the request payload JSON or XML with indenting (default, Pretty print the response payload JSON or XML with indenting (default. Note that even the scenario name can accept placeholders - which is very useful in reports. The only rule is that on start-up Karate expects a file called karate-config.js to exist on the classpath and contain a JavaScript function. """, # use dynamic path expressions to mutate json, * def filename = zone == 'zone1' ? Technical Info #Pack-BIP ID: BIP-Walk-Pack. How can I see who wants to message me on Messenger? var squares = []; deleted: false You just need to do a normal POST (or GET). But when you deal with complex, nested JSON (or XML) - it may be easier in some cases to use replace, especially when you want to substitute multiple placeholders with one value, and when you dont need array manipulation. Default value is, Skip comparison for this field even if the data element or JSON key is present, Expects actual (string) value to conform to the UUID format, Expects actual (string) value to match the regular-expression STR (see examples above), Expects the JavaScript expression EXPR to evaluate to true, see, The parent of self or current item in the list, relevant when using, useful to create lists out of items (which can be lists as well), see, useful to append to a list-like variable (that has to exist) in scope, see, returns only unique items out of an array of strings or numbers, embeds the object (can be raw bytes or an image) into the JSON report output, see this, gets the value (read-only) of the environment property karate.env, and this is typically used for bootstrapping, for really advanced needs, you can programmatically generate a snippet of JavaScript which can be evaluated at run-time, you can find an example. Then we can run the mem_report helper function to check the used/available GPU statistics. How to run a specific feature file in Karate? For example: And if you need to suppress placeholder substitution for read(), but still need a JSON snippet, you can do this. They can be very useful in some situations. Let's have a look over the a very simple and plane gatling script which uses Karate . note the wildcard '*' in the JsonPath (returns an array), # when inspecting a json array, 'contains' just checks if the expected items exist, # and the size and order of the actual array does not matter, # the .. operator is great because it matches nodes at any depth in the JSON "tree". It is worth internalizing that during test-execution, it is upon the method keyword that the actual HTTP request is issued. Do note that if you prefer a pure Java API - Karate has that covered, and with far more capabilities. It gets the value of any Java system-property by name. Though not really recommended, you can have multiple Scenario-s within a Feature tagged with @setup. The name of the class doesnt matter, and it will automatically run any *. You can easily get the value of the current environment or profile, and then set up global variables using some simple JavaScript. request can have the 'Authorization' header set in a way that the server expects. The answer is no. If you are trying to build dynamic URLs including query-string parameters in the form: http://myhost/some/path?foo=bar&search=true - please refer to the param keyword. The Maven tradition is to have non-Java source files in a separate src/test/resources folder structure - but we recommend that you keep them side-by-side with your *.java files. Just write the url then base URL after that. Custom header manipulation for every HTTP request is something that Karate makes very easy and pluggable. Add an automation story in BDD syntax. But normally a match statement is preferred unless you want a really descriptive error message. A very useful capability is to be able to check that an array contains an object that contains the provided sub-set of keys instead of having to specify the complete JSON - which can get really cumbersome for large objects. The solution is to ensure that when Karate tests run, the JVM file.encoding is set to UTF-8. There is only one thing you need to do to switch the environment - which is to set a Java system property. To make dynamic data-driven testing easier, the following keywords also exist: params, headers, cookies and form fields. Also see first.feature and second.feature in the demos. $ represents the response. sleep time in milliseconds, relevant only for. In typical frameworks it could mean changing multiple properties files, maven profiles and placeholders, and maybe even threading the value via a dependency-injection framework - before you can even access the value within your test. Below is a simple example that will compare a baseline image to a more recent latest image. If a few steps in your flow need to temporarily change (or completely bypass) the currently-set header-manipulation scheme, just update configure headers to a new value (or set it to null) in the middle of a script. Here below is an example jbang script that uses the Karate Java API to do some useful work. For example you can get a nice feature coverage report, provided you have a rich set of tags. Do note that if you choose the Java API, you will naturally lose some of the test-automation framework benefits such as HTML reports, parallel execution and JavaScript / configuration. There is a neat way to tag your tests and the above example demonstrates how to run all tests except the ones tagged @skipme. In the above example, the end-result of the call to my-signin.feature resulted in the authToken variable being initialized. Because of how easy it is to set HTTP headers, Karate does not provide any special keywords for things like the Accept header. This can be a lot simpler than embedded expressions in many cases, and JavaScript programmers will feel right at home. Karate provides a far more simpler and more powerful way than JSON-schema to validate the structure of a given payload. The classpath is a Java concept and is where some configuration files such as the one for logging are expected to be by default. For some more examples check test-outline-name-js.feature. id: '#regex[0-9]+', Keep in mind that the start-up configuration routine could have already initialized some variables before the script even started. The keywords Given When Then are only for decoration and should not be thought of as similar to an if - then - else statement. 8 How to test the Karate API cheat sheet? But you will never need to worry about this internal data-representation most of the time. If you use commas (instead of concatenating strings using +), Karate will pretty-print variables, which is what you typically want when dealing with JSON or XML. A common use case is to mix API-calls into a larger test-suite, for example a Selenium or WebDriver UI test. When expressing expected results (in JSON or XML) you can mark some fields to be ignored when the match (comparison) is performed. { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 618.4 }], "totalPrice": 618.4 }, var date = new java.util.Date(); if you acquired a string from some external source, or if you generated JSON (or XML) by concatenating text or using replace, you may want to convert a string to JSON and vice-versa. or anything wrapped in parentheses which will be evaluated as JavaScript - e.g. status: '#number? """, # very useful for validating a response against a schema "super-set", * match karate.filterKeys(response, 'b', 'c') == { c, * match karate.filterKeys(response, ['a', 'b']) == { a, # generate a range of numbers as a json array, """ In real-life scripts, you would typically also use this capability of Karate to configure headers where the specified JavaScript function uses the variables that result from a sign in to manipulate headers for all subsequent HTTP requests. # this next line may perform many steps and result in multiple variables set for the rest of the script, """ } String interpolation will support variables in scope and / or the Examples (including functions defined globally, but not functions defined in the background). Syntax highlighting should work right away and if you don't see something similar like in the following screenshot, make sure you have selected karate as . For example, you can: For an advanced example of how you can build and re-use a common set of JS functions, refer to this answer on Stack Overflow. entityState: "ACTIVE" If you are looking for ways to do something only once per feature or across all your tests, see Hooks. You can imagine how this greatly simplifies setting up tests for boundary conditions. Provides supports for the Data Driver Testing that is built in-house, hence no need to depend on external frameworks. To check whether particular field in response is present and not null using match !null To assert response by ignoring value of particular field So, first lets understand what is response in Karate. How to call custom Java code in karate API tests? But this does not limit you in any way, because similar to how you can call *.feature files, you can pass a whole JSON object as the argument. "b": 4, multipart file uploads can be tricky, and hard to get right. This report is useful for troubleshooting and debugging a test because all requests and responses are shown in-line with the steps, along with error messages and the output of print statements. Also referred to as mutual auth - if your API requires that clients present an X509 certificate for authentication, Karate supports this via JSON as the configure ssl value. Some XPath expressions return a list of nodes (instead of a single node). { The syntax will include a = sign between the key and the value. """, * configure imageComparison = { onShowConfig, # don't embed the image comparison UI when the latest image is the same / similar to the baseline (e.g. Use this for building multipart named (form) field requests. The problem is, I want to use other config values as shown here but when I run the test, it fails to access config.ApiKey correctly. This is very close to how custom keywords work in other frameworks. Background: We use it for defining variables that will be used in the particular .feature file and will be used by all the requests in the feature file. When you use a JUnit runner - after the execution of each feature, an HTML report is output to the target/karate-reports folder and the full path will be printed to the console (see video). If you don't want to run Gatling tests as part of the normal Maven test lifecycle, you can avoid the <executions> section as described previously.. Gradle . The Hello World is a great example of REST-ful use of the url when the test focuses on a single REST resource. And yes, relative paths will work. In other words, { a: 1, b: null } is considered equal to { a: 1 } and { a: 1, b: '##null' } will match both cases. You can do this by multiplying by 1 or using the built-in JavaScript parseInt() function: As per the JSON spec, all numeric values are treated as doubles, so for integers - it really doesnt matter if there is a decimal point or not. The main island is separated from Peninsular Malaysia to the north by Johor Strait, a narrow channel crossed by a . But since some-reusable.feature is above in the folder hierarchy, it will not be picked-up. Note how JS functions defined at run-time can be mixed with custom Java code to get things done. if an API needs to be called to get a JSON array, you can call a separate Scenario to set up this data. Karate uses LOGBack which looks for a file called logback-test.xml on the classpath. There is no need to escape characters like you would have had to in Java or other programming languages. JSON arrays), see. For another example, see: examples.feature. Something worth mentioning here is that you would hardly need to use assert in your test scripts. "b": 2, So if you return complex objects such as a custom Java instance or a JS function that depends on complex objects, this may cause issues when you run in parallel. When you use Karate, all your data assertions can be done in pure JSON and without needing a thick forest of companion Java objects. """, """ The built-in karate object is explained in detail later, but for now, note that this is also injected into print (and even assert) statements, and it has a helpful pretty method, that takes a JSON argument and a prettyXml method that deals with XML. Theres also a cross-platform stand-alone executable for teams not comfortable with Java. This is great for testing boundary conditions against a single end-point, with the added bonus that your test becomes even more readable. Note how triple-quotes (""") are used to enclose content. That said, if you really need to implement conditional checks, this can be one pattern: And this is another, using How do you find the longest decreasing subsequence of a sequence? The dry run report is useful to review the tag coverage of what will be run. You can even initialize the JSON in a separate step and pass it by name, especially if it is complex. To run the application in multiple environments choose one of the environment-specific commands from the following: 1] npm run start:development 2] npm run build:staging 3] npm run build:qa 4] npm run build:production Access the variables in-app For accessing the variables in the .env file you should use the process. If you find yourself struggling to write dynamic JsonPath filters, look at karate.filter() as an alternative, described just below. Things are designed so that you can plug-in what you need, without needing to compile Java code. GET Method: Step 1: Create a feature file under src/test/java folder. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an approach to development and testing, when special attention is paid to product behavior in business terms. One pattern you can adopt is to create a factory method that returns a Java function - where you can easily delegate to the logic you want. The feature file is an entry point, to write the cucumber tests and used as a live document at the time of testing. Instead of using call (or callonce) you are always free to call JavaScript functions normally and then you can use more than one argument. Here are the configuration keys supported: If you need to set any of these globally you can easily do so using the karate object in karate-config.js - for e.g: In rare cases where you need to add nested non-JSON data to the configure value, you have to play by the rules that apply within karate-config.js. In case you were wondering, variables (and even expressions) are supported on the right-hand-side. For convenience, a null value will be ignored. var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd'); To run a script *. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Simple arrays of strings or numbers can be stripped of duplicates using karate.distinct(). If you want to use JUnit 4, use the karate-junit4 Maven dependency instead of karate-junit5. Also note that multipart file takes a JSON argument so that you can easily set the filename and the contentType (mime-type) in one step. {2}', id: '#uuid' }, # convenient (and recommended) way to check for array length, # here we enclose in round-brackets to preserve the optional embedded expression, # so that it can be used later in a "match", """ Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? If you mix Karate into a Maven or Gradle project with many other dependendies, you may run into problems because of dependency conflicts. You can then skip the next few sections, as the pom.xml, recommended directory structure, sample test and JUnit 5 runners - will be created for you. What is even more interesting is that expressions can refer to variables: And functions work as well ! JSON / arrays), see, executes an OS command, but forks a process in parallel and will not block the test like, for advanced conditional logic for e.g. You can call send() on the returned object to send a message. Keep in mind that the reason this exists is to cache data, and not behavior. After one year KarateIDE have reached Version 1.0.0.The best user experience for KarateDSL, by far!! The name of the class doesn't matter, and it will automatically run any *. """, # optional (can be null) and if present should be an array of size greater than zero, # should be an array of size equal to $.count, # use a predicate function to validate each array element, # if you prefer using 'pure' JsonPath, you can do this, # using the karate object if the expression is dynamic, """