Niall's accession to the throne possibly took place around 379AD. Yet did the Romans claim victory over Niall. Fiachrae gives her a quick peck, but not enough to satisfy her. Over the generations, a genetic Worst case scenario, fwiw I think I can transfer my DNA over to FTDNA and I should have my haplogroup like asap. [4] Famous descendants include Niall's great-great grandson Saint Columba, Saint Mel Ruba, the Kings of Ailech, the Kings of Tir Eogain, and the Kings of Tr Conaill. Abruptly, the tale then has Niall appearing before an assembly of Pictish bards in Scotland, where he is killed by an arrow shot by Eochaid from the other side of the valley. The Annals of the Four Masters dates his accession to 378 and death to 405. Crypto He makes war and destroys the poet's stronghold, killing his son Leat[11] (Keating has it that Laidchenn was a druid, and that Eochaid killed his son after he used defamatory language towards him). Three of While Cairenn is pregnant with Niall, the jealous Mongfind forces her to do heavy work, hoping to make her miscarry. [13], In January 2006, geneticists at Trinity College, Dublin suggested that Niall may have been the most fecund male in Irish history. Fiachrae and Ailill then make war against Crimthann's son Eochaid, king of Munster. According to National Geographic, the Mayo County Council hosted the Genographic Project for the Gathering under the theme of diaspora and cultural exchange. widespread in literature around the world. His reign dated to the late 4th and early 5th centuries. The findings of the study showed that within the north-west of Ireland as many as 21% of men (8% in the general male population) were concluded to have a common male-line ancestor who lived roughly 1,700 years ago. part of France). I wish they'd get rid of that stupid badge. He also led successful raids against Roman Britain & Scotland (some SidmartinBio", "The Adventures of the Sons of Eochaid Mugmedon", "The Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages", "Show Somerled People | Clan Donald USA, Inc", The genetic imprint of Niall of the Nine Hostages, "If Irish Claim Nobility, Science May Approve", National Center for Biotechnology Information, A Social History of Ancient Ireland, Vol. The Primitive Irish Vendo is a cognate with Finn, and the Fianna were landless, aristocratic young men and women who had not yet come into their inheritance of land. Many and many a time, in Alba, in Britain, and in Gaul, must Niall have measured his leadership against the best leadership of Rome, and pitted the courage and wild daring of his Scotic hosts against the skill of the Imperial Legions. The High Kingship did not become a reality until the 9th century, and Niall's status has been inflated in line with the political importance of the dynasty he founded. After the death of Niall of the Nine Hostages, one of his sons, Laedhaire, The center of his government was at Tara. [4 ] Famous descendants include Niall's great-great grandson Saint Columba, Saint Mel Ruba, theKings of Ailech, the Kings of Tir Eogain, and the Kings of Tr Conaill. He then kills Laidchenn by throwing a stone which lodges in his forehead. She grants Niall not only water but her name, Alexi, and the kingship for many generations twenty-six of his descendants will be High Kings of Ireland. Genographic Project director Spencer Wells then discussed the study's collective results revealing maternal and paternal Geno 2.0 results. Receive the latest from your DNA community. Niall chains Eochaid to a standing stone, and sends nine warriors to execute him, but Eochaid breaks his chain and kills all nine of them with it. My father was born in Hungary, how common is this haplogroup for those with eastern european ancestry? The Annals of Inisfallen date his death before 382, and the Chronicon Scotorum to 411. and our Niall Nogallach (Old Irish for "having nine hostages"), or in English, Niall of the Nine Hostages, was a prehistoric Irish king, the ancestor of the U Nill dynasties that dominated the northern half of Ireland from the 6th to the 10th century. The Munstermen renew the battle, capture Ailill and cut him to pieces, and war continues between Munster and Connacht for many years. After reading through their ancestry reports from 23andMe, customers can now browse Airbnb homes and experiences in their native countriesand plan vacations as unique as their DNA. Geneticists have dated this Niall of the Nine Hostages leapt from the legends of Ireland straight into the modern world when scientists at Trinity College Dublin revealed that as many as three million men living today may carry his y-DNA signature. Niall must have made many incursions into Britain and probably several into Gaul. There is nothing weird about someone with 0.00% measurable Irish ethnicity being one of his descendants. [ 11] Keating says that he received five from the five provinces of Ireland, and four from Scotland. Niall Nogallach (Irish pronunciation: [%CB%88ni%CB%90%C9%99l noilx], Old Irish "having nine hostages") [1], or in English, Niall of the Nine Hostages, son of Eochaid Mugmedn, was an Irish king, theeponymous ancestor of the U Nill kindred who dominated Ireland from the 6th century to the 10th century. Press J to jump to the feed. [3] The O'Higgins family claims descent from the Southern branch of U Nill. His reign dated to the late 4th and early 5th centuries. [3] Laidchenn responds by satirising Leinster so that no corn, grass or leaves grow there for a year. 1) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page 145; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy, Niall Mor, "Naill of the Nine Hostages, " 126th King of Ireland. Also known as: Niall Nogiallach King of Ireland. Niall is placed in the traditional list of High Kings of Ireland. [3] However, the traditional roll of kings and its chronology is now recognised as artificial. Niall exiles him to Scotland. There is a legend that on one of his ventures into Gaul, he captured a young boy. However, I belong to the R-L20 haplogroup, which is more common in continental Europe, and not Ireland where R-L21 is dominant. [17] The Scottish Clan Ewen of Otter, Gilchrist; Clan Lamont; the MacSorleys of Monydrain,[18] (of Clan MacDonald of Dunnyveg a branch of Clan Donald); Clan Maclachlan; Clan MacNeil, and the MacSweens all claim a descent from an Irish prince of the O'Neill dynasty, nrothn Ua Nill/Anrothan O'Neill, son of ed, son of Flaithbertach Ua Nill, King of Ailech and Cenl nEgain, who left Ireland for Kintyre in the 11th century and died 1036. Meath) and also captured a Briton, a Gaul, a Saxon and a Scot. Medieval Irish monks supported claims to kingship or property?and gratified the egos?of their noble patrons by plotting their line of descent from Adam and Eve. But while he is away on a tour of his lands in Scotland, Mongfind's sons seize Ireland. an outstanding beauty, dressed in purple (the colour of royalty) and wearing [6] Mongfind appears to have been a supernatural personage: the saga "The Death of Crimthann mac Fidaig" says the festival of Samhain was commonly called the "Festival of Mongfind", and prayers were offered to her on Samhain eve.[11]. 1 Reply Ziff-A-Dee-Dew-Law 4 yr. ago "Nialls first expedition was into Alba to subdue the Picts. Learning about our ancestry is particularly fun when we can toast to it. A son of Niall, who succeeded his father at Tara circa 427-430, welcomed St. Patrick to his court in 432. Killed in Battle. Niall is placed in the traditional list of High Kings of Ireland. The rise of the U Nill dynasties and their conquests in Ulster and Leinsterare not reliably recorded but have been the subject of considerable study and attempts to reconstruct them. The Munstermen renew the battle, capture Ailill and cut him to pieces, and war continues between Munster and Connacht for many years. Niall releases Fiachrae, who becomes king of Connacht and Niall's right hand man. Niall married Princess Of Britain ROIGHNEACH. 5 Reply [deleted] 4 yr. ago Oh, got it. [20] suggesting that his Y chromosomal signature had been discovered, popular science journalists and genetic testing companies began promoting the theory that millions alive today have an unbroken descent from Niall.[21]. 5) [S10138] "High Kings of Ireland e-mail address". County Mayo folks have Viking blood as well as that of Niall of the Hostages. Niall and his dynasty. Scan this QR code to download the app now. [10] He is succeeded by his nephew Nath . Byrne suggests that Niall's death took place during a raid on Roman Britain. Historical Irish annalistic and chronicle sources place his reign in the late 4th and early 5th centuries, although modern scholars date him about half a century later. However, the genetic evidence of the study does seem to show that the While the signature is typical for R1b European males in general, it is characterized by 11,13 at DYS 385a/b and 14 at DYS 392. [2] He was himself the grandson of King Conn of the Hundred Battles. Niall of the Nine Hostages Irish leader Learn about this topic in these articles: association with Conn In Conn Ctchathach to be the ancestor of Niall of the Nine Hostages (reigned 379-405), who founded the U Nill, the greatest dynasty in Irish history. [22] Indeed, more recent estimates indicate that the R1b-M222 subclade marked by the Moore et al. The King,. [4 ] A poem by the 11th century poet Cined Ua Hartacin in the Book of Leinster credits Niall with seven raids on Britain, on the last of which he was killed by Eochaid "above the surf of the Ictian Sea";[4 ][1 2] a poem attributed to the same poet in Lebor na hUidre credits him with going to the Alps seven times. [12] Keating says that he received five from the five provinces of Ireland, and four from Scotland. Father of Fiachu mac Nill, King of Meath; Conall Gulban mac Nill, King of Tirconal; Egan mac Nill; Legaire, High King of Ireland; Min mac Nill and 3 others; Conall Cremthainn mac Nill; Cairbre mac Nill, High King of Ireland and ndae mac Nill less, There are arguments to be made for Niall as an historical figure, but the father assigned to him in the genealogies comes from a long line of legendary kings; his profile can be found here: Eochaid mac Muiredach mac Muiredach, Ard-r na h'ireann {Legendary, Lebor Gabla renn}, Niall 'of the Nine Hostages', High King of Ireland (1), Niall 'of the Nine Hostages', High King of Ireland gained the title of King Niall of Tara.1 He gained the title of High King Niall of Ireland in 445.1 Children of Niall 'of the Nine Hostages', High King of Ireland, -1. | Home Page | Disclaimer | Contact | Sitemap |. He then kills Laidchenn by throwing a stone which lodges in his forehead. Geni requires JavaScript! for most of the next six centuries. II, The History of Ireland by Geoffrey Keating, "The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories", "A Y-Chromosome Signature of Hegemony in Gaelic Ireland. and probably less reliable, story is that Niall took a hostage from each of 23andMe will give you the basic results for Ydna but . A fourth son by another wife was the warrior, Niall Noigiallach (Niall of the Nine Hostages). [2] The chronology of Keating's Foras Feasa ar irinn broadly agrees, dating his reign from 368-395, and associating his raiding activities in Britain with the kidnapping of Saint Patrick (ca. Abruptly, the tale then has Niall appearing before an assembly of Pictish bards in Scotland, where he is killed by an arrow shot by Eochaid from the other side of the valley. The Munstermen renew the battle, capture Ailill and cut him to pieces, and war continues between Munster and Connacht for many years. the sea between France and England. water. Fiachrae gives her a quick peck, but not enough to satisfy her. [9] He is succeeded by his nephew Nath . Byrne suggests that Niall's death took place during a raid on Roman Britain. They defeat him and win great spoil, but Fiachrae is wounded in the battle and dies of his wounds shortly afterwards. haplotype likely originated in the 2nd millennium BC, long before Niall is claimed to have lived, so his descendants would only represent a minority of men in this group even if Niall had been a historical figure. I am not sure if his father Eochy Moyvone is the same person as shown im other sources namely Echu Mugmedn, so I have shown both. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts [14] However, more recently some reservations have been expressed, as the subclade, which is defined by the presence of the marker R-M222, is found in a belt from Northern Ireland across southern Scotland and is not exclusively associated with the U Nill. Although its remarkable that nearly 1 in 10 Americans might say Kiss Me Im Irish! on St. Patricks day, its not clear if all these people actually have Irish ancestors or if they simply feel an affinity for corned beef and green beer. have sex with her. One of them, Patrick, was the sixteen-year old son of a British Roman official. For more information, please see our Brin defeats Fiachrae and hands him over as a prisoner to Niall, but Fiachrae's son Nath continues the war and eventually kills Brin. Then Niall, showing strength of character, even in his early youth, took his mother from her menial task, and restored her to her place. County Mayo residents were fascinated to learn that there is Viking DNA in their makeup, a fact discovered thanks to the National Geographic. 390-461). Niall's first expedition was into Alba to subdue the Picts. [10 ] nna's son Eochaid is named as Niall's killer in all sources, although the circumstances vary. [26], Perhaps even more problematic is the dearth of M222 lineages in Midlands samples. Each brother in turn goes looking for water, and finds a well guarded by a hideous hag who demands a kiss in return for water. Famous descendants include Niall's great-great-grandson Saint Columba, Saint Mel Ruba, the Kings of Ailech, the Kings of Tir Eogain, and the Kings of Tr Conaill. He was killed in his sleep while aboard his royal galley. DNA news -- an estimate of about 3 million men that carry DNA descended from Niall (of his equivalent):, See Niall of the Nine Hostages ( concluded that these men descend from "a single early-medieval progenitor" and implied this was associated with Niall's dynasty. Are McKenna's descendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages? The findings of the study showed that within the north-west of Ireland as many as 21% of men (8% in the general male population) were concluded to have a common male-line ancestor who lived roughly 1,700 years ago. Variations of this story are told of the earlier Irish high king Lugaid Logde, in Arthurian legend one of the most famous versions appears in both Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Tale and the related Gawain romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell and in John Gower's Middle English poem Confessio Amantis. Niall fitted out a large fleet and sailed to the assistance of his people. The baby is rescued and brought up by a poet called Torna. part of France), King of Ireland. [3] However, the traditional roll of kings and its chronology is now recognised as artificial. historical stronghold of the Ui Neill, where the study found the genetic have been accepted, even expected, in Celtic circles from an important Niall chains Eochaid to a standing stone, and sends nine warriors to execute him, but Eochaid breaks his chain and kills all nine of them with it.