Love this deck? Self-control is the key to your growth and success. You may find you often get a mix of yes or no, and this is fine. Step by step, you are building solid foundations for your future. This is an excellent combination filled with optimism, passion and creativity. The personality of the King of Wands suggests the answer you seek will be found only when you embrace your personal power and a sense of boldness. Click here to try a free online reading and over 20 free tarot spreads. In any case, beware of hasty or risky decisions, because with the Moon, there may be secrets involved. Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. Although butterflies and a racing heart can be fun for a while, it takes real work to make a commitment stick. First, look at the meanings of the 2 cards, and see how they might relate either as your situation or challenge. If you feel like you're on a rough road to success, it's not surprising you pulled this card, as both Kings and Wands often come up in these times. Husband is a playboy. This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. He wears a majestic yellow cloak richly detailed with large salamanders. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are . Dont be afraid to voice your opinion- you are encouraged to be more assertive. I Ching Meanings And you are inspired by long-term, sustainable success, wanting to have a lasting impact. Don't be afraid to show up for yourself and be open about what's most important to you. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? The challenges may seem insurmountable at times, but if you keep working hard and stay the course you will eventually succeed. When it comes to health, The Sun Tarot card is an incredibly optimistic card. He isnt looking straight ahead, but off into the future which signifies two important things connected with this card: growth and momentum. It symbolizes the joy and vitality that fill our lives when were in good health. The Sun tarot card and the King of Wands indicate that a new cycle of prosperity is beginning for you. You may have been patiently waiting for things to change, and with the King of Wands, you are ready to manifest it. "This is a 'doer' energy for sure but one that does so with vision and purpose. The meaning of each card can change depending on where it lands in the reading. Especially if you had been through a difficult time, this combination is a breath of fresh air. The High Priestess represents a close friend who has much-needed advice for you when she is paired with the King of Wands. The King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form. The baby is a rebirth into a new phase of your life. (, Why Dont We Do It in the Road? Depending on which way the King of Wands is draw, it can either represent a leader and honor or indicate someone is ruthless and has high expectations. The Devil shows being shackled to a situation, whereas the King of Wands shows a desire to be independent. The salamanders biting their own tails represent infinity and the ongoing drive to move forward against all obstacles. Thinking About Trying Keen? With the confidence and charm of the King of Wands, you can make decisions that are both practical and clever. We may find ourselves connected to people who bring us immense happiness, bringing a sense of contentment and peace that make us feel truly alive. This card suggests that its important to be assertive and take responsibility for ones health. Interpretation: Each card in a tarot deck has a yes or a no meaning. This card suggests taking charge and exhibiting a bold attitude when dealing with finances. You have a grand idea of what is truly possible, and you will stop at nothing to see it through. There may be a renewed sense of vitality and enthusiasm for life, resulting in an overall improved lifestyle. What are the negative aspects of this card? 2023 by Going Places. You are the determining factor in this situation. He is also fearless, free-thinking, motivated, and action-oriented. An intellectual person. Dont sleep on whatever it is you desire. Sunlight is the best astringent in cleaning up an old house and The Sun is the best Tarot card to enlighten you on the direction your life must take. Has a recent victory given you reason to be confident? Like the Queen of Wands, his Majesty is full of creative energy. Leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go! You are discovering your inner strength and redefining your goals. Unlike the other Wands court cards, the King is not so interested in creation and creativity, or in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself. A courageous leap of faith leads to your success and desires. This is the concept of blending a built-in knowledge of your purpose in life with your intuition on how to maximize this purpose. The card in this position indicates a fundamentally wonderful childhood. Your actions towards your goals and desires (The King of Wands) require balance, moderation and patience (the Temperance). However, it can also represent a painful ending related to the King of Wands person/situation, which can be about career, health or love. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Five of Wands in this position . The horse represents being taken along on your journey with less effort. The appearance of the King of Wands also suggests that an opportunity is presenting itself to you, and you now have the power to take on the challenge. The Tower tarot card signifies a turbulent transformation period with feelings of sorrow, anger and powerlessness- and this situation is often out of our control. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein, Trump and the Tower: Understanding this Era through Tarots Major Arcana, By checking this box I agree to the use of my information provided for email marketing purposes. When you are feeling at your best emotionally, physically and psychologically, The Sun confirms that it is no illusion things really are going well! Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards, UPRIGHT: Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honour, REVERSED: Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations. The flame shapes on the crown and the bright orange color of the kings robe further emphasize his fiery determination. The meaning may differ depending on what you are asking. With the suit of Wands in a tarot deck connecting to the element of fire, and Kings representing fire as well, the King of Wands offers double the heat. Copyright 2016-2023. Although few of us ever encounter actual royalty, when we draw one of these cards, were invited to identify the corresponding personality somewhere in our lives. Like all tarot cards, they mean something different depending on which way the card is drawn. Before we dive in, let's look at the primary meanings of both cards: The simplest way to think about the King of Wands is that it indicates: Natural-born leader,entrepreneur, vision and honour. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Instead, he is more inclined to take an idea and then enlist others to help him actualise it. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. His throne and cape are decorated with lions and salamanders, both symbols of fire and strength. Treat others and yourself with care and respect. Our site has a wide many of different free online card readings, oracles and simple games that aim to give you instant insight and answer questions about your various life spheres. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. 2023 Biddy Tarot. Theres no hurry to settle down you still have growing left to do. With this combination, dont let your anger or fear consume you. The Hierophant shows that it is probably best if you stay on the conventional path, rather than trying out of the box ideas. Go after your dream with gusto instead. But it isnt just creation that the King of Wands is focused on; it is the implementation of his plan. Once you have clarity of thought, and a strong idea of what your challenge is you can find solutions to help your situation. By checking this box I agree to the use of my information provided for email marketing purposes. If you had been seeking clarity and truth in a situation, the Justice is a good indication that you are receiving it. Your hard work and determination will be rewarded and you will be able to enjoy the material, physical, and emotional benefits. Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. A key aspect of reading your own tarot is interpreting cards. For more about these, check out the card combination examples at the bottom. Kings arent just men and queens arent just women. When drawn upright, the King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form. Thus, when the King of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, it is a sign you are stepping into the role of a visionary leader, ready to direct your people towards a common goal. He may be a fire sign like Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. This natural drive attracts positive attention, but their friendly and . As feelings, the High Priestess and King of Is there an aspect of the relationship that isn't working, but you're still avoiding it? It is a reminder to take charge of ones emotions and use courage to communicate effectively. Whatever it is you are dealing with, instead of rushing into it- listen to your gut, gather information and form a clear vision before you act. Also a quick advise: When apologising, dont say Im sorry you took it this way, because that implies you dont take any fault and the other person is just sensitive. If King of Wands appears with Ace of Wands and The Sun in a love Tarot spread, you are in a relationship with a passionate man who surely has sexual feelings toward you. You have unrealistic expectations with regards to your financial future. My aim is to create content that inspires you, supports you, challenges you, and brings happiness into your life. NOTE: While there is a general consensus on Yes or No tarot meanings, the truth is there is no universally accepted Yes or No meaning of every tarot card. Its soothing instrumentation and harmonies put you into a relaxed state of mind, as if communing dreamily with the light within. You dont have to tell everyone your business, but finding one good friend to rely on for support is essential. A person who represents the King of Wands feels very energetic around you and will do anything to win you over. Both The Sun and King Of Wands mean Yes when being asked a question. They are often intense individuals, with a sense of adventure and ambition. Have you tried iFate's award-winning web-based tarot?Click here to try a free online reading and over 20 free tarot spreads. The reversed King of Wands represents the positive qualities of the King of Wands, but taken to the extreme. Either you will be dealing with your own issues regarding your children or a situation will soon arise with your parents. There is a strong emphasis on your willpower and bravery in getting what you desire. By taking charge and actively engaging in healthier habits, such as regular exercise and eating well, one can foster a sense of empowerment that will benefit both physical and mental health. When connected with other kings, queens, knights, or pages, he is transformational! Some commonly associated words and phrases with the reversed King of Wands include: The King of Wands reversed can also be a warning against setting unrealistic expectations. Listen to your body and only give it what it needs. Together, these two cards suggest that if you are willing to step up and take charge of your own health, you can experience great joy and true success in your journey to bettering your well-being. This may mean making family a priority over your work and other areas. The Sun and King of Wands in love readings is very passionate, and the person is probably very proud to express their feelings. Its time to scale back and delegate. When combined with the determination of the King of Wands, it suggests that financial success is forthcoming. If there are any negatives it is that you may miss those days gone by and focus on what once was rather than what is and what shall be. In the past position, you may have started off on your present course inspired but alone. This card means that the apple of your eye is an affectionate, warm, and reliable partner. Where The Hermit is alone and carries his light (representing enlightenment) in a lantern for his own use, in The Sun card, the light is an inspiration for all to see. You are being arrogant and domineering in the workplace. If not, now is the time to take on a new attitude. You can get exactly what you want and are the center of attention in doing so. Sometimes the changes are subtle, but with some cards the change is drastic. User our contact form to introduce yourself.And please read our ESG statement too. Yesis the answer given by the King of wands when pulled in a yes or no reading. Stay true to whats important to you and keep focused on your personal vision and direction. Behind it all is a cloudless blue sky dominated by the sun. "The thing that will temper the energy of this fiery trailblazer is some grounding and cooling," she says, adding. According to Vanderveldt, if you pull the King of Wands in reverse, it can actually suggest a crisis of confidenceparticularly in yourself. The staff is blossoming, symbolizing the resilience of life in all its forms. Important Card Combinations All Rights Reserved. The older you get, though, the more you might see a past defined this way as having wasted precious time.