Instagram post 17896224124846337. We proudly present the class of t, The poster session is a time when we all teach and, These are the students who completed the third wee, Three weeks of intensive training in Multi-Methods, These are the proud students who completed the thi, Faculty that strive for excellence in teaching mak, Process Tracing Methods: Learning how things work, Learning about how things work - evaluating policy using case studies, Learning about How Things Work Evaluating Policy Using Case Studies, Concepts, Methods and Techniques in, University of So Paulo 22-26 February 2021. The Summer School is a partnership between the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the Department of Political Science (DCP), the Institute for International Relations (IRI) at the University of So Paulo and the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP). February 1-12, 2010 Box 114000 Friends I made and stories I collected (I now have great stories about the Guaruja beach!) Glauco Peres da Silva, Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo, 6th IPSA-USP Summer School on Methods and Concepts in Political Science and International Relations Format: Sections meet in the classroom four days per week for a total of four periods (75 minutes per period), Monday and Wednesday for lectures, delivered by the head instructor, Tuesday and Thursday for discussions led by a graduate teaching, The final contact hour is an asynchronous online discussion. Refer to ONE.UF to view the textbook requirements for each of your courses. The summer programmes offer an unparalleled education specifically tailored to explore one subject in detail. The median age was 30; the average age was 32. The 7thsession of the IPSA-USP Summer School was held at the University of So Paulo from January 18 to February 5, 2016. During the first week, a seminar was held to discuss social media and methods. Students were also invited to participate in four lunch-hour information sessions titled (respectively) Writing Effectively About Scientific Research; Academic Careers in Political Science and International Relations in Brazil: Reflections on the Discipline; Graduate Studies Abroad; and Publication Strategies. Four seminars were also promoted in conjunction with the Summer School: The Epistemological Foundations of the Social Sciences; New Developments in Data Collection and Dissemination for Brazil; The Fundamentals of Doing Political Science Research: Recent Books in Methods for Political Sciences; and The Cases of the most Recent US and French elections. Please contact course director for more info. More Info. By May 4, new students will receive an email with information on how they can choose their Quest 1 course for the upcoming academic year (see the New Student Guide to UF Quest). Students were also invited to participate in four informational sessions during lunch times, on the subjects of Careers Outside of Academia; Visiting Scholar and Post Doc Positions Abroad; Graduate Studies Abroad; and, Publication Strategies. These proved to be quite popular among the students, and led to spirited question and answer periods. Essentials of Regression Analysis (Glauco Peres da Silva, University of So Paulo) A hybrid model of spatial evaluations was delivered by Laron Williams. Please check the admission requirements for entry in your selected option on the web page of each programme. Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University), 7. However, we did hold an opening cocktail party on the first Monday of the Summer School, which proved to be an effective way to kick off the networking that the Summer School aims to encourage. All those approved, with a minimum attendance of 75%, will receive certificates. The four late-afternoon lecture series given by Summer School faculty dealt with the following themes: Models, Methods and Techniques: Elections; Working with Census Data; Quantitative Strategies; and Small-n and Mixed Methods Strategies. More Info. After completing the registration, the interested person must wait for the draw and contact the ministers by email. The 2023 edition (our 13th) will take place in-person from 16th 27th January, 2023, Day 5 with Guy D Whitten, Andy Q Philips and Loren, Day 4 with Bruno Cautrs and Laron Williams on Su, Day 3 with Mark Pickup, Florian Foos and Jonathan, Day 2 Comparative Research Design with Allyson Ben, Day 1 2021 Virtual Workshop on Comparative Histor, 2021 planning is in the works! CreditsFor most summer schools, students will receive a certificate of attendance. The 10th Annual IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations was held at the University of So Paulo, Brazil, from January 14 to February 1, 2019. Instructor: Jeremiah Blanchard The major purpose of this system is to facilitate the transfer of courses between participating institutions. These are short-term courses, which will be offered in the first weeks of February. Internships, apprenticeships, practica, clinical experiences and study abroad courses with numbers other than those ranging from 900-999. The L represents a laboratory course or the laboratory part of a course that has the same prefix and course number but meets at a different time or place. Honors students are required to take an Honors Quest 1 course to complete the UF Quest 1 requirement. Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix to identify the course. The Summer School is also supported by the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) and the Center for Comparative and International Studies (NECI) at the University of So Paulo. For more information on the School visit our website ( or contact us at My experience was invaluable!, At the summer schools, I have communicated with Brazilians, Argentines, Peruvians, Ecuadorians, and extremely bright people from many other countries I have never been. To read the course descriptions for these courses, click. However, all dates and deadlines, courses, course descriptions, degree requirements, and fees are subject to change. Ethnographic Fieldwork in Political Science (Edward Schatz -University of Toronto), Week 1. Analyzing cross-national data sets with multivariate techniques (Prof. Bruno Cautrs, Sciences Po, Paris), 4. Generous support for the Summer School was provided by the Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES), the University of So Paulo, FAPESP, IPSOS, IPSA, the Centro de Estudos da Metrpole (CEM), and the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP). It also served as a useful means of introducing students to other instructors research and methods. Three late-afternoon seminars were also held. Description: This course sets out to probe the cultural, social and political functions of horror in relation to shifting moments of historical violence. Information shown in italics is subject to confirmation. The following one-week modules were offered: Students also participated in the following four information sessions: research funding opportunities in Brazil; publishing academic research for maximum impact on shaping public policy; achieving success in graduate school; and SAGE Research Methods Online Resources. Format:Format: Sections meet in the classroom four days per week for a total of four periods (75 minutes per period): Monday and Wednesday for lectures, delivered by the head instructor, and Tuesday and Thursday for discussions led by a graduate teaching assistant. The first IPSA So Paulo Summer School happened between February 1 and February 12, 2010. The International Seminar program was very popular, bringing together both Summer School students and the local academic community in numbers that frequently surpassed 100 people. 11/09/12; Office of Articulation, Florida Department of Education, Office of the University Registrar A note is provided inOne.UFfor each Quest 1 and Quest 2 course so you can easily distinguish them. See links below for course descriptions and course syllabi. Students and administrators can use the online SCNS to obtain course descriptions and specific information about course transfer between participating Florida institutions. Keyword. Module 3 (January 28 February 1st) (35 hours), Several events were organized to celebrate the Schools 10th Anniversary. Use the search panel to find and narrow down courses of interest. The 2018 IPSA-USP Summer School was made possible with generous financial support from the Department of Political Science, the Institute of International Relations, and the Provosts Office for Research at the University of So Paulo. Back to the Undergraduate Catalog. Generous support for the Summer School was provided by the IPSA, by the Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES), by Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP), the University of So Paulo (Dean of Graduate Studies - Pr-Reitor de Ps-Graduao and Dean of Research - Pr-Reitor de Pesquisa), and by the Centro de Estudos da Metrpole (CEM). Box 116120, Course Section Course Title / Syllabus Instructor(s) BSC2005: BSC2005 - Biological Sciences for Non-Majors: Dr. Nicole Geralch: BSC2005L: . #LASGATORS Together, these public sector research funding institutions have been long-time supporters of the Summer School and invaluable to its success. Rec. University of Florida 220 Bartram Hall P.O. The programs listed below have been confirmed for the dates listed. The course prefix and each digit in the course number have a meaning in the SCNS. Time-Series and Panel Data: Guy Whitten (Texas A&M University, USA), Andrew Philips (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), and Lorena Barberia (University of So Paulo, Brazil). The Summer School was also supported by the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) and the Center for Comparative and International Studies (NECI) at the University of So Paulo. What makes life worth living? The crucial skills we will emphasize throughout the class include identifying the moral dimensions of legal, political, and economic problems; critically evaluating traditions and perspectives; appreciating the diversity of perspectives on these controversial issues; thinking beyond one's own interests; and approaching disagreement with open-mindedness and a willingness to be rationally persuaded. The final contact hour is an asynchronous online discussion. A panel discussion on Corruption, the PT and Lava Jato: Long term implications and Public Opinion was held with participation by Jos Roberto de Toledo Rosrio, Srgio Praa, Alberto Almeida, Guy Whitten and Clifford Young. Online Undergraduate Programs In-state Undergrad Living with Parents. Laron Williams (Missouri) and Soledad Artiz Prillaman (Nuffield College at Oxford) also participated in an information session on Applying to Graduate and Post-Doctoral Programs in the U.S. and Europe., A poster session including 26 presenters took place on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. Subject Gen Ed Categories. The age was 32. Quantitative textual analysis (Prof. Iaki Sagarzazu, Nuffield College, University of Oxford), 6. The courses offered in this group are: Twentieth-century Portuguese literature: from neorealism to post-Carnation Revolution manifestationsThe other part of the continent: the colonial texts of the Rio de la PlataBetween philosophy and literature: the eighteenth-century novelScience fiction and social criticism: where are the women?Philology and diplomacy: case studies based on letters and requests from and about womenIntroduction to Roman Folk Magic: Amulets, Curses, and OraclesLiterature and informative garbage: the author as manipulatorThe Northeast and the Brazilian social formationWriting workshop: prose in the post-autonomy eraMedieval Pauliceia: medieval art and revivalism in the city of So PauloCharacter, author and reader: frontiers in questionCan the enslaved speak? The Summer School is organized as an intensive four-week program. A late-afternoon seminar on Studying the Political Behavior of American Billionaires: A Multi-Method Approach was delivered by Jason Seawright. The class is thus for students from any major who want to explore public moral challenges in rigorous, creative ways. Throughout the programme, youll join other participants on extracurricular activities designed to highlight and develop topics presented in class. Survey Design (Bruno Cautrs, Sciences Po) Predicting Elections, Cliff Young (IPSOS), Jonathan Phillips, Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo, Basics of Causal Case Study Methods Derek Beach, University of Aarhus, Building Parametric Statistical Models Glauco Peres da Silva, University of So Paulo, Designing Feasible Research Projects in Political Science Allyson L. Benton CIDE, Essentials of Applied Data Analysis Leonardo Barone, University of So Paulo, Methods and Problems in Political Philosophy Herlinde Pauer-Studer, University of Vienna, Modeling Dynamics Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo and Andrew Phillips, Texas A&M, Advances in Modeling Dynamics Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo and Guy Whitten and Andrew Phillips, Texas A&M, Basics of Multi-Method Research: Integrating Case Studies and Regression Jason Seawright, Northwestern University, Basics of Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis Bruno Cautrs, Science Po, Basics of Set-Theoretic Methods and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Carsten Schneider, Central European University, Basics of Spatial Interdependence in Theory and Practice Laron Williams, University of Missouri, The Philosophy of Science: Positivism and Beyond Patrick T. Jackson, American University, Using Case-Based Methods in Practice Derek Beach, University of Aarhus, Advanced Issues in Multi-Method Research: Integrating Case Studies and Contemporary Methods for Causal Inference Jason Seawright, Northwestern University, Advanced Issues in Set-Theoretic Methods and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Carsten Schneider, Central European University, Advanced Issues in Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis Bruno Cautrs, Science Po, Essentials of Multiple Regression Analysis Glauco Peres da Silva, University of So Paulo, Modeling Dynamics in Space and Time Guy Whitten, Texas A & M University and Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo, Predicting Elections Clifford Young, IPSOS-Washington, The Philosophy of Science: Positivism and Beyond - Patrick T. Jackson, American University, Essentials of Applied Data Analysis, Leonardo Barone, University of So Paulo, Essentials of Time Series Analysis- Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo, Advanced Time Series Analysis - Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo and Guy Whitten, Texas A & M University, Basics of Causal Case Study Methods- Derek Beach, University of Aarhus, Basics of Multi-Method Research: Integrating Case Studies and Regression, Jason Seawright, Northwestern University, Building Parametric Statistical Models - Randy Stevenson, Rice University, Advanced Issues in Multi-Method Research: Integrating Case Studies and Contemporary Methods for Causal Inference, Jason Seawright, Northwestern University, Maximum Likelihood Estimation - Randy Stevenson, Rice University, Pooled Time Series Analyses - Guy Whitten, Texas A & M University, Using Case-Based Methods in Practice- Derek Beach, University of Aarhus, Refresher Course in Statistics (Leonardo Barone, Getlio Vargas Foundation), Refresher Course in Mathematics (Glauco Peres da Silva, University of So Paulo), Refresher Course in Multiple Regression Analysis (Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo), Knowing and the Known: An Introduction To The Philosophy of Science (Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, American University), Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis (Bruno Cautrs, Sciences Po, Paris), Time Series and Pooled Time Series Analyses (Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University, and Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo), Causal Case Study Methods: Comparing, Matching and Tracing (Derek Beach, University of Aarhus, Denmark), Predicting Elections (Clifford Young, IPSOS-Washington), Introduction to Network Analysis using Pajek(Vladmir Batagelj, University of Ljubljana), Mathematics for Social Scientists (Glauco Peres da Silva, University of So Paulo), Game Theory and Applications for Political Science (Rebecca Morton, New York University), Methods and Problems in Political Philosophy (Herlinde Pauer-Studer, University of Vienna), Spatial Data Analysis with Spatial Econometrics (Robert Haining, University of Cambridge), Comparative Research Designs and Comparative Methods (Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps University Marburg), The Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences (Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, American University), Multi-level Analysis (Iaki Sagarzazu, Glasgow University), Case Study Methodology small-n research designs (Derek Beach, University of Aarhus, Denmark), Predicting Elections: Analytical Techniques and Illustrative Case Studies (Clifford Young, IPSOS-Washington), Refresher Course Statistics (Lorena G. Barberia, University of So Paulo), Comparative Research Designs and Comparative Methods (Professor Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps University Marburg), Knowing and the Known: Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences (Prof. Patrick Jackson, American University), Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis (Prof. Bruno Cautrs, Sciences Po, Paris), Game Theory and Applications for Political Science (Prof. Peter Rosendorff, New York University), Quantitative Textual Analysis (QTA) (Prof. Iaki Sagarzazu, Nuffield College, University of Oxford), Time Series and Pooled Time Series Analyses (Prof. The university is not responsible for information obtained through Internet links from this catalog to other websites. The IPSA-USP Summer School also hosted a series of public lectures intended to enrich discussions on how methods are improving the quality of research in the field. made the whole experience even better! College preparatory and vocational preparatory courses. Resources UF News; UF Calendar; MyUFL; Stata and Nvivo provided software licensing for the computer laboratories. Division of Enrollment Management The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Please contact your academic advisor for questions about how any of these courses might fit into your academic plan. Lorena Barberia, Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo (Chair) The 9th Annual IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science and International Relations was held at the University of So Paulo, Brazil from January 8 to 26, 2018. Course prefixes and the last three digits of the course numbers are assigned by members of faculty discipline committees appointed for that purpose by the Florida Department of Education in Tallahassee. The 12th Annual IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods, and Techniques in Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations was held virtually for the first time on 22-26 February 2021. . It was an invaluable opportunity; because of the courses, I met several friends and colleagues, and now I can help to share what I have learnt and to be more competitive in Mexico at the same time., The Summer School is led by the Department of Political Science (DCP) at the University of So Paulo. Advanced Time Series Cross-Section Analyses (Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo and Andrew Q, Philips, University of Colorado), Week 1. The C represents a combined lecture and laboratory course that meets in the same place at the same time. Week 3. Changes will be made to this academic record to correct errors or omissions. In the second week, Guy D. Whitten presented a seminar entitled The Dynamic Pie Project: TheoryMethods with Dynamic Compositional Data. In the third week, a panel discussion on gender and methods was held with the participation of Derek Beach (University of Aarhus), Allyson Benton (CIDE), Melani Cammett (Harvard University), and Jason Seawright (Northwestern University). Once Preview begins, the remaining seats in all Quest 1 sections will be reserved for incoming students. In-state Undergrad Off Campus. In the summer of 2021, he finished his internship at Naviworks in South Korea. Critical Dates 2021. Quest Level. We are the USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations. Instructors had a number of gatherings as a group, to discuss the Summer School as well as to show them the sights of So Paulo. A cooperative partnership between the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the University of So Paulos Department of Political Science and Institute of International Relations, the School welcomed 204 students enrolled in 13 courses from 62 institutions in 17 countries, with women accounting for 50% of the student body.