And as always, feel free to link back if you use our generators. party, holiday, funeral) Now like a well honed blade, I'm well prepared to slice through all opposition including you, if needs be. In the Library of the Arcane Wizard Erik the Black, I found a tome that has provided me the route and method of my revenge. In reality, you and I are in the same business. I want to look at these evil villain monologues in film and TV and talk about what makes them great. I didnt know. By joining for free you can have more generator options such as selecting more items generated each time. For some it takes hours to die, others days. Ten years in the country, still no speakee English. Not every epic anime moment is a fight scene or a confession of love. Head over to Pictory. An a moment of pique, I cursed the gods. By Henry Abosi. Now, I know what you're saying, is Jules a true villain? Random. On occasion, raw, unadulterated violence is necessary. Nice guy? All the stars are aligning for moment of my ultimate triumph to be soon at hand. Magnanimous in victory? 9. Watch the Trailer Here! Bring your character to life by using this tool. Look but dont touch. What do you do? I had some good villanous dialogue with a talking sword once. Youre the margarine of evil. And those who oppose me, when they inevitably fall to my legions, will in death find new purpose as undying soldiers in my eternal army. Just one calorie-- not evil enough. Thrice before my plans have been thwarted. And there I bred by half-breed warriors. Do you do your job? Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty. Monologue Generator First our system generates the monologue. You want to make sure they are telling the audience something new. The generator is a tool to generate random supervillains Characters. But, more recently, Aaron . - For fictional Evil Villain content Rytr is perfect for making up original AI Evil Villain material using GPT-3. A supervillain is the antithesis of a superhero. Fuck the Chelsea Boys with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps, going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, jiggling their dicks on my Channel 35. "A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told.". Then I gave the order to salt the fields, orchards and other lands so that they would never grow even a single blade of grass again. 18 Monologues from Published Plays . - Mobile devices: It really depends on the brand and type of device, so you'll probably have to Google it for your specific device. No exit. What I needed was the fierceness of a monster paired with the control and intelligence of a man. ", No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? are unjust, unfair, unkind, I will block You! Upon reaching the final chamber, they came face to face with a mad Dark Elf and his unnatural experiments/abominations. This also means using a different browser means 10 more save slots as they don't carry from one browser to another. And should you try, let me illustrate the depths of pain and torment I am willing to plumb. Fucking bitch. 5. Why? How to Generate a Evil Villain. Steal my treasure? For I have created new life but not any life, life in the form and mirror of one who still walks this plane of existence. It gave her room to deliver a performance that showed us who the "villain" of this story really could be. The input of the monologue generator is a goal to describe an ob- ject from the knowledge base. I've done many things people like you would call reprehensible or evil even. - If you want actual AI speaking real life looking characters for your Evil Villain content then you have to check out Synthesia. Now replace the water with blood. In Negative Energy, Rose is completely against having her roommate's sister Meagan live with them temporarily which sparks this monologue. Then you will fall into a stupor, then a shivering fever worse than any ague known to medicine. Ah, Father. Featured Monologues. And I knew the fastest way to rise in power and influence was through war. Gulnis, the CR22 Shadow Dragon of Gluttony descends from a pitch black cloud of decay and roars out to the party riding a golden drake from the Cadre (good dragons): "Well, now who to eat first, the whelps or the Cadre-", Level 4 Bard (my wife): "OH MY GOD YOU FUCKERS LEAVE US ALONE.". And for them there is no hope of freedom at the end of their torment. About a week ago u/Gazook89 suggested the idea of a monologue generator for "super villains." I took a stab at it and created this: Villain Monologue Builder . Because I never rejected him. The Joker and Batman In The Dark Knight. Job description: The People Freer is an action-packed fantasy fiction game where the player assumes the role of a rough-around-the-edges hero who frees villages from their capture and impending doom. Behold, the Wand of Orcus! Cause of Death:Fell off double decker bus, Evil Plot:Control the world's supply of children's toys, Cause of Death:Got lost in yard maze, dies of hunger, Evil Plot:Steal the world's supply of chewing gum, Evil Plot:Electrocute the world's food supply, Evil Plot:Steal the world's supply of roses, Cause of Death:Stabbed with crimping shears, Cause of Death:Decapitated by revolving door, Evil Plot:Ransom the world's supply of tea, Cause of Death:Fell out of bed onto pitchfork, Use the [SaveasImage] button to create your own Evil Villain Images. An evil villain monologue is a long speech by the antagonist in a scene, film, or TV show. Who needs more than a single attempt when my aim is so obviously just. That is over One Billion unique and original Evil Villains. In the game I'm currently running there have been several campaigns in the same world with my players using the same characters. When it was my husbands time to meditate and he couldnt find his potatoes, I told him I wanted to share the happiness of potatoes with the homeless. ), 7 Lessons We Learned From Experimental Documentaries, IMAX Is a Force To Be Reckoned With at Box Offices (to No Ones Surprise). The latter is based on the psychological description, appropriate to some of the plot, clothing, language and so on a brush or a few strokes.Monologues are also a common description in cartoons, especially in the case of villains. What use after all is Man, if not to teach God His lessons? I did this to people I did no know or hold any ill will toward. It sounds simple. 11. Let me give you a little inside information about God. Client: The People Freer. My soldiers could not capture them nor crush them in battle for they would escape into the forests. The horrors! When you press the button, a random first line of dialogue will be generated. The system is composed of a monologue generator, an intonation generator, a facial expression and gaze generator. It leans into the chaos that goes with the character and with the audience's understanding of him in this world. And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. Months later, the same demon breached the barriers between dimensions and came through with a legion of minions. Simply choose the type of villain you want to create (Warlock or Long/Distance Combatant), its power level and press "Generate". There needs to be a credible reason for the villain to say it; it needs to be brief; and it needs to be done right. But if it is destroyed, (he smashes the glass, little machines emerge to dust up the pieces). Banksy. So do not think that your pitiful band can hope to bar my way. Upon his body I found this very sword. Villain monologues are some of the most fun moments in film and television. NEVER! The fools who thwarted me before heh. Here's mine (Adapted from a novel called The Madness of Angels): I offered you wealth, property, money. 2. For example, given the goal describe an object x, the intention persuade . While I was away in service to my liege, my lands were despoiled, my castle captured, and my loyal retainers and my family were all put to death. Why it is quite simple really. The legend has it that it was made up on the spot by Rutger Hauer. They call it building. Tweet. These are the best examples of villain monologues I could think of. Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim strolling up and down 47th Street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff, selling South African apartheid diamonds. He gives man instincts. Khan Noonien Singh . Here are 11 Dark Female Dramatic Monologues for auditions, demo reel, creative video projects or monologue classroom study. Evil Plot:Control the world's supply of tea, 6. Jan 19, 2007. You can use the evil villain generator for creating original characters for movies and comics. Terrorists in fucking training. She is often kidnapping media stars to achieve her goals. The women and girl children I placed in great hatcheries where I loosed my strongest, bravest monsters. Oh, I see that the "True heroes of old," have finally arrived- it is a pity th-. This field also helps to give better immersion and a more complete experience, allowing players to hear stories or cross paths with these villains unwittingly, thwarting their plans and being the enemies of the villain without knowing it. Of course, those were all movies, and we see villain monologues in TV as well. Touch, but dont taste. , insult, monologue, moor, speech, taunt, villain. But how can you write them? Female. he says. Voice Age: Young Adult. When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. Why it is you. Seek to take what is rightfully mine, and you, too, will feel my ire. I applauded their mettle and fighting spirit, but I could brook no opposition. Another one I think that doesn't get lauded enough is "tears in rain" from Blade Runner. This serves as a culmination of his journey. But at the end of this the king ends up slumping to the ground and dying. Mark Rydell as Marty Augustine in The Long Goodbye. As far back as I can remember, I have always . The results are truely amazing. So how do you put all this on paper? Peter Dinklage. Video Game Voice Over Script Example 1:The People Freer. Next Article Lets Build: A Thieves' Guild. An elegant solution don't you think? Related . All of it! Essentially it's where the villain explains . Its the goof of all time. Next we will explain the content of this module: - Name and Title: The name will depend on the race, being sometimes accompanied by a title which is the "nickname" by which you are known. Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation. His ears I fried and fed to my dogs. Press the generator button to generate an evil villain and details. Of course, monologues can come as part of the theme of a movie. We encourage you to do further research on naming traditions for your exact region and era. What a lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. In this quote he stresses the importance of standing up for your beliefs, the truth, and what you know to be right, no matter who opposes you, and no matter what the consequences or odds are. Ten toes? They are more than objects of vanity or mere symbols of power. I tried to destroy his life because I thought it was weird to meditate with a potato. I did not know it, but I had looked upon the naked body of a god. All Rights Reserved. You dont like it, leave. I'm driven forward unlike any creature this world has ever known. Oh, yes. Do you want to have Evil Villain random content on your website, blog or app with our API? "You can figure out what the villain fears by his choice of weapons.". This is what I do to those who dare say, "No" to me. Ah, but did I not also tell you that my plans were decades in the making. More information. :: checks list to see who I irrationally hate today :: Not precisely villainous, but Edward Nortons Fuck it monologue in 25th Hour had me in deep chills the first, oh, twenty times I hear it. Copyright Dodecahedron Developments 2023. Bard: "I'm a rock, I'm a rock, I'm a rock" over and over as she fails her Hide check and just barely makes it to a cave before he fires his breath weapon. What right do they have to "build" here? We appreciate their express authorization for this project. A murder in a previously quiet, cozy town. Slow the fuck down! He says, "It's where the antagonist sits down and says, 'Kid, let me tell you the way the world works.'". I poisoned the waters. Primary Concerns. strument a boastful, lustful, smutty infantile boy and give me for Pray I am so gracious when I crush you pitiful lot beneath my boot heel. The storm raged for twenty days. Well, they were many, many decades. Hes a prankster. And so I have engaged the services of the most heinous and vile of mercenary companies: The Black Watch. I suspected they were simple, common folk who had taken up arms to oppose me. Come get my gun? Perhaps you have heard of the Eye and Hand of Vecna, but what of the Heart of Vecna? Lots of times in these articles we create a list, and I think that would be flawed. Good father? - If you need original factual content such as Evil Villain blogs etc, Article Forge is amazing. points to a partially decomposed goat or maybe finish the job you started all those years ago? Deep in the mountains, far, far below the impenetrable snows, I did battle. trees, houses, rivers) Two adjectives that could be used to describe that place. First, let's talk about the opening scene of Inglorious Basterds. Then the corpuscles of your blood will rebel and attack your own flesh. A man wakes up bound to an electric chair. you have doomed this land in your hubrace, and your definition of good. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. reward only the ability to recognize the Incarnation; because You And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. There's no shortage to the number of ways in which doom can befall a person or entire village, either and we built this mystery plot generator to illuminate a few of them. Often, we see the heroes getting the bulk of the work, but when an antagonist gets to shine, you know you're having fun. Your Objective: Your Motive: Base of Operations: Type of Henchmen: Stage One: People: Stage Two: Monuments: . Give me a fucking break. Cue the proud Ranger. They held out for two years. God likes to watch. Personally I would have to say the best Villianous Monologues are the ones where, at the end you start to realize that maybe he has a point, and isnt a caricature of evil. So I poisoned the entire delegation. In delving into the very nature and fabric of existence, I have created the most powerful, most awful, and most singularly destructive object ever to exist on the Material Plane: The Sphere of Annihilation! ), Ive always been rather fond of, I expect you to die, Mr. Bond.. Evil Villain Generator is the best tool ever! He rolls with it after trying to persuade the Ranger to retcon so he can finish the dialogue. The Rod of the Arcane? We could have put you on the same eyeline as God Himself. Are you beginning to reconsider the choices, the myriad tiny decisions right back to the very day you were conceived to that whore you called a mother? These villains are very important characters, being in the narratology an essential component for the plots. A super villain is a variant of the villainous stock character archetype in modern popular fiction. You want to brainstorm where the monologue will occur first, then work out what it needs to say in the individual scene first. ^.^ Am I not benevolent? Typically most groups allow talking as a free action during combat. The best keep you on the edge of your seat and make you feel like your hero has met their match. One hot summer day I came upon someone bathing in the cool water. You dare ask. No one died, but no babies have been born in that cursed land since. The aim of these writing prompts is to help with dialogue writing. The Screenwriting Contests We Think Are Worth Entering. He exposes the fact that one's values are determined by their position within society. And when they got rid of Frank Underwood, they just had his replacement do it as well. They are my shadow army. Among the detestable villains that in any period of the world have disgraced the name of man, it is impossible to find . That which is not nature is not natural by definition. Yet they still live. Twenty to a car, swelling up the welfare rolls. Theyd certainly live longer. Youre the diet coke of evil. Therefore, this biography determines the past (or present/future) of the villain. It's either a way to introduce your characters, show their ending, or reveal their plan. The second part of the monologue is the villain's thematic argument. It describes the villain's biography, in the absence of the main story and what the player characters do or don't do. . Fuck me? 7. And it is that everything burns. - Need to convert Evil Villain generated content to video with AI real voices? Monologue Generator 2000. All you got to do is act. All antagonists have a plan, which are usually told throughout the plot. I invited you to share the dreams of a . Blog Featured Monologues Monologue Lists . No words can describe the bone-deep torment and anguish at their loss. The victim is skewered by a long heavy pike. Way back when we first started playing they ended up dethroning a king who was being a tyrant, high taxes, harsh punishments for relatively minor crimes, and strict curfews. It changed our view of the movie and exposed a broken system. So one day, I cooked all the potatoes in the house, made a giant shepherds pie, and gave it to a local homeless shelter. You see, Father, by creating a little destruction, Im in fact encouraging life. I flayed his skin and broke his bones upon the wheel. Code Geass; In this stomach-churning speech, Charles zi Britannia - the ultimate villain of Code Geass - explains his motivation for taking over Japan, and demonstrates the callousness and cruelty that allowed him to misuse both his power and his own children:. And with them, I shall become the hidden ruler of all I survey. Are you restricting it to over-the-top Villiany? You have heard of the Great Fire of Homulan? Monologue, by Phil Dougherty, Nick Heindl and Tyler Summers, is a sweet little game that's sure to please typing enthusiasts keep up with the villain's spiel by typing his words as he speaks . At the very precipice of the Dark Portal, I slew demons one after another until whole new rivers, rivers composed only of blood were filled. All men are not created equal. He was pissed. Well let me show you what you have wrought!" It will take as long as it takes, and with each effort my plans have become more refined. The program can be boiled down to a User-Input Creation Generator, which uses Python with the Flask microframework Interface to create a website that asks the user to inputs a word and outputs a randomized sentence that imitates something you would find within a villian`s monologue. Before earning my MFA in Playwriting from Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, I was an acting major and I can't begin to tell you how many hours I spent searching through monologue books for the right material. In the midst of a blizzard, I took refuge in a cave. Monologue 2: Captain America. We were whole. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. Worship that? There's an amazing monologue from Dr. I don't even remember the dialogue, the shot was so great. I shall have your skull on my desk as a paperweight and wish that you still had eyes to see my victory. Why did I create such a website? For the crime of opposing my will. My parents were too poor to care for me and my siblings, so off we went. The thing here is that we subvert the villain monologue. Join For Free Now!! At this point he casts them into an illusion that depicts an awful future in which the undead are running rampant and a dark paladin is sitting in the throne spreading dark corruption across the land. Secrets. Then we fired the city so that no structures remained. Yes, I think you see it now. They can be very elaborate or simple plans, there are even villains who do evil for fun, without really having a goal. A city once opposed me. So I bound him. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finale. We all stand behind the ranger as our GM sighs. Generate the perfect evil villain with the evil villain generator. Another great one comes from Jules in Pulp Fiction. Our Ranger immediately sets his crossbow. You frown and scowl. Then work backward.