[citation needed], Fury is introduced in the post-credits scene of Iron Man (2008), meeting Tony Stark at his Malibu home to discuss the Avengers Initiative.[16]. Fury escaped his overturned SUV after a disc grenade from the Winter Soldier blew it up. would seek out individuals with unique abilities and powers and record them in the Index[16] to form a response team should any threat beyond the warfighting capacity of conventional military forces appear. What If Captain Carter Were the First Avenger? [43], You know how few people I trust, Coulson. The Winter Soldier is James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, Captain America's childhood best friend. As Vers headed to the file room, Fury secretly contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor's feet quickly move into the room and Sami wants to speak, to try and calm Thor down. Marvel Studios Disney+ series without release dates include Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, and She-Hulk. With the Avengers assembled, Fury took charge of the hunt for Loki, leading the volatile team through the mission as they attempted to learn what Loki's plan for the Tesseract was and who he had been working for. to fight against Earth's most dangerous enemies. But with every answer he gives, he raises even more questions for the audience. investigation, and contacted R. Keller, unaware that at this point Talos had impersonated him. Fury was able to shoot the jet with a rocket launcher causing it to crash but not kill the pilot, however, a second jet had been sent as well which Fury was unable to stop as it flew towards New York City while Fury looked on helplessly. ""What is it? Although Hawkeye attempted to drive out of sight of the helicopter, Fury had then opened up his door and began shooting down at them, willing to kill Hawkeye if it meant they could stop Loki from making his escape with the Tesseract. [7] As Director, Fury was interested in searching for mysterious and dangerous artifacts, such as the Darkhold, which he was unable to find. office in the alternate timeline he ends the series trapped in, serving as the organization's Director and wearing an eye patch. In the season finale, "Beginning of the End," Furyleft Coulson with the promise that he would still be active but remain much closer to the ground instead of acting as a director. As they shook hands, Fury reminded them not to tell anyone of his survival. He didn't do all that stuff with the special chemical to reduce his heart rate. The Kree successfully retrieved the Tesseract and took Fury, Danvers, Rambeau, and Goose hostage. Skrull commander Talos, disguised as Fury's boss Keller, orders Fury to work with Vers and keep tabs on her. [10], In the wake of dissolution of the Avengers which had been due to the actions of Helmut Zemo, Fury began operating under a private crew of his own, with hand-selected operatives. [4], Legend tells us one thing; history, another. As Fury struggled for breath, he gave Rogers the hard drive of Project Insight and urged him not to trust anyone. and the US military. Boris Johnson feared he 'blinked too soon' in plunging UK into 2nd Covid lockdown after being warned gloomy models of 4,000 deaths a day were 'very wrong' - as leaked texts show ex-PM tried to . in the best hands. When Stark insisted that there was no cure and that he had looked for every single known element to replace his Palladium Arc Reactor and found nothing, Fury informed Stark there was indeed a way to cure his infection and he just had not found it yet. Upon their victory, Fury was playing with Goose to celebrate but she scratched Fury's left eye, leaving a nasty scar which eventually blinded him. Since Fury's first inoculation, the Colonel had to pay a blackmail price to Sternberg every year to acquire the serum. Tell us in the comments! In the Original Sin storyline, Bucky investigated the death of Uatu the Watcher, and he and other characters . Steve Roger shot him on the head through the wall when he went to his apartment. would help Stark find what he needed. You just don't know it yet.Nick Fury to Tony Stark, In 2009, Fury learned that Tony Stark had been kidnapped by the Ten Rings, so he sent Phil Coulson and Jasper Sitwell to deal with the situation. He prepared to depart for Europe, intending to seek out and take down all of the remaining HYDRA cells. The Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Strikes, Captain America: The First Avenger Adaptation, Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd Isle, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, Stark eventually escaped and not long after, Iron Man had also appeared and begun destroying Ten Rings units, as Fury suspected Stark may have been brainwashed. Belfast, Belgrade, Budapest, Bucharest.Nick Fury to Vers, By the 1970s, Fury had a lot of action in Soviet territory, particularly Belfast, Belgrade, Budapest and Bucharest, constantly moving around the world due to the ongoing conflict of the Cold War. As a result, the universe wouldn't have become what it is today without Fury. This article contains spoilers for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 6. Otherwise, it carries no emotional weight. Surrounded, he is informed by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) that he has actually been asleep for 70 years thus setting in motion the events of 2012's The Avengers. In a generally positive review of The Avengers, Associated Press reviewer Christy Lemire wrote that "[t]he no-nonsense Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.which had been entrusted with the safety of [the Tesseract]springs into action to reacquire it by assembling a dream team of superheroes and other sundry bad-asses with specialized skills. : 1.11: The Magical Place. Coulson wanted to consult with Thor, but Fury informed him that Thor had taken himself "off the grid". As it turned out, Mar-Vell's lab was doubling as a refuge for the Skrulls. Fury joined Vers and Maria after Talos showed up at the house and wanted to make a deal with Vers in order to help him find the Light-Speed Engine's core. Fury spoke to Stark in private and tried to get his mind back on track after Wanda Maximoff had used her powers to make Stark see visions of a terrible future in which the Avengers had been killed. [2], You know you're glowing, right? 'You might want to come back - it's gone I won't be the actor who comes in and goes, in Cranford down quite well' I remember being in a house at 'I don't think I'd say that [20] Executive producer Jeph Loeb said "There were obviously a number of places that we thought Nick Fury would have a big impact on the show, but the more we talked about it, [the more we wanted] to get him in very early, so that it would kind of christen the show, legitimize it in its own way". when he decided not to bury Coulson. The son of CIA agents Nia Jones and Nick Fury, Marcus Johnson spent most of his life unaware of his parentage or his mother's true past. [36], We've been data mining HYDRA's files. "[48] Chris E. Hayne of GameSpot ranked Fury 19th in their "38 Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes" list, writing, "There is no Avengers without Nick Fury. Turning off his simulation of the beach, Fury told the other Skrulls to get back to work, asking them where his shoes were. Realizing that Romanoff, Wilson, and Hill agreed with Rogers, Fury then consented to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D..[7] Romanoff and Fury then talked about not including Romanoff in his circle of trust. [6], When Fury was informed that the United States Army, led by Thaddeus Ross, was hunting down Bruce Banner, he personally approached Banner in a bar and tried to talk to him peacefully. Impressed by the work he had seen and the discoveries that had been made, Fury had summoned Erik Selvig, who had been associated with all the recent incidents and the sightings of Thor, to the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility, greeting him in a hallway. Stark then questioned what Fury wanted, which annoyed Fury even more as he told Stark that he had bigger issues to deal with around the world. And explaining to him that the black and white of good guys/bad guys has now turned into this gray area. James Buchanan Barnes, a.k.a. With the team inspired by Phil Coulson's death and wanting to avenge him, the Avengers Initiative had finally come to fruition, as the team traveled to New York City where they found Loki had activated the Tesseract, opening a portal above Stark Tower which had allowed his army of Chitauri to pour into New York, causing mass destruction and claiming hundreds of lives. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, Rocky Balboa's Surprise Cameo Tied Back Perfectly to the Original, Lord of the Rings: Andy Serkis Recalls Actors Mocking His Gollum Performance, Joel Schumacher's Third Batman Film Would Have Changed Hollywood's Future. agents, and augment Fury's strategic authority. [4], At ease, soldier! Although Coulson was furious about being kept in the dark about Project T.A.H.I.T.I., they agreed it was best to focus on defeating Garrett, so Fury supplied Coulson with the Destroyer Armor Prototype Gun. Perfect opportunity. Fury himself quotes "that S.H.I.E.L.D. Nicholas Brooks has been writing professionally for over a decade, covering many aspects of pop culture from film and video games to comics and anime. Nick becomes the driving force that eventually sees the different heroes become a unique response team known as the Avengers. After taking multiple shots to the chest, Fury was taken to get emergency surgery. The Winter Soldier sees Steve and Nat head to Jersey after uncovering information on Nick Fury's USB drive. Related: Disney+'s Marvel Shows Can Bring Agents Of SHIELD Into The Real MCU. Nick Fury dying and being brought back in the MCU isn't necessarily an isolated issue when it comes to Marvel movies. [5] However, Marvel Studios initially discussed a potential film role with George Clooney, who turned it down after reviewing some of the comic book source material and finding Fury to be too violent of a character. [11] Fury attended Tony Stark's funeral at Stark's house, where he stood silently on the porch and briefly reunited with Carol Danvers for the first time since 1995. What If the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes? or 'How do we trust the guys that you didn't trust who don't trust you?' The plan went underway as Captain America rallied the remaining loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. 's arsenal fall into the wrong hands. While at the funeral, Fury noticed Parker in attendance, and was going to introduce himself and deliver the glasses but changed his mind, feeling that the time was not right nor appropriate. Now that the Avengers Initiative had ultimately succeeded, Fury's defiance of the World Security Council may not have been forgotten, but his methods and actions had saved the world. The significant change that came from Captain America: The Winter Soldier was the revelation that Hydrahad been secretly running SHIELD for decades. Following this, Fury chose to promote Coulson to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., telling him to rebuild it from the ground up. agent, working closely with Fury. [39] Fury later arrived at the Avengers Compound in upstate New York and told Natasha Romanoff the last known location of the Avengers Quinjet, which Hulk had taken at the end of the battle. and HYDRA's files onto the internet, exposing Pierce as a traitor, but Pierce remained confident as he had ensured that Fury's clearance had already been wiped from the system. But also, strangely better. Or Loki, who's main timeline iteration seems to finally be dead, although that death is undercut by the fact that an alternate timeline version is about to have his own TV series. Sometimes the changes work, and sometimes they dont. During his childhood, Fury had his first pet, a cat named Mr. ""There's something I got to do first.Nick Fury and Steve Rogers, Fury went to his fake graveside to talk with Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff before he went into hiding. Pierce was incredibly reluctant as he knew the amount of work which would go into such an action, but Fury insisted that it would be worthwhile. Fury died moments before sending out a call to Captain Marvel (Brie Larson). He eventually deduces that their murders were instigated by Hank Pym and temporarily allies with Loki to confront him in San Francisco. Sometime later, Fury met with Rogers, who was now a fugitive, to convince him to contact Stark and work things out in the wake of their disagreement, although this seemed like an impossible task. Seeing that S.H.I.E.L.D. ""I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story.Phil Coulson and Nick Fury. Fury had then also aided the Avengers during the Ultron Offensive, serving as support during the Battle of Sokovia. agents together to fight HYDRA while Black Widow used a Photostatic Veil to disguise herself as Pamela Hawley to infiltrate the World Security Council and get to Project Insight's leader. [10], Nothing lasts forever. Fury welcomed them all onto the ship, shaking Bruce Banner's hand and personally thanking him for agreeing to help them. of their location, a team led by Talos disguised as Keller arrives. He managed to rescue both of them, although Fitz suffered brain damage from the ordeal. However, before he left, Stark then agreed to be the consultant as long as Fury helped him convince Stern to present him and Rhodes with the medals for all their bravery in defeating Whiplash, which Fury agreed to. After they arrived, Vers was greeted by Monica Rambeau, who called her Auntie Carol and her mother Maria Rambeau, who was apparently a long-time friend, while Fury watched as all this unfolded. Fury raced back to his car and grabbed his pager, sending out an emergency alert to Captain Marvel. agents and took possession of the Helicarrier. ", "Russo brothers tapped for 'Captain America 2': Disney and Marvel in final negotiations with 'Community' producers to helm pic", "Sunday Geekersation: Jackson unleashes the Fury", "The Winter Soldier: Has America Changed Too Much for Captain America? Fury and Romanoff revealed that they intended to release all of S.H.I.E.L.D. He will star as the main protagonist of the miniseries Secret Invasion (2023), with his storyline leading into the upcoming film The Marvels (2023), in which Fury is set to return. However, just as they were taking back control, Maria Hill noticed a grenade being thrown into the control room, causing an explosion which knocked Hill backwards. The photos of Peggy and . The larger issue here is that the Marvel movies are becoming guilty of a commonly used science fiction trope. and the politics as opposed to that other stuff. We were everywhere. In 2018, Fury and Hill are travelling in Atlanta discussing the Avengers' whereabouts when Hill suddenly disintegrates due to the Blip, prompting Fury to use his pager to summon Danvers, before he too disintegrates. As Fury left he told Coulson not to allow Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz to install their fish tank onto the plane. As Fury flew the Helicopter, one of the Insight Helicarriers crashed into the side of the Triskelion, causing Sam Wilson to run for his life until he leaped from the window and barely managed to land inside the helicopter thanks to Fury's exceptional piloting skills. Just then, Fury runs up and kicks Winter Soldier down. But if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Secretary you need to keep both eyes open.Alexander Pierce and Nick Fury. Fury survived being shot due to wearing a Bulletproof Vest and had managed to get back onto his feet, before getting onto the radio to inform Maria Hill of Barton's betrayal and ordering her to do what she could to attempt to stop Barton from escaping with Loki and the Tesseract. Later, the team is taken to a secret facility where they learn that Fury didnt die. 45. Upon arrival at the base, Fury explained to Vers when she learned of his full name that he is only referred to by his surname. That's the problem.Nick Fury and Steve Rogers. [23], I went to great pains to make sure you didn't die the first time. However, Fury continued the search despite their demands. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is filled with incredible characters and fantastic storylines, although they dont always follow the comics exactly. was indeed copying the HYDRA's designs in order to make Tesseract-powered weapons, which greatly angered Rogers. [27][28] Fury chose to hide the truth about Coulson's survival from the Avengers, classifying the information to those with Level 7 clearance or above. Character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Left the ranks a full bird Colonel.Nick Fury to Vers, Once he finished high school, Fury joined the United States Army, working his way up the ranks as a soldier until being promoted to Colonel. When Stark insulted Fury's attempt to use a nuclear deterrent to end the crisis, Fury remained him of how Stark Industries had made their billions from selling their weapons. He seems different than usuallighter and perkier. The original Fury essentially disappeared after 2014's "Original Sin" event, consigned to forever watch events on Earth unfold from his new home on the Moon as punishment for killing Uatu, Earth's assigned Watcher. They were then joined by Natasha Romanoff, with Fury revealing he had placed her undercover within Stark Industries to keep an eye on Stark's behavior, prompting Stark to try firing her. Now feeling more confident, Banner suggested that they begin scanning for Gamma Radiation to locate the Tesseract while Fury had ordered Romanoff show him to his laboratory where he began focusing all his efforts on searching the Earth, getting help from laboratories around the world to find Loki and Erik Selvig as quickly as possible. Wanted to ask if you'd come. They only revealed themselves after Talos called for them. Bucky was Captain America's partner during World War II. The reason for this was because, at this time, Fury still had no idea who to trust since any agent could be a part of Hydra. He also warned him that Skye was a risk as she had previously been a member of the Rising Tide. [31] Feige explained that Danvers is the first superhero that Fury has come across,[32] which sets him on a path to his role working with heroes in later-set MCU films. "[26] The writers gave Fury a more prominent role in The Winter Soldier, since within a plot featuring S.H.I.E.L.D. Some time later, he appoints Talos and Soren to impersonate him and Hill while he takes a vacation in space on a Skrull ship. The two then made their way to the facility's hangar, where they found a Quadjet. ]Movie info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1843866/Buy it on Blu-ray: ht.