13th virginia regiment revolutionary war

Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Virginia Regiment" family, on Ancestry. Fourth Connecticut Regiment of Infantry Continental Line. The fort may have had either two or four iron cannon (Wikipedia). [T]hat he first marched from Ben Bevers (Van Bibbers) ford (probably fort) to the part of Virginia known by the name of the Wilderness and continued scouting through the Wilderness to keep of [off] the Indians during said tower [tour] of nine months. The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. As such, his talents were definitely best utilized as an Indian Spy on the frontiers, a necessary service since the defense plan depending on an early warning for the settlers to make it into their nearest fort prior to an attack.. [H]e entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776: that at the time he entered the Service as a Spy he was enrolled and mustered in a company of Militia commanded by Captain John Henderson and raised in that part of the State of Virginia which is now Monroe on Wolf Creek about sixteen miles from where he now resides; that at the termination of the cold weather and when the first signs of approaching spring and the putting forth of vegetation appeared some signs of Indians having been seen, the people becoming much alarmed in the neighborhood betook themselves to Cooks Fort which was situated on Indian Creek about eight miles from where he now resides in about the same distance from where he then resided. No. He this said declarant halted at said Garison untill the troops commanded by General Hann (Edward Hand) would arive this said declarant was to join General Hann to go against the Indians on the Sciote (Scioto River) now in the State of Ohio While he this said declarant lay at Point Pleasent, aforesaid Robert Gilmore a private (Lt. James Gilmore) in the Company that this said declarant belonged to was kild by the Indians. After the Revolution, the fort was the home of the First American Regiment, the oldest active unit in the United States Army. Marched to McAfees Station on Salt River, where Capt. Organized February 1777 at Fort Pitt from Yohogania, Monongalia, and Ohio Counties. Served the above six months a private as above. It appears that the force was then divided into two groups: one to assist Kentucky, and one to assist Montgomery County, Virginia with its Tory problem and guard the lead mines. Previous Engagements: Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. Thus, around 1778-1779, the British were uneasy having Clark so nearby, and were therefore unsure what to do. In early March of 1779, George Washington wrote to Daniel Brodhead and placed him in command of Fort Pitt: From my opinion of your abilities, your former acquaintance with the back Country, and the knowledge you must have acquired upon this last tour of duty, I have appointed you to command in preference to a stranger, who would not have time to gain the necessary information between that of his assuming the command and the commencement of operations.. The application contains an amendment, this time with more detail: [W]hile he was stationed at Fort McIntosh, he was sent out with fifteen or twenty others on a scouting party; while out on this party they were attacked by about forty Indians and succeeded in killing a great many of them. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. We feature smart, groundbreaking research and well-written narratives from expert writers. and further this deponant saith not. 13th Virginia Regiment Frontier, Native Americans, Strategy, The War Years (1775-1783) May 11, 2021 May 12, 2021. Clark did so, in an epic way, and now was positioned within striking distance of the British fort at Detroit. He states after he returned home from the tower aforesaid he removed to the County of Montgomery & State of Virginia and in the month of August 1778 he again entered the service of the United States as a volunteer in the company of George Parrish of the County of Montgomery & State aforesaid as an Indian Spy the Company to which he belonged was ordered to guard the frontiers on Knew River [New River] where they were attached to Colonel Taylors Regiment which was commanded by said Taylor. Un concours pour mettre en avant des inventeurs africains-amricains He states that after the term of his service expired for which he was drafted he was discharged by his Captain Thomas Wright. Mordecai Myers's Co. Capt. The ensuing encounter became known as the Battle of Thompson Island, the only Revolutionary War battle fought in northwestern Pennsylvania. This is a list of British units which took part in the American Revolutionary Wa Simon Girty a Messenger dispatched by General Hand to the Seneca towns on the Heads of the Allegeney, Returned here a few days a goe, he in forms us Guashota a Chief of them had Returned from War, that he had killed four people near Legonier,3 that another party Returned and Brought in a white Woman and three Scalps whilst he was in the towns, that they told him all the Nations Excepting White Eyes and a few Delawares woud strike us in the Spring. That he was at the Building of Fort McIntosh, on Ohio below Big Beaver Creek (this is the Beaver River at present Beaver PA, constructed in the Fall of 1778) and was discharged at that place by Col. Brodhead . In the evening moved to Camp Blair at Fairfax station with the Newtown Artillery and the 10th Virginia Infantry. He was stationed in Greenbrier County but was frequently sent as a spy out of that County in pursuit of Indians. Subscribe now and get each blog post by email. Inthe Library of Congress, Manuscript Division,inWashington, D.C., there are several muster rolls of the Thirteenth Virginia and the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiments, as well as that of a Virginia militia company, all of which served at Fort Pitt and accompanied Jacob Workman: PERSON, pictures and information - Fold3 These expeditions aimed to protect frontier colonists from the threat of American Indians and made up a large part of Western Pennsylvanias role in the Revolutionary War. Lieutenant Colonel Walker was promoted to colonel . Below is Georges own application narrative, which is pretty interesting. 2. I was living on Wolf Creek when I was called into service and remained there until about the year 1790 when I moved to where I now live. Then returned home to Kentucky, and were discharged by Col Logan, at the Fort, in Month of January 1781. That sometime in the year 1774 he volunteered as a Private Militia man under Captain Benjamin Harriss [Benjamin Harris?] Download Military Services And Genealogical Records Of Soldiers Of Mar 11, 2023 [Revolutionary War] Gold Pin Inscribed w/ KIA Officer's Name $225. [23 March 1820]. GW wrote Henry Laurens on 27 Feb. suggesting the reunification of the parts of the 13th Virginia Regiment at Fort Pitt and Valley Forge. That in the early part of the Indian War there was a Fort or Garrison erected on a plantation belonging to James Burnsides two miles north west from where he lived which was called Burnsides Fort. But then it was marched to the Lead Mines (Fort Chiswell) on Holston, and then to Logans Station in Kentucky. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. The reason Capt. Not long afterwards, Brodhead also was removed and replaced by Col. Gibson. Second Canadian Regiment of Infantry, 1776. The 13th was prominent in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, then it moved with Gen. Jubal Early to the Shenandoah Valley and later was involved in the Appomattox operations. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. They had marched [26 Jun 1778] some considerable time before we arived at said station. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia.[1]. Clay, was raised principally in Paris and the surrounding community. Archives. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. He served in the U.S. Congress and as the 13th Governor of Virginia. William Harvey III (1770-1848) - Find a Grave-reminne of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia where I then lived for the defense of the Northwestern frontiers which were annoyed by the attacks of hostile Indians that we marched with a force of 100 men under the command of Captain Ben Harriss for Point Pleasant on the Ohio River near the mouth of the Kenhoura [Kanawha] river we arrived there with many of our men sic of the flux. His father was the quintessential frontiersman from French Indian War era, and its likely that Michael wasnt much different. The fortress was the site of the signing of the Treaty of Fort McIntosh on January 21, 1785. Read the email, or read online! But he was about to be replaced. Koquetakeghton was killed while serving as a guide for an American expedition against the British post at Fort Sandusky in November of the same year. During the Gettysburg Campaign it was left at Winchester as provost guard. To George Washington from Colonel William Russell, Sr., 24 Feb - Archives That again on the first of May 1779 he valentered and served under the said Capt Hamilton untill the first of Sept. of the same year that he was stationed in Hamiltons Garrison and nothing occured this season worthy of notice that he frequently as was usual went out by turns to watch the paths that was thought most likely that Indians would attampt to pass through, That on the first of April in the year 1780 he entered the servis under Capt Hamilton and served untill the first of September of the same year and was stationed as before in Hamiltons Garrison that he recollects in the Spring of this year of going in company with William Morris Thos. Keeneys Fort long pre-existed Arbuckles so that could be Arbuckles Fort. This is a comprehensive list of Americans in the Revolutionary War. \ \x7 o .'X*- r, \ .^. Colonial and Revolutionary War (Virginia) - University of Virginia On the other hand, they were fearful of being attacked on our frontiers by the British and Indians out of Detroit. Thomas Jefferson, the Governor of Virginia, wrote to William Campbell (who had been placed as commander of the three joint county militias in that area) on July 3, 1780, to change his plans from going on an expedition, to instead protect the Lead Mines at Fort Chiswell, as they were a higher priority. Among them were, James Alton, Swift Perry, and Edward Cornwell, all now dead; William Bushor, who moved to Kentucky, and James and JohnOHaraand Thomas Alterberry, whom he knows nothing of. The National Historical Publications and List of Continental Army Units in 1777 to 1780 American Revolutionary War And after he returned home he went to the County of Botetourt County State of Virginia and in the month of September 1780 he again entered the service of the United States as a Volunteer in the company of Captain Alexander Hanley in the County aforesaid to serve a tower of six months, the company marched to the County of Montgomery & State aforesaid on Holston River where they were attached to Major Campbells Battalion and from that place they marched through North Carolina to South Carolina where they joined General Morgans [Daniel Morgans] Brigade and after they joined the aforesaid Brigade they marched to the Cowpens and that he was in the Battle of the Cowpens [January 17, 1781].. 2 vols. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Drafted as aforesaid in the month of Febuary seventeen hundred seventy Eight, And marched in the month of March of the same year To Fort Chissell (Chiswell) in Virginia In the Company Commanded by Captain John Henderson under the command of Major Hamilton [probably Andrew Hamilton] stationed at Fort Chisel aforesaid. 1.GW wrote Henry Laurens on 27 Feb. suggesting the reunification of the parts of the 13th Virginia Regiment at Fort Pitt and Valley Forge. Left Valley Forge with 400 men assigned and 218 fit for duty. Mar 11, 2023 5th Maryland Regiment at Washington . Service started: Unit (s): Service ended: James O'Neall was born in 1738, the son of Hugh and Anne (Cox) O'Neall. While Hull dithered and delayed at Detroit, worrying about his supply lines through Ohio and along the Lake Erie shore, he received news that the American base at Mackinac had fallen to the British on July 17. We were in actual service this tour 30 days, was discharged and returned to my former residence in Greenbrier Virginia. PDF On this 13th day of May 1833 personally appeared Anthony D. Trout who After the war Gibson served as a judge of the court of common pleas and a general in the Pennsylvania militia, and in 1800 Jefferson appointed him secretary of the Indiana Territory, an office he held until 1816. GW had known Kiashuta since 1753, when Kiashuta had acted as a guide on GWs mission to warn off the French troops on the Ohio. Produced by: MFR, Karin Spence and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) This was across the river from the site of the James Graham cabin, which is still standing. Girty was present at the torturing and killing of William Crawford by the Wyandots in Upper Sandusky in 1782. It's free, no spam, and you can unsubscribe at any time. [T]hat he was drafted in the last of February in the year 1781 in the service of the United States and entered the service under Colonel (William) Preston, Major Quirk and Captain Andrew Hamilton of the Militia of the State of Virginia at Burnsides Station in Greenbrier County and march[ed] from there to what is now called Kentucky to join General Clark [George Rogers Clark] at the falls of the Ohio to go to New orleans [New Orleans] to assist the French agreeable to order of General Washington. Each of these expeditions ended up diverting men to stay and guard the mines, as they were constantly under threat by the local tory groups in the nearby mountains. I have been on other campaigns against the Indians which I cannot now by reason of my old age and consequent loss of memory detail to any person. Assure yourself Sir we woud not have made this request but in consequence of the intreaties of the inhabitants here and the imminent danger to which we think these frontiers exposed, by thus drawing away the Militia. Harris. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He then served back on the Greenbrier River at John Van Bibbers Fort, at what is present day Lowell, West Virginia now Summers County. HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES AND DOCUMENTS - Pennsylvania State University virginia civil war reenactments 2022 - prismaces.colmex.mx 40 miles from Fort Pitt; affidavit in file age 67 in Pendleton Couinty, virginia 1813 when disabled from Revolutionary War wounds; William Marteney filed 10th Virginia Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom Virginia Units in the Revolutionary War Crawford was experienced in frontier warfare, well-liked by his men, and had served as an officer under Gen. Hands squaw campaign the year prior. Dixon mustered for the 1778 trip, and ended up at Logans Station in Kentucky. I request the favour of your Excellency to indulge Major Campbell with leave of absence, till he can wait on Congress to have the business adjusted, unless your Excellency Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgan's . Walking and history of bicycling. The Swopes settled on Wolf Creek. [I]n the year 1781 I was drafted & marched from Greenbrier County under Capt John Henderson. In September 1778 Gibson attended a conference at which the first U.S. treaty of alliance was signed, with the Delaware Indians. That he entered the service of the United States, & served under the following named Officers, he was drafted for six months at the House or Station called, Burnsides Station [near present Salt Sulfur Springs in Monroe County WV], in month of February 1778, in the company commanded, by Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Woods. Stirlings Division|Muhlenbergs Brigade| 13th Virginia Regiment. We arrived to late to join said troops. I shall be 77 yrs. October 24, 1776 put in the "Continental establishment" in Captain Marshall's Company in the 13th PA regiment commanded by Col. Walter Stewart. And as for Crawford, he would be burned at the stake in 1782. That again in the Spring of the year 1777 he entered the service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April and was discharged as before on the first day of November following having that summer performed a tour of six months and a half; he again went into service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April 1778 and continued in said service until the first of November following having again performed a tour of six months and a half and that he again commenced his expedition as an Indian Spy on the first day of May 1779 and continued in service until the first day of November 1779 having performed a tour of six months that summer, making in all Two years and one months services which he performed as an Indian Spy. They are divided up by state in alphabetical order. He started to the place of rendezvous on or about the 14thday of February and met at James Byrnsides the place of rendezvous on the 15thday of that month 1781. The circumstances that brought a second tour of service, were as follows (towit) in the fall of the year 1780 I engaged in the company of Capt. On the first of May seventeen hundred seventy nine engaged in the company commanded by Captain Graham under the command of Colonel Brown of Greenbrier County Virginia a spy to spy out and reconoiter the enroads and excursions of the Indians on the Kenhaway, and the Country thereabout, Served from the 1stof May seventeen hundred seventy nine to the first of November seventeen hundred Eighty one at the rate of five shillings per day in Contennental money were bound to find myself amunition and other aequipage together with necessary provision. He served to the best of his recollection under this draft three months. Vance, John, entered service as sergeant major in 13th Virginia Regiment; twice wounded at Battle of Germantown/ moved to western part of Pennsylvania or Virginia near Yogohany River abt. On motion of Col. T. N. Dawkioa, Col. Wm. The 13th Virginia Regiment in the Revolutionary War List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. The regiment moved by train to Manassas but was stationed on the unengaged right flank during the battle. These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous personnel, pay, and supply records of American Army units, 1775-83. Molly Pitcher In the American Revolutionary War during the Battle of Monmouth, the Continental Army fought the British Army. 13th Virginia Regiment - Wikiwand Our work has been featured by the New York Times, TIME magazine, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Smithsonian, Mental Floss, NPR, and more. For to march to Kentucky, for the purpose of joining General Clark on an expedition against the Indians North West of the Ohio River, That he the said Peter was marched, to Fort Chissell, and my Father George Dixon, was sent on an express to Kentucky, and that the said Peter was detained at said Fort until the Bedford Co militia arived, under the command of Major. William was a son of William Harvey II(1744-1819)and Polly Jane Robinson Harvey(1749-1844). public. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. It was occupied until it was abandoned in 1791. There seems to be confusion about whether this is the same fort as Arbuckles Fort. He served more than six months or perhaps seven. Soon after, Brodhead led an expedition to stop the threat of American Indian raids on the frontier. The acquisition of Texas involved us in the Mexican War. Theres strong evidence through these narratives that our fort was in active military use from around 1774 through 1782, which for the most part is the entire timeline of Lord Dunmores War and the American Revolution. This narrative doesnt expressly mention Byrnsides Fort, but its apparent from the wording that he was in the same militia unit in 1778 formed by Capt. "History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison & Nicholas Counties" - FrontierFolk During this battle at least 100 out of the nearly 350 American troops died due to heat strokes caused by the continuous heat of over 100 degree weather. 13th Virginia Regiment 14th Virginia Regiment 15th Virginia Regiment 1st Virginia State Regiment 2nd Virginia State Regiment Miscellaneous German Regiment Grayson's Regiment Hartley's Regiment Hazen's Regiment Malcolm's Regiment Patton's Regiment Provisional Rifle Corps (Morgan's) Spencer's Regiment Hble Servants. that they told him he must goe with them to Niagara, that he made his Escape; By going to hunt for his horse. I was drafted in this Campaign but owing to my situation being lately married I could not go with the troops. All rights reserved. During this campaign, the advanced guard was attacked by a large body of Indians, and after a short engagement in which they killed ten of the Indians they succeeded in defeating and driving them from the field. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. He was also, of all the known pension applications, the individual who was garrisoned in Byrnsides Fort the longest period of time, apparently serving there in 1774, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 and 1781. He retired September 30. John Griffee Isaac Fisher [pension application S39524] and James Claypale that they left Hamiltons Fort and traveld along what was then called Lewises Campaign why that was the rout that General [Andrew] Lewis had marched his troops from Greenbrier to the Battle of the Point fought against the Indians at the mouth of the Greate Kanahawa in the fall of 1774 [sic: Battle of Point Pleasant at the mouth of Kanawha River, 10 Oct 1774]. The unit was organized on 12 February 1777 at Fort Pitt in present-day western Pennsylvania to consist of nine companies of troops from the far-western Virginia counties (now parts of West Virginia and western Pennsylvania). Col. John Gibson which regiment was attached to the command of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh. Upon the evening of the same day, 13th of October, 1862, with my husband and a lady friend, we accompanied the detachment of his own regiment which carried his body to the grave. The Indians broke in upon our encampment, and killed six of us and wound one, the remaining part retreated to the Station. If youve read That Dark and Bloody Water, by Allen Eckert, then youve read extensively about Col. Gibson and the entire ordeal of what occurred in the theater of operations around Fort Pitt at this time. . This article is converted from Wikipedia: List of British units in the American Revolutionary War. Publicado en . he says the News of Burgoynes Surrender had not Reached there.4, Lt Cane was ordered down the Country to Bring up the Cloathing for the Remainder of the 13th Virga Regt now here, But as the Cloathing is not Yet Arrived, and the men Being in the most distressed Condition, I have now sent Capt. we got behind the army and returned home cant tell why we done so we did not desert some that went on to Kentucky got back home as soon as we did I think I was at least three months gone in this expedition. This is George Dixons own pension narrative, which follows: [H]e entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated That he entered the said service in the month of September AD 1777 A volenteer of the County of Greenbrier in the state of Virginia, in the Company commanded by Captain James Armstrong, marched from the said County of Greenbrier [illegible word] the Kenhaway to Point Pleasent [sic: Kanawha River to Point Pleasant] on the Ohio River Captain [Matthew] Arbuckle commanded said Garison [Fort Randolph] at Point Pleasent. By the inclosed Return Your Excellency will be made Acquainted with the strength of the Garrison at this place.1 Genl Hand ordered me to send the Deserters from the Different Corps at Camp down by Capt. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. He commanded frontier garrisons on the upper Ohio river at Fort Pitt (Pittsburg) and Fort Henry. [1] References He also sometimes went in company with the late Colonel Samuel Estill of Kentuckey; [T]hat the place where he performed the aforesaid services as an Indian Spy was in the gaps and low places in the chain of mountains between William Laffertys plantation on New River and the head waters of Laurel Creek where they met the Spies from Burnsides Fort. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. Thus, it was probably 1778. The mission ended up getting canceled and repurposed. Pennsylvania (should be Virginia) Line on Continental Establishment Commanded by Col Broadhead, & in Capt Jas Burnsides Company. That he was marched accross the Blue Ridge of Mountains at Rockfish gap, thence directly to the City of Richmond, thence down the James River to Sandy Point where he with the company to which he belonged crossed the River and thence to Camp Carson an encampment in what was called the dismal Swamp near a place called Portsmouth in the State of Virginia, where he was stationed the greater part of the winter, and from thence he was marched with the Army in the spring to Murdoughs Mills [possibly Murdocks Mill] still nearer to Portsmouth where he remained untill the 9thof April 1781 when he was discharged having served a tour of three months; that during said three months Tour of service he was in one engagement or skirmish under the command of the aforesaid officers at or in sight of Portsmouth; that Captain Cunningham from Rockbridge County, Virginia was wounded in the groin; that the Captain received his wound a few paces in his front there was also one soldier wounded in the leg & was placed on a carriage and bourn off the field or ground of the engagement.