compassion international lgbt

On June 12, 2016, the popular gay dance club Pulse in Orlando was the site of a mass shooting by one assailant. 2010 23,500 There are many charities like World Vision that support Children in need, Compassion International and One Child Matters are two others that come to mind right of hand.) Dr. Baehr is on the Board of Advisers of (NCF-funded) Mastering Life Ministries, headed by David Kyle Foster, which promotes videos of ex-gay ministry leaders. Treating LGBT patients: Creating a medical practice that offers He has crusades with up to 50,000 people and Ive seen three thousand saved in one night. 5. The Bible is clear in teaching on sexual sin including sex outside of marriage and homosexual acts. [5] This strengthens the case that homosexuality is a behavior based on choice, not on genetic fate. 2008 167,200 ADF is tied to anti-LGBT rights activism from the U.S. to Belize to Russia and has played a major role in the the anti-gay World Congress of Families (see: ). 2006 0 Were working on a second book, that would be stand-alone, and the area that well be addressing is prevention. Years 2002-2013 of those forms can be downloaded here, from the National Center For Charitable Statistics. In 2009, the year the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill was introduced in Ugandas parliament by MP David Bahati, Stephen Langa was a featured speaker at the 2009 Transform World conference held by Bush in New York City, as a leader of the family and religion track. Explains author and researcher Rachel Tabachnick, [Theocratic libertarianism] would dramatically reduce the federal government and control society through enforcement of biblical law at the local and state levels. account. 2012 507,372 2007 1,250 Jim Burns Youthbuilders was one of the outlets for training materials created under the auspices of a team brought together by Howard Ahmansons unincorporated Fieldstead & Co. to form a strategy for combating organized homosexuality. Vision Forum Ministries Bethany Christian Services Will Now Help LGBTQ Parents Adopt Children That program was, and remains, the foundation and core of Compassion. 2002 7,500 In 2007, Bishop Jackson partnered with Cindy Jacobs and Kimberly Daniels in leading opposition to the Hate Crimes Bill, later signed into law by President Barack Obama (see:, 2001 590,105 2001 200,000 Headed by longtime ex-gay leader David Kyle Foster, Mastering Life Ministries (MLM) is currently producing (as its main organizational project) the Pure Passion video series which features videos of ex-gay leaders, and alleged experts who purport to describe long-discredited cures for same-sex attraction. Another of Howard Ahmansons projects has been the funding of efforts to promote schisms within mainline Protestant denominations, over divisive wedge issues such as same sex marriage and the ordination of gay clergy. 2008 190,400 But neither they nor their families are under any compulsion to become Christians. 2008 1,000 2012 8,950 In Africa, Compassion works in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo and Uganda. transform my life is one of those mysteries., Child Protection Officer, 2007 0 2012 4,000 The Greens are frequent attendees of The Gathering. 2013 89,500, Florida Family Policy Council (EIN 53-2436800). I wanted to let you know that the day you retired from service, I walked into a recruiter's office, and enlisted in the U.S. Army as an engineer. 2005 1,400 2011 42,000 2012 0. 2013 33,125. 2005 714,581 2003 3,500 The CFC played an important organizing role in the successful effort to pass Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. 2010 0 2004 74,100 2007 2,000 (see:, 2006 1,500 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) 2009 1,371, Youthbuilders (formerly National Institute of Youth Ministry. [4] The name of the association changed to Compassion, Inc., in 1963, inspired by Jesus' words "I have compassion on the multitude. 2004 6,000 (Conservative Caucus Research) 2009 3,000 2012 236,763, Watoto Child Care Ministry (EIN 59-3445250). 2002 0 It is not a victimless personal decision but a wrongful act with far-reaching implications for the nation. 2005 70,000 That team included Don Schmierer and Herb Schlossberg who have both served as program directors for Fieldstead & Co., and ex-gay ministry head Jim Johnson. [26] Compassion refused to do so as it would be a misuse of funds entrusted to them by donors all around the world. Based on research, the Love Won Out campaign appears to have been planned by a working group that included Herbert Schlossberg and Don Schmierer, who co-led a presentation at The Gathering 1997 on how to combat organized homosexuality. The source data for funding listed in this reference work are 2001-2013 National Christian Foundation IRS 990 forms filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Besides the National Christian Foundation, Food for the Hungry has also been funded by Howard Ahmansons unincorporated Fieldstead and Company and by USAID. Compassion International is an American child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally who live in poverty . But Daly is in fact the President and CEO of Citizenlink (formerly called Focus on the Family Action), FoFs 501(c)(4) lobbying and political action wing which gives several million dollars a year to fund the constellation of family policy organizations that promote the evangelical rights social policy agenda at the state level including bills such as Kansas House Bill 2453 (note: HB 2453 was the creation of the Ethics and Public Policy Center see E&PPC section.). In 2012 Christian Union held an eight-school conference on faith healing featuring the New Apostolic Reformations Che Ahn, co-founder with Lou Engle of the virulently anti-gay group TheCall. 2011 4,100 In 2003, ADF filed a brief in a support of now-overturned sodomy laws in the Lawrence v. Texas case, and in 2008 ADF defended Californias ban on same sex marriage in Hollingsworth v. Perry. Hobby Lobby is a co-plaintiff in a case now before the U.S. Supreme Court ( which challenges provisions of the Affordable Care Act which require for-profit corporations to provide contraceptive services in employee health plans. 2006 224,650 2013 184,000, Eternal Perspective Ministries (EIN 94-3125475), EPMs Randy Alcorn is one of the most prolific authors on the Christian Right (see: The legal organizations supported by ADF (most of which are also funded by the National Christian Foundation) represent most of the anti-reproductive rights and anti-LGBT rights legal activism in America and are now playing, as well, a major role in mounting international efforts to restrict LGBT rights. 2013 4,202,156. 2012 5,000 Compassion International Colorado Springs CO 80997 800-336-7676 Colorado Spgs CO | IRS ruling year: 2014 | EIN: 36-2423707 Compassion International is a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. And 50,000 of those children have been waiting for more than a year, a much higher number due to the pandemic. The result is a gender confusion never experienced at such a wide level in the history of the world. According to Kennedy, Mathare is not a place people are proud to say they are from. 2002 1,000 Citizens For Community Values was a top financial sponsor of the wave of 2004 state ballot amendments banning same-sex marriage. Where can I find out information on my childs country? Compassion International According to Scott Lively, credited with helping inflame anti-LGBT hatred from Eastern Europe and Russia to Uganda, Bright and lively were friends (see:; and according to Lively it was Campus Crusade For Christ leader Warren Willis who initially brought Lively to Uganda, in March 2002, to speak along with Ugandan Stephen Langa at an anti-pornography conference (see: (see: 2005 4,250 2006 281,500 2010 8,000 How much does it cost to sponsor a child through Compassion? 2012 6,000, Prison Fellowship Ministries (EIN numbers 62-0988294 and 51-0247185), 2001 631,200 It explodes the myths that homosexuals are born that way and cannot change. Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use 2006 34,000 The South Tampa Fellowship Church presents a textbook quality case study in how the ex-gay industry has gone underground. Coral Ridge Ministries Compassion currently works in 27 countries around the world. 2001 21,000 Husbands are to provide loving, sacrificial leadership for the family. Compassion, Compassion International, Compassion Sunday, the Compassion Logo and the FILL THE STADIUM Logo are registered trademarks of Compassion International, Inc. All donations in the United States are tax deductible in full or part. (note: other The Gathering foundations give substantially more funding to CWA than does NCF), 2001 600 Cromartie steered Colson away from the separatist and politically disengaged stream of fundamentalism, and towards the quietly but heavily politicized Neo-evangelical movement that had been launched in the 1940s under the leadership, especially, of theologian Harold Ockenga and his close friend Billy Graham another key member of The Fellowship. 2010 3,600 Shutting down of Compassion International: What the controversy is all 2011 17,200 2007 56,717 Organizations like the members of the Restored Hope Network continue to show that there is help and potential for overcoming sexual sin in any form. (see:, 2001 36,000 2011 334,825 2002 171,000 Battles to remove the Ten Commandments from public buildings, and fights to take under God out of our Pledge of Allegiance. Since implementation of the new abstinence-based policy, Ugandas HIV infection rate has risen. 2006 6,500 (see:, 2001 0 Marketplace Leaders Ministries 2003 5,000 2012 313,100 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided) Noebels anti-gay writing includes his 1977 book The Homosexual Revolution: End Time Abomination (dedicated to Anita Bryant) which characterized homosexuality as a kind of national death wish that sought to change the natural order created by God himself and the 1996 book AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (co-authored with Wayne C. Lutton and Paul Cameron). The Institute On Religion and Democracy (EIN 52-1265221). As USA Today reported in a an August 3, 2014 story, The broadest attack yet on states gay marriage bans will be Wednesday in a packed courtroom in downtown Cincinnati, where lawyers challenging four states prohibitions will stand shoulder to shoulder in hopes of convincing a three-judge panel that the bans are unconstitutional.. 2009 297,229 Franais | | Espaol. 2001 2,500 Intercessors For America 2005 937,818 I want you to know that not only did you give me a chance at being free, but you inspired me to be a guardian of freedom. circumstances and become all God has created them to be. 235), Kennedys now-defunct Center For Reclaiming America was known for, 2001 16,600 When working to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ people, USAID abides by two foundational principles: do no harm and do nothing about them without them. Do no harm means that we take measures to ensure that our efforts do not put LGBTQI+ individuals or groups at increased risk of harm or raise their public profile in a way that could lead to backlash. 2012 10,000, The Family Foundation of Kentucky (EIN 61-1167112). Compassion International is the world's largest Christian child development organization. 20:13, Rom. Palau has spoken at The Fellowship associated events such as The Gathering and was a featured speaker at a 2012 Atlanta, GA event commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the National Christian Foundation (see: ). Capitol Ministries 2008 0 2010 49,800 Children are to honor their parents. I want you to know that all you did made a difference, and it was all worth it. 2005 136,600 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) 2012 777,763 2007 66,500 2006 48,852 In 2008, at a California rally against same sex marriage, Pacific Justice Institute head Brad Dacus compared stopping same-sex marriage to stopping Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler (see: With your support, local leaders can intervene in urgent situations like this to provide essential items and sustainable solutions for struggling children and families. 2011 1,600 According to Food For The Hungry/UK, Samaritan Strategy Africa is a team of African leaders who have banded together to execute an ambitious plan to take the DNA teaching across the continent. (see: 2004 293,700 2012 11,760. No to sodomy!, In 2010, only a few months after Western media attention became fixated on the role that TheCall head (and NAR prophet) Lou Engle (with financial help from the National Christian Foundation) had played in inciting anti-gay hatred in Uganda by staging a May 2010 TheCall rally in Kampala, Luis Palaus son Andrew Palau held a series of Luis Palau Association rallies in Uganda with the help of Bishop Julius Oyet (see: ). In early 2015, leading up the oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, the Liberty Counsel organized a Defend Marriage Pledge, who signatories wanted to warn the Court not to cross the redline of natural marriage (see: ), 2004 15,000 2010 125,650 2006 42,725 2002 141,948 2008 130,000 By 2013, based on its $603 million in grants in FY 2012, the National Christian Foundation was judged by the Chronicle of Philanthropy to be Americas 12th biggest private foundation. It is destroying the souls and lives of those who embrace it. , 2001 200,340 Obediently pursue Jesus command to be salt and light to the culture