mercury in aquarius voice

You might find yourself grating under the emotional communications of others and responding in ways that can be hurtful. Mercury in Aquarius people often enjoy sarcasm. Their voice or way of speaking may be unusual or highly distinctive in some way. On a bad note, it makes individuals nervous, indecisive & emotionless. Mercury WebMercury in 11th House for Aquarius Mercury in the 11th house in Aquarius is a placement that can give rise to an intellectual free spirit who often directs his mental energy towards social activities and philanthropic endeavors. WebMercury in Aquarius can be the most flexible and the most rigid thinker at the same time. of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Pluto now moving through this air sign is all about the progression of humanity, and about focusing more on what is going to serve the collective rather than just the self. At the same time, shift your financial attitude to become more of a saver than a spender. They would prefer to participate in movements that feel new and invigorated with progressive energy rather than cling to the security of old-fashioned and conservative sensibilities. These transgressive tendencies extend to their argumentation, where they are known to play Devil's Advocate. 1 min read. This post may contain affiliate links. I am sure there are some who consider Mercury conjunct Jupiter to be obnoxious. In childhood, Mercury in Aquarius people might be shy and anxious. Your reason drives your actions. If it is retrograding through Aquarius, you can expect to have some interesting dreams. Mercurys day is Wednesday, so the best time for ritual work would be Wednesday, January 30, at dawn. While hes got Mercury conjunct Jupiter, a classic aspect for a comedian, the square to Neptune says something about hisweirder side. Mercury in Aquarius: Progressive, Observant, You love helping others, but you do so in a more detached, impersonal way, through your contribution to your community or your professional contribution. You open your mouth and your words are broadcast. Search for: MOST READ. Sales ability especially a talent for customer relations. She is one who believes in non-conformity and wanting to be her own person even if it goes against the grain of what society expects. Mercury and Neptune: Tall Tales, Fantasy Fiction Will the unreal become real as fantasy, the imagination and the impossible become possible? This is the time to turn your attention to work rather than play, to your everyday routine, your fitness and health. The last time Saturn was in Pisces was 1993-1996 and this time around, Saturn remains in Pisces until 2026. Its ruling planet is the first transcendental planet, Uranus (in modern astrology, it is ruled by Saturn in traditional astrology). This gives your thoughts a progressive edge -- theres no coloring inside the lines for you! In many ways, this zodiac sign is different from others. If weve had any "out there" thoughts, this is our chance to reassess them before we reveal them to the world. The combined influence of Mercury on top of Saturn, Uranus, and your Intellectually, they may be opposed to traditional structures of marriage and holy matrimony especially in the legal sense. If Mercury receives hard aspects, you might be unpredictable in your speech and gesticulation. People with this placement may have a capacity for learning computer science and other scientific areas of knowledge. It is time to speak your mind, Aquarius! Mercury in Aquarius: Personality Characteristics - Astroligion You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. February 2019 Tarot Card Astrology: Six of Swords. This astrological event is bound to People with this placement are inventive and progressive thinkers. This would be a good time to reach out to other people. Because you are so intelligent, you can also come across as a bit condescending as you can get annoyed when people dont understand thoughts and ideas as quickly as you do. Mercury is exalted in this air sign, which means the planet of communication moves along speedily, and with ease. WebMercury Combust In Aquarius On 28 February 2023 Effects And Remedies On 12 Zodiac Read More. Your detached approach to thinking and decision-making is also reflected in the way that you talk and communicate. These natives are true innovators for whom the present is the past and the future their playground. And for Aquarius, it brings a positive way more than any negative and makes their life much easier. 2. People love being in their company & give importance to what they say. Mercury stations retrograde on January 14, 2022, at 1020 Aquarius, and stations direct on February 3, 2022, at 2423 Capricorn. It also represents ideas coordination & our thoughts. Mars entered Gemini in August 2022 and this is where Mars turned retrograde in the last two months of 2022 and the first half of January 2023. Mercury is the closest planet to Sun and thats why it seems to be planet related to deity connection & devotion. This is a practical sector of your horoscope but its not a logical or practical approach that is likely to do well. For entertainment purposes only Take some rest from work if possible. This is a time when you are enthusiastic about new ideas. Its quick movement through the sky makes it a very personal feature of the horoscope. Love partners will have a good relationship. Aquarius is intellectual, objective, rational (which are typical air traits). Ideally, its a time to ensure you value yourself highly so youre paid what you deserve. This apparent intellectual superiority complex can intimidate others at times. Sometimes, youre learning about life the hard way. But it also means that you dont always have your emotional needs met. Pluto's transits are generational, so Plutos move into Aquarius is a big one. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Mercury They are less willing to sacrifice their individuality for the sake of a partnership. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, beware of becoming too rational at this time. In the birth chart, this Mercury sign indicates a potential for developing unique skills and for great intellectual ability. Like their fellow air signs, Aquarius Mercuries excel in the realm of debate, though perhaps they take less pleasure in it than others. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, you tend to have a quirky and creative way of thinking. In Aquarius She notices details others would miss, which is why shes often the one in the group who can figure out how to get to a place or solve a problem. He is a natural rebel, and does the unexpected, which gives him an effortless level of cool. Our thoughts and ideas become more progressive when Mercury sets up camp in Aquarius. Their sense of humor is might be too much for some people, but they see things from a unique perspective, what allows them to have witty, surprising remarks that are appreciated in a social setting. In astrology, Mercury has a variety of meanings. People with this placement often use sophisticated verbiage, sometimes getting a bit too technical for the average person. Be sociable and gravitate towards the people you love and admire. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Mercury in Aquarius is the idealistic philosopher, highly intellectual and visionary. You are also a natural rebel and have an innate idea to challenge all the ideas that you encounter. Shes incredibly inventive, original and multi-talented. In you have this Mercury sign in your horoscope, your mind works differently. Mercury in Aquarius Traits and Characteristics - LiveAbout The Sun is here until the 20th, the day of the Equinox, and talk planet Mercury is in Pisces from the 2nd to the 19th. WebMercury in Aquarius natives can see the big picture and will depict facts as required. Mercury You like to spend your time with people who are in some way original themselves too. The Mercury in Aquarius man is definitely quite different from other men in almost everything related to his personality traits and attitudes towards life. If you know anything about astrology, you may already know that March heralds two big astrological events: Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th and Pluto entering Aquarius on the 23rd. Two names with one soul The relationship of Chinese and western zodiac, April Monthly Zodiacs Horoscope for Pisces, Venus in 8th House Impact and Characteristics Vedic Astrology. You are also naturally creative and thrive when you have outlets to release this power within you. They are willing to entertain any ideas, but bottom line, they have an internal set of rules and standards that they always abide by. If Mercury is the planet of voice and communication as well as choice, then weve come to a decision point, especially regarding what weve learned since 2020. You are highly intellectual, philosophical, and creative, if a little reserved and aloof. He is a rationalist, who believes in thinking before speaking or making any decision. Mercury in Aquarius Opinionated and off-the-wall, these folks will not be silenced, regardless of how their thoughts are perceived. These individuals are often self-sufficient and intellectually curious. They can be somewhat opportunistic and glib because of this. Since intellectual stimulation is your aphrodisiac, you will also find yourself immediately attracted to obvious intelligent people, like Mercury in Gemini and Virgo. You enjoy thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating conversations, and get a kick out of mentally sparring with people who challenge you. Technological communications flourish during this time but beware that in retrograde, machines tend to go haywire. They genuinely enjoy learning, they might be bookworms from an early age. Aquarius rules the head, making their great thinkers and scientists. Then, on the 25th, Mars moves on and enters water sign Cancer. Mercury in Aquarius He is also very independent, and a little eccentric. Those with their Mercury in Aquarius incarnate mad scientist energy. They are even given to forcing their ideas on others. You rarely think or say what other people expect. You may be a local activist, a voice for your community, or a teacher. Singing, Comedy, Verbal Eloquence | Astrology by Hassan Jaffer Its original, unique point of view serves the advancement of humanity at a larger scale. Furthermore, they are bound to oppose any form of ideological oppression and control over the populace. Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury in the 3rd Mercury born Aquarius can be stubborn at times with their views & tend to be very quirky. MERCURY. Mercury Mercury in Aquarius How to talk to anyone well, using their Mercury sign Mercury Mercury in Pisces has difficulty defining boundaries and confuses emotions with thinking. It deals with an individuals communication, voice, expression, fun humor & the way they react to things. Plutos move into your star sign Aquarius is an indication that youre wise to engage with life fully. Practise the law of attraction and have faith that what you give, you will receive in return. We're now officially floating through Aquarius season 2020, but the Sun isn't the only planet to recently take up residence in this unique and innovative air sign. Air is their element and they are fixed in nature. As Plutos a generational planet, the themes may not resonate with you immediately. When Mercury is strong and awake in your zodiac sign, youll have mental clarity, vision and charm second-to-none. After spending the past few weeks in serious Capricorn, Mercury, the planet of communication, is entering Aquarius on January 8. They gravitate towards outlandish ideas. Libra, Gemini or Aquarius or Fire signs i.e. The planetary activity in Pisces feels creative and great for utilising your imagination and coming up with money-making ideas. It also reflects your default approach to communications. These are Saturns themes, planning financial long-term goals, also blocking any drains on your money. They simply must prove their points.Overall, those with this placement aspire to profundity, not agreeability, though they often achieve the latter in spite of themselves. What makes Aries the leaders among other zodiacs? This is a remarkable transit that happens every year when Mercury transits this sign. Mercury in Aquarius indicates that you are detached from your own emotions too. They prefer to discuss superficial things. You might be too eccentric, what makes it hard to fit in. It is a curious, practical, opportunistic & inquisitive planet. Delightfully quirky. Just because makes an Aquarius Mercury freak out and rebel. It is accidental dignity (what means it becomes stronger) when placed in the natural houses of these two signs, in the third house and in the sixth house.