okr for data engineering team

10 Great Examples of Engineering OKRs | OKR Examples | Profit.co As management expert Peter Drucker observed When people choose a course of action, theyre more likely to see it through. Doerr recommends that teams and individuals should set about half of their own OKRs in consultation with their managers, rather than all goals coming from the top. Choose Objectives 30 MIN. Even high-level, top-down OKRs set by company leaders should be arrived at through a collaborative and inclusive process. Common missteps & misconceptions about OKRs, Train 5 days per week with 1 long run each week, Drink at least 3 liters of water every day, Redesign our company website and job descriptions to better represent our ambitions and culture, Boost PR and social media presence of our leadership team, Make ongoing recruitment a top priority for the leadership team, Create ongoing mentorship and career growth opportunities within the company, Conduct 25 interviews with lapsed customers to identify current pain points, Clarify value proposition on main landing page, Identify & double down on marketing channels with best retention rate, Identify the best self-publishing platform, Increase open rate to 75% and click through rate to 55%, Identify the key user actions correlated with high retention and build email series around those actions, Implement new welcome email series by March 1, Develop 10 A/B tests for the email series and iterate based on the results. Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a goal system used by organizations. This is powerful stuff. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 5 Best Engineering OKRs Examples | okrs for engineering teams Increase the usability score from 75 to 85, Increase new features usage from 60% to 90%, Increase User satisfaction score from from 70% to 80%. Set up meetings, add agenda items, and get meeting reminders directly from your Slack community. A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas and codes. Contact us. , 10x your productivity with just one hour a week, Move your project through a visual pipeline from start to finish. KR1 . Engagedly partners with Go1 to unlock the potential of the modern workforce with dynamic, interactive learning courses. It has been sent. Talk to OKR experts on how to get started with OKRs. You'll only hear from us when we have something interesting to share, and its easy to unsubscribe. As stated above, this is not to say that OKRs are top-down dictated.


AI-powered insights to help you run better meetings. Example Objective #28. While these may seem like valid goals, the problem is that none of them actually measure whether these employees have become better programmers or marketers. Keep everyone accountable by documenting and tracking next steps. Objectives and key results, or OKRs, have become one of the most popular frameworks for teams looking to plan and measure the success of their work. Know what customers like you think about us. What are some good performance goals for a software engineer? Get to know OKRs | Microsoft Learn As part of the project, the company had asked everyone including individual contributors to develop personal OKRs. As a team, we have some lofty goals to hit. Need inspiration setting Engineering Team goals? 3. In each objective project, create a section for each key result. It is recommended that you set OKRs at your team level and then move to individual OKRs. Improving the stability of product releases will be considered as one of the vital objectives of certain firms, so objectives like this must essentially be supported with key results that decreases unscheduled downtime, decreasing time taken between each release and decreasing the deployment time for addressing production bugs can fasten the process. Hiring and retaining top talent, developing the staff you already have, fostering a culture of technical excellence and collaboration. Key result 1: Conduct a weekly sales pipeline review process. Collaborate with other Product Management team members in planning future product releases and product roadmaps. To continue with one of the example OKRs above, if your companys annual objective is to improve 1-month customer retention rate by 20%, the key result revamp email welcome series might become the first quarter objective of your growth team with its own key results: Q1 Objective: Improve email welcome series to engage more customers. What worked at IBM or Google likely wont work in the exact same way at your organization or for you personally. While reducing bugs certainly should be a goal for every software engineer, if employers tie performance reviews and compensation to achieving key results like these, their employees will simply choose less risky work to do (a mistake that many organizations continue to make, despite experts advice to the contrary). Here are a Few Engineering OKR Examples for your Team. Use this weekly agenda to have productive 1:1s. For example, most of us have to respond to emails as part of our regular job duties, but you wouldnt set get to inbox zero every day as a key result. In this article Ive shown how a connection can be made between the data strategy and OKRs to build a framework for delivery aligned with the overall companys direction of travel. To do that, well need to have a reliable product that works as intended to keep our customers happy. From dev ops to machine learning, find OKRs for over 18 different roles Grow revenue, fight churn, improve NPS with goals for these 9 roles Go beyond quotas with goals that will help these 11 roles grow 1:1 meeting templates to fuel better conversations, build trust, and increase employee engagement. Personal OKRs keep individuals to stay focused and track their progress. The next time you sit down to think about where you want to be next month, quarter, or year, try using the OKR framework to set big, audacious goals and lay out a concrete, measurable path to get there. Such objectives/KRs need an explicit measuring schedule, like every sprint mentioned in the, Increase data security and prevent breakdown incidents. All managers hold recurring 1:1s with direct reports (at least monthly) eNPS score across the team increases from X to Y Patch rate down to 10% across the team Velocity at X story points per sprint Without key results to make them actionable, objectives are just wishes. LastName: data.lastname, Ask the team to remember the following before starting the meeting: It's important to think of the value we want to achieve for our customers, clients or people we serve. Also Read:The Essential Guide To OKRs: Your Ultimate Tool To Setting Winning Goals. Hire 10 new engineers by end of Q2 FY 2017-18, Agree & document performance measurement metrics for individual contributions, Increase knowledge & enhance skill sets of team members by ensuring each one participates in at least one of the industry-wide hackathons, Less than 2 major priority bugs found in production, Increase unit test coverage to 75 % from current 45 %, Engineering teams contribute 1200 code reviews by end of every sprint, Not a single release to go beyond planned date, meeting the condition that story points delivered every release are at least 90, Test cases for all P1, P2 stories are completed & handed over to dev before development starts (compliance to be measured every sprint) 1 week before release date, no blocker & critical bugs should be open, Bug leakage to production for critical issues is less than 1%, Less than 3 bugs reported by end users per release, 100% data recovery due to daily backup of critical data, Number of breakdowns reduced to 1 per quarter, Upgrade processes and reduce data migration time by 80%, Provide state-of-the-art tools and software to increase productivity by 30%, Reduce breakdowns in the peak hours by 90% (in the last 6 months some of the APAC users have experienced intermittent outages during US-Mountain time office hours), Conduct a training program for employees to impose best practices in infrastructure configurations (we want to avoid a repeat of the John Doe incident, where an inefficient configuration led to burnout of application servers), All the projects within engg department are fully agile before end of quarter (definition of fully agile is available in objective id OBJ-123), External agile coaches are hired, 1 coach for every 2.5 projects, Tweaks, deployment parameters for Acme agile (our flavor of agile) are agreed upon, documented with all project managers & COO, Achieve Net Promotor Score (NPS) of 925% pre-sign ups come from existing customers Get 1 referral for every 3 customers (aka viral coefficient), Introduce a test automation framework that runs all tests on each code commit, Practice mindful thinking and meditation to increase concentration and productivity, Create FAQ sheet and enable customers to optimise use of the product. Update the Rolly Bot Epic description section for the Key Results that the Lead AE is Co-DRI off. Executing a Data Strategy with OKRs - Towards Data Science Wondering How to Set OKRs For the Engineering Team? Head of Business Intelligence & Solutions. You dont need fancy tools or specialized knowledge to track either of those numbers. Put simply, objectives describe where youre going. Without flexibility, OKRs will quickly become irrelevant. The entire Hypercontext experience! OKR Examples for Engineering Teams | UpRaise Companies like HubSpot, Mastercard and Heineken get their management tips from the Hypercontext blog. Previously, Awad held positions as an AVP of Strategy at a major financial institution and as a Manager of Strategy Planning and . You can too. The flexible, trial-and-error mentality behind setting OKRs applies equally to the process of applying the system itself. OKRs are usually written with an objective which is simply your goals or what you want to achieve and 3-5 key results to support how you are going to achieve that objective. Improve data security and recovery rate for the application by safeguarding against any security breaches, reducing the time taken to data migration/ backup, and increasing the data recovery rate. This is what makes them an objective measure of success, and not simply a documentation that energy has been spent. Whether youre actively trying to help a junior engineer level up in their career or contribute to existing communities, lets ensure were giving back to our engineering communities. The right engineering OKRs would help you align your team, contribute to your product, increase performance, boost education and career development, and also help implement your CSR program. The following engineering okrs have been created after a thorough research by industry experts. The key results in this case could be how others perceive your reputation, or more concretely, what actions that perception motivates them to take actions such as subscribing to your newsletter, connecting with you on LinkedIn, or offering you a speaking slot at a conference. Rather, OKRs should be used to shine a spotlight on just the most important work you need to do to move toward your objectives. This can apply to personal goals, family life, career development, or any other element of your personal life. Viewed this way, key results become a much more flexible and useful tool that can encompass both the planning and execution stages of a project. Framing such key results will let you yield trackable results in your engineering team. No more setting and forgetting. Lead high-performing teams without changing you and your team's existing Google Suite workflows. The Data division can see what Marketing are trying to achieve and what their intended outcomes will be. Decrease the data breach incidents from 3 to 0 in the application, Increase data recovery rate from 95% to 100%, Decrease the time taken for backup from 4 hours to 1 hour, User experience defines users impressions of your website or other application based on how easy and pleasant it is to use. Check out our OKR examples organized by team below! Get inspired by more real-life OKR examples. This approach keeps planning and progress-tracking focused on the impact the work is having, rather than micromanaging the specific work that teams are doing on a daily basis. title: "Thanks! Collaborate on shared agendas, take notes, assign next steps, and more. 10 Best OKR Examples for Software Engineers - Datalligence Need a simple and free tool for your team to track OKRs? Examples of OKRs for Software Engineering Teams - Revelo and rinse and repeat so that the data strategy is aligned with the company strategy and OKRs are in place to execute. Set goals in a way that's measurable and impossible to forget about. Introduced and popularized in the 1970s at Intel, it has since spread throughout technology companies as a way to help employees understand and be engaged in an enterprise's charter. Becky writes, edits, and attempts to follow her own productivity advice from her home office in Minneapolis, USA. But in the recent past technology industry has yet again turned upside down. Get a personalized recommendation based your preferences and goals. Before we start crafting OKRs, we need to know that OKRs and projects are not the same. location = 'https://datalligence.ai/thank-you'; These key results will differ across teams, and it can be either a team level objective or a company level depending on the size & stage of the company. What sets this OKR apart are the key results which measure success. So how is it that many companies fail to execute on their data strategies ? Engineering OKR Examples. The two components of all OKRs are the objective and its key results. Because of this, it is an effective mechanism for aligning top-down strategy with bottom-up, team-level commitments to intermediate goals in support of that strategy. Increase quality of releases and and make sure they are timely. Providing context with the key results can be a quick reminder of their importance, and it also can surface contextual data that may actually help in achieving the key result.