patrick colbeck legal defense fund

The U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear the case in 2012. We stood up on behalf of day laborers whose rights to freedom of speech were violated by punitive municipal ordinances banning them from soliciting work in public spaces. Second, the LDF was created to give a voice to NASW and the social work profession in the courts . If foreign countries, hackers, Democrats, space aliens, or anyone else had hacked into the Dominion machines in Antrim County and manipulated the vote tallies in those machines, then the machine tallies would not match the votes on the paper ballots in the possession of the Republican county officials, it continued. Imagine what Colbeck could accomplish if he had funding, subpoena powers, search warrants, and a team of honest FBI agents working under him. GOP leadership kicks state Sen. Patrick Colbeck off 4 committees Goal: USD $25,000 Raised:USD $ 18,245 Give 222 Share 53 Pray 115 Recent Donations USD $ 250 Anonymous Donor 64 days ago I believe in you! If your receipts and records dont match the entries, that IRS return is rejected. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Texas is in the process of prosecuting one political operative for illegal ballot harvesting, and multiple state legislatures have called for investigations, too. Whether on the streets or in schools, in boardrooms or living rooms, in legislative chambers or courthouses right up to the U.S. Supreme Court, MALDEF has earned its reputation as the civil rights law firm of the Latino community. Check out TGP FactCheck to see how terribly wrong the legacy media can get it. Vote Smart provides free, unbiased, in-depth information about current officials, candidates, issues, legislation, and voting. Founded in 1968, MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) is the nations leading Latino legal civil rights organization. Copyright 2022 Patrick Colbeck Legal Defense Fund - All Rights Reserved. Thankfully, some of the state started to demand investigations independent of federal agencies. And that opened the door to a lot of people putting prefabricated ballots into the dropbox that are unmonitored and pushed through the system. Hes points out our election results are almost entirely digitized now. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988. Colbeck said in a statement Monday he has only made $30,195 in "gross revenue" from memberships and donations to his company's website in the last nine months. A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals voids Proposition 200 in 2010. Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck Gives Sworn Testimony: "We Got Visual The main topics end at pg. Over the course of our 50-year history, MALDEFs litigation and advocacy efforts have spurred reforms and led to new laws and policies with wide-ranging impact for the Latino community and the nation as a whole. Mario G. Obledo is named president and general counsel of MALDEF. 'Trump: Our election system is now under assault and siege and as president I must defend it', 'Tens of thousands 2020 election votes illegally scanned in Detroit, says Dominion IT contractor', 'Trump campaign files lawsuit demanding a new statewide election for president in Georgia', 'Experts flag over 500k ballots in PA with new evidence of major 2020 election voter fraud', ''Smoking gun'? Colbeck then described a conversation he had with another senior election official, Chris Thomas, in which he tried to figure out how Detroit was going to communicate its election results. We dont have a lot of fidelity on that, particularly in the city of Detroit, as to whats happening. Our efforts to strengthen equal voting and representational access were bolstered again in 2006 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in LULAC v. Perry, a lawsuit brought by MALDEF, that the Texas Legislatures 2003 redistricting plan denied Latino voters the opportunity to elect candidates of their choice, in violation of the Voting Rights Act. Dominion Voting Systems has sent a cease-and-desist letter to a former Michigan state senator who the company says is making false claims about its products and the 2020 election to drive . But it went deeper than that. Meet the LDF Board of Directors, National Officers, Co-chairs and Directors Emeriti. Must have been a cut and paste error on their part from their other filings.What they intended for evil, though, I am confident God will use for good. April 04, 2021 04:36 PM. MALDEF files a lawsuit in April 2014 on behalf of parents and families seeking to ensure New Mexicos poor and at-risk children receive a sufficient education. So they were not even supposed to be able to quote it. MALDEF has focused its efforts in protecting and promoting equal rights for Latinos, and constitutional rights for all, in four core program areas education, employment and economic advancement, immigrants rights, and voting rights and political access. Legal fees run between $400/hr and $1300/hr. So theres another election official, the former state representative by the name of David Nathan, and I said, David, are these computers connected to the internet? explained Colbeck. need legal assistance? Whether on the streets or in schools, in boardrooms or living rooms, in legislative chambers or courthouses right up to the U.S. Supreme Court, MALDEF has earned its reputation as the civil rights law firm of the Latino community. Colbeck described an incident that raised yet more major questions about pre-election voting procedures in Detroit. MALDEFs 2004 lawsuit, GI Forum of Texas v. State of Texas, consolidated with three other lawsuits as League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry, challenges the Texas Legislatures 2003 redistricting plan. Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4. I was vice chair of the Michigan Senate elections and government reform committee. The chip was found on the small mother board inside the ES&S DS200 ballot scanner & tabulator. It also explains what we as citizens can do about it. Aerospace Engineer and Former State Senator Patrick Colbeck Releases a Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. Donate Online How Much will Legal Defense Cost? Election fraud claims against Dominion, which issues voting machines to counties across the country and 66 of Michigan's 83 counties, have been fostered by Trump and his allies. A district court and the en banc Ninth Circuit, on a 9-2 vote, conclude in 2011 that the ordinance is unconstitutional. The newspaper said Colbeck did not immediately return a request for comment. The events of the past month, and especially the past 10 days, have shaken the faith Americans have in their elected and appoint officials. He was the Vice-Chair of Elections and Government Reform. Dominion threatened to sue Colbeck if he did not retract his statement about the company. Theres just no reason for that to be installed. MALDEF files a lawsuit in April 2014 on behalf of parents and families seeking to ensure New Mexicos poor and at-risk children receive a sufficient education. In seeking to dismiss the lawsuit against her, Powell argued that "no reasonable person would conclude" that her comments about alleged election fraud "were truly statements of fact." As we have said all along, the integrity of the election is much bigger than President Trump. His TV and radio appearances are numerous because hes honest and does not hold back. U.S. Supreme Court rules in 2006 that the plan denied Latino voters the opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice, in violation of Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act. You need a witness because theyre going off and copying from one ballot to another ballot, and if youve got a bunch of military people who say they like Trump, and then you got somebody in here that cant stand Donald Trump filling in the circles, theyre going to be tempted to go off and fill in wrong circles. In addition to being a former Michigan state senator I was also an aerospace engineer. This was a relentless effort to prevent any discovery of fraud, prevent any communications about it, and stop any efforts to overturn it. That was kind of the crystallizing moment for me. . He likened himself to a kind of floor general of poll challengers, responsible for highlighting issues that other poll challengers brought to his attention. Additional expenses are incurred for private investigators, expert witnesses, travel, and other expenses necessary to make an effective legal defense. He goes into great detail about three tactics called Process Anomalies, Record(s) Anomalies, and Influence Operations. Dominion Voting Systems released a statement demanding former Michigan state Sen. Patrick Colbeck retract "false claims" he has made alleging the company of fraud in public presentations. For 50 years, MALDEF has been at work to achieve some of the most important legal victories advancing the civil rights of Latinos in the United States. In July 2020, I stepped down from my position as CEO of the MI Armed Forces Hospitality Center (aka MI Freedom Center) to dedicate my time to preserving the integrity of our elections and our constitutional republic.  In reward for these efforts, Dominion is threatening to sue me for exposing e. Patrick is networked with most every expert investigative election analyst in the country. America, and especially Michiganders, are truly lucky to have a patriot like Patrick around. MALDEF moves its headquarters to San Francisco, California. And he told me, No theyre not.. Later, immigrants from the American South, Black and white, were a native-born stream flowing into this pool of labor. I got a phone call saying, Theyre starting to count the military ballots. Keep in mind, the military ballots have been kept up on this stage all night long and there were times when the poll workers were completely idle, but they chose not to count the military ballots during that time frame., When they did choose to count the military ballots, it coincided with when the election officials decided they were going to katy bar the door and keep any poll challengers who were outside from coming back in to witness the [counting of] the military ballots. He was the Vice-Chair of Elections and Government Reform. You always want to make sure that you can trace that breadcrumb through. Don't Let them get away with election fraud. Now I am being threatened with a lawsuit by Dominion for exposing the election fraud that I and others witnessed. MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) opened its doors on August 1, 1968 in San Antonio, Texas. It has been estimated that this pending case will cost over $1 million to defend properly. Patrick Colbeck - Facebook No point passing gun control if you don't prosecute gun crimes. Thank you for continuing to SIGN and SHARE all our election-related petitions. MALDEF files a lawsuit in 1984 on behalf of families and school districts challenging Texas discriminatory method of financing its schools. Thisabout whether or not the sanctity of the ballot box has beentampered with! It can be easily hacked to gain access, then alter results leaving no trail. Patrick was on the frontlines during the elections, he was a poll watcher. Thank you so much to all who are supporting us in this battle for the truth! Civil Rights Coalition Releases Report Highlighting Federal Agency Progress and Gaps on Voting Access, Urges the Biden-Harris Administration to Finish the Job, LDF Sends Letter Urging New York to Allocate Funding for the New York Voting and Elections Database and Institute, Civil Rights Groups Send Letter to U.S. Senate Leaders Opposing Efforts to Obstruct D.C.s Revised Criminal Code Act, LDF Issues Response to Texas Governors State of the State Address. Here are the states where residents will pay the biggest share of their income Texas property tax bill excludes divorced, LGBTQ couples from getting relief. However, the judiciary has severely let down the American electorate. Anybody whos claiming an election victory on the basis of what happened, particularly in the state of Michigan and in the Detroit Absent Voter [AV] counting board, should not be claiming any sort of victory at all, Colbeck told LifeSites Lisa Stover. Thank you so much to all who are supporting us in this battle for the truth! LDF at Selma: The Voting Rights March of 1965, The Women of Selma: The Backbone of a Movement, What Florida Stands to Lose From its War on Books and Black History, Debunking Myths About Qualified Immunity and Examining its Dangerous Realities, Bad Housing Blues: Discrimination in the Housing Choice Voucher Program in Memphis, Tennessee. In fact, they do match, as confirmed by a hand recount of the paper ballots.. Campaign Created by: Patrick Colbeck The funds from this campaign will be received by Patrick Colbeck. His new book The 2020 COUP: What Happened. With the exception of the electronic poll books, and they all had that icon saying theyre connected to the internet., I asked the head of the election bureau his name was Daniel Baxter I go, are any of these computers connected to the internet? For general inquiries contact: (213) 629-2512, or see our list of regional offices. Indeed, this would apply equally toallcitizens who voted within the framework of the lawacross the United States! patrick colbeck legal defense fund - The organization, formed by civil rights attorneys and community members, dedicates all of its resources to fight discrimination on the job, in schools, and to increase Latino participation in the political process while denouncing racist actions by law enforcement and the courts. His life experiences have prepared him for this exact role. What We Can Do. They had no explanation for the ballots at the back of the TCF Center. Many dots are connected inside The 2020 COUP that help expose you to the big picture. Patrick Colbeck Legal Defense Fund - Advertisement "Obviously this is. With guidance from Jack Greenberg, Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, attorney Pete Tijerina meets with Bill Pincus from the Ford Foundation to discuss funding a new organization. Youve gotta make sure youre controlling the origins of these ballots, theres a lot of issues around ballot harvesting. And I can tell you, were not over any limit inside there at all. If only the RNC could become that example and grow a spine. But we still believe that the DoJ needs to use its enormous fact-finding resourcesto help resolveallegations of election fraud. LDF Issues Response to Texas Governor's State of the State Address. MALDEF was consciously modeled on the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF). All Rights Reserved. What theyre doing in Detroit is they send out a transport, all those ballots, from point A to point B, who knows what happens in the middle of the transport. The Washington Examiner reached out to Colbeck but did not immediately receive a response. Joaquin G. Avila is named president and general counsel of MALDEF. This is the big one. Suffice it to say, the secretary of state is culpable in the manipulation of data., To make matters worse, the Secretary of State Benson actually developed a partnership with [left-wing Rock the Vote] to perform data entry of new voters into the qualified voter file. "Ex-Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck is raising money for a "legal defense fund" in part by having people send checks to him personally:" MALDEF files a lawsuit that halts implementation of the 1994 California ballot measure Proposition 187. There are people a lot smarter than I am that know how to break this in a matter of minutes., When I walked in, one of the first things that I did was I walked around to all the computers. He explained that separate poll books were generated for Michigan voters which allowed them to vote with both an absentee ballot, and in person at the polls. The challenge led to MALDEFs first major national victory, when the Supreme Courts ruling in White v. Regester struck a blow at racial gerrymandering and at-large elections systems. By Patrick Colbeck In the weeks shortly after the November 3, 2020 election, it became clear that our legislators, law enforcement, and our court system as a whole were tone UNCLASSIFIED Election Fraud Evidence Palooza in New Book "The 2020 Coup: What Happened.