Sign Embellishment: Letters, figures, characters, or representations in cutouts, irregular forms, or similar ornamentation attached to or superimposed upon a sign to provide a three-dimensional effect. 66. and Development Department at be aware that such emails may be subject to public records disclosure and are retained for 90 days. Major Hospital Building: The principal medical building in a hospital providing at least one hundred (100) in patient beds. Equestrian Trail: A natural surfaced path for equestrian use in locations identified by approved trails plans and constructed in accordance with standards on file with the Parks and Recreation Department. G-4347, 2001; Ord. G-6150, 2016; Ord. Street: Arterial, collector, or local - a dedicated public right-of-way which dedication shall be in accordance with standards of the adopted street classification map. Community Residence Center: A residential care institution on a property, including a multifamily property or development that provides resident rooms or residential units to 11 or more individuals with disabilities (adults or minors). Automobile Wrecking: Same as "Junk Yard". Easily download and print documents with US Legal Forms. Merchandise which is included in a window display shall not be considered as part of a window sign. No. Building, Open: A structure which contains a wall or roof, any part of which is not covered by a permanent, solid surface. 2.55.. For purposes of this ordinance, a monopalm is not a tower. The recognized rule in Arizona is that blocking or obstructing a landowner's view does not constitute a private nuisance without a statute or easement that says otherwise. No. A hospice shall be licensed by the State of Arizona. Buffer Strip: Open spaces, landscape areas, fences, walls, berms, or any combination thereof used to physically separate or screen one use or property from another so as to visually shield or block noise, lights, or other nuisances. Density Bonus: Additional density above allowance that is granted by providing site enhancements from a specified list. No. Farmers Markets: A market held in an open area or in a structure where groups of individual sellers offer for sale to the public such items as fresh produce, seasonal fruits, fresh flowers, locally produced arts and crafts items (but not to include secondhand goods). No. Page 1 of 1 For more information or for a copy of this publication in an alternate format, contact Planning & Development at 602-262-7811 voice or TTY use 7-1-1. Junkyard: The use of a lot or portion thereof for the storage, keeping, or abandonment of junk, dismantled automobiles, or other vehicles, or machinery, or parts thereof, including scrap metals, rags, or other scrap materials. Phoenix, Arizona 85029 . No. Such building or group of buildings being designed, intended, or used primarily for the accommodation of automobile travelers, and providing automobile parking conveniently located on the premises. Transit-oriented design is a particular type of pedestrian-oriented design that includes design and intensity of land use to support transit in addition to pedestrians. No. Wireless Communication Facility, Support Structure: A structure that supports a Wireless Communication Facility including, but not limited to, monopoles, towers, utility poles and other freestanding self-supporting structures. Bed and Breakfast Establishment: A residential development which provides breakfast and rooms for rent to guests on an overnight basis. Mounds can physically and visually separate areas and provide visual and physical level changes by raising landscape elements above grade. Open Inner Court: A court bounded on all sides by building walls or other structures. Parking Lot, Private: A lot upon which cars are parked without charge and in conformance with requirements of Section 702. Premises: All contiguous land used and occupied; or owned or leased from another party by an establishment. G-5581, 2011; Ord. A commercial establishment may have other principal business purposes that do not involve the offering for sale or rental of the above-listed items and still be categorized as an adult novelty store. Religious Assembly: An establishment where persons regularly assemble for religious purposes and related social events. Wireless Communications Facility, Antenna Structure: An antenna and its associated structure, such as a monopole or tower and co-axial cables. Chiropractors, chiropodists, and naturopaths. Chapter 7, Development Standards of General Applicability. Chapter 6, Zoning Districts. Community Center: A building to be used as a place of meeting, recreation, or social activity and not operated for profit and in which neither alcoholic beverages nor meals are normally dispensed or consumed. An adult day care home shall be licensed by the State of Arizona, if required by the appropriate State agency. No. 2. No. Minimum Security Facility: A facility containing inmates designated by the Arizona Department of Corrections or other governmental entity as being low risk and nonviolent, with no perceived danger to the community. *Please enter your questions, comments or requests in the box below. Permitted Building Construction hours are (non-Holiday weekdays): Revegetation is based on the plant types and densities found in the immediate area of disturbance with the intent to return the area to the pre-disturbed condition. The structure must be anatomically correct in its color, texture and design to give the appearance of a pine tree. ), as amended, and the Federal Fair Housing Act (42 United States Code 3601 3619). G-4857, 2007; Ord. G-3787, 1994; Ord. No. Manufacturing and assembly activities may be conducted entirely outdoors and have moderate to significant off-site impacts. Commercial Center: Lot(s) containing a commercial building or buildings where: there are three or more businesses or tenants contained therein, the lot contains 30,000 square feet of gross floor area or more, and buildings are served by common parking areas. This term does not include a park-and-ride lot. 4. Light manufacturing and assembly uses are conducted within an enclosed building with incidental outdoor storage. Adult Live Entertainment Establishment: A business that offers any of the following entertainment during any part of any two or more days within any continuous thirty (30) day period: 1. This shall not include breeding or raising of household pets or animals. Building Materials: An establishment that sells goods relating to construction such as lumber, appliances, electrical supplies and plumbing supplies. Roof, Gambrel: A gabled roof with two slopes on each side, the lower steeper than the upper. Covered Pedestrian Ways: The provision of pedestrian ways protected from the weather by arcades, pergolas, arbors, or similar permanent structures. Building openings are oriented toward the street and vehicular conflicts with pedestrians are minimized. Living Space, Active: A frequently used living space such as a kitchen, living room, or family room located within a residence such that visual surveillance of the public or private street adjacent to the residence is easily accomplished. Shade Tree: A tree, usually deciduous, planted primarily for overhead canopy and the diffusion of the suns rays. Financial Institution, Non-Chartered: A business other than a State or Federally chartered bank, credit union, mortgage lender or savings and loan association that offers check cashing services and loans for payment of a percentage fee. No. G-5380, 2009; Ord. Alley: A public passageway, 8 to 25 feet wide, affording a secondary means of access to abutting property. * 10. G-5268, 2008; Ord. Complaints can be made by calling 602-262-7456. No. The liquor may be distributed to other locations and be sold on site. Adult Day Care Home: A residential home providing care for one to ten adult individuals for less than 24 hours per day and for compensation. Transit Access Facility: The design of the curb and sidewalk to provide a bus turnout approved by the Street Transportation Department, together with an approved shelter with bench for waiting passengers. endobj G-4039, 1997; Ord. Canopy: A structure attached to a building or other rigid structure in a fixed position with a flexible or rigid covering, including such structures which are internally illuminated by fluorescent or other light sources. G-3628, 1993; Ord. Satellite Earth Station: A device consisting of an antenna and reflector, having any dimension of more than 1.5 meters, and is a solid or open mesh configured structure in the shape of a shallow dish, cone, horn, or cornucopia for reception or transmission of radio energy to or from an earth orbit satellite or celestial body. The first three feet of roof overhang or projection shall not be included in the lot coverage. Yader Gomez. Lot, Key: Any lot, one side line of which is contiguous to the rear line of a corner lot. 2. No. No. Parking, Temporary: A parking area to provide temporary parking spaces for the general public to park passenger vehicles for no more than 48 consecutive hours. G-4532, 2003; Ord. The presence of cooking facilities conclusively establishes the intent to use for residential purposes. Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Retail Dispensary Facility: A not-for-profit entity that acquires, possesses, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies, sells or dispenses medical marijuana. No. These can include illegal placement of signage, after hours construction noise, non-permitted construction or improper grading and drainage. Right-of-Way: A strip of land acquired by reservation, dedication, forced dedication, prescription, or condemnation and intended to be occupied by a road, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission lines, or similar exclusive public use. SHAPE PHX officially launched on June 6, 2022 with Release 1. No. Civic Event: An event which is of civic or public benefit. Retail Center: A lot or group of lots containing retail and entertainment commercial establishments where: (1) there are three or more businesses or tenants, (2) the lot contains at least 50,000 square feet of gross floor area, and (3) buildings are served by common parking areas. Hello all, I just went under contract for a great property with two homes on the lot and I plan to owner-occupy for several years. Optical Illusion of Sign Movement: A static design which presents a pattern capable of reversible perspective, giving the illusion of motion or changing of copy. A permit application must be made within 15 calendar days of the issue date on the NOV (Section 114 of the Phoenix Building Construction Code-Administrative Provisions). C. Permitted Uses. For purposes of this ordinance, a monocactus is not a tower. G-3480, 1991; Ord. Food and beverages dispensed from booths located on site is permitted as an accessory use. Tobacco Oriented Retailer: An establishment engaged in the sale and/or display of tobacco related products, including, but not limited to: cigarettes, chewing and dipping tobacco, cigarette papers, electronic nicotine delivery system, or any other instrument or paraphernalia for the smoking or ingestion of tobacco and products prepared from tobacco. No. 2 Baths. Building, Open, Porch: An open building used solely for ingress and egress and not for occupancy, at least two sides of which shall be at least 50% open. Parking, Off-Street: Marked or unmarked parking located within a parcel and outside a private or public right-of-way. The citys permitting process is designed to be hassle-free. Preservation Area: See "Conservation Area". G-5499, 2010; Ord. No. G-3628, 1993; Ord. Sanctioned by Congress, each Oxford House is operated in accord with the Oxford House Manual and is subject to annual inspections which serve as the functional equivalent of the licensing of community residence homes required by this ordinance. G-4686, 2005; Ord. G-4498, 2003; Ord. Design Continuity: A unifying or connecting theme or physical feature for a particular setting or place, provided by one or more elements of the natural or created environment. It is thus told by Jacques de Voragine, in his "Legenda Aurea:" 1/17 The Phoenix Building Construction Code grants relief to owners of property who agree to obtain permits for work performed by a previous owner and to owners who agree to remove non-permitted work that they have constructed. Preparing a site plan for the project. G-4566, 2003; Ord. All provisions of property subdivision shall be applicable to condominium development so as to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. Erect: To build, construct, attach, hang, place, inscribe, suspend, or affix, and the painting of wall signs. Public AssemblyActive Recreational: Venues where people typically gather in an outdoor area, and the majority of the area is devoted to recreational equipment or attractions with the minority of space dedicated to patron occupancy, including but not limited to amusement parks, fairgrounds, miniature golf, water parks, and zoos. Landscaped Area: A plot of land which has been decoratively or functionally altered by contouring and planting shrubs, trees, vines, and with a living and nonliving ground cover and with an automated watering system. Balcony: An exterior platform that projects from or into the facade of a building and is surrounded by a railing, handrail, or parapet. G-6331, 2017; Ord. GUARANTOR WAIVES ALL RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION RELATED TO THIS GUARANTY. Sign, Aerial View: A sign applied to or placed upon a roof surface and intended to be viewed from above. Adjacent: Nearby, but not necessarily touching. This use does not include the maintenance and repair of vehicles. Brew Pub, Domestic Microbrewery, or Domestic Farm Winery: An establishment that produces alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a restaurant, retail sales, or tasting room. Sign, Supergraphic: A type of sign that consists of an image printed on vinyl, mesh, window film, or other material supported or attached to a wall, window or freestanding structure. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. No service is provided to adjacent land and access points are limited to other freeways, expressways, and selected arterial streets, with typical minimal spacing of one mile. The permit is issued when structures are designed in accordance with the building codes and all other applicable codes and ordinances, to ensure the safety of the structure. Roofline: The top edge of a peaked roof or the highest continuous horizontal line of the parapet which extends for the length of the building. G-3663, 1993; Ord. Sign, Political: Any sign which supports the candidacy of any candidate for public office or urges action on any other issue or a non-commercial nature. A hospital may include such related facilities as laboratories, medical testing services, central service facilities, staff offices and volunteer community blood centers (non-profit only). Arterial Street - Refers to both major arterial and arterial streets as designated on the street classification map. No. Panhandle Lot: A lot, which contains an appendage that provides private or shared access to a public right-of-way or private accessway. No. Dwelling, Single-Family, Detached: A building containing only one dwelling unit entirely separated by open space from buildings on adjoining lots or building sites. Supportive inter-relationships between residents are an essential component. G-6278, 2017; Ord. G-3553, 1992; Ord. Arena: A place designed primarily for the playing of sports, such as basketball, hockey, arena football and indoor soccer, but also suitable for the use of concerts, shows, entertainment, meetings and gatherings of large groups. Conformance, General: A term used in zoning/zoning adjustment stipulations to require that final plans, such as site plans or elevations approved by the City generally conform to key design elements that were shown on public hearing plans. No. HUn0+J2 G-4457, 2002; Ord. NICE AND CLEAN 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH HORSE PROPERTY . Bicycle Path: A hard surfaced path for bicycles designed in accordance with standards on file in the Planning Parks and Recreation Department. Accessible Parking Spaces: A parking space reserved for use by vehicles showing disabled insignia or license plates. No. Mixed Use Building: A building in which a minimum of 50 percent of the ground floor building frontage includes an active use that is in a different land use category from the floor above. No. No. 5. A resort may contain dwelling units in conjunction with guest rooms. G-4255, 2000; Ord. Perimeter: The boundaries or boundary of a lot, tract, or parcel of land. DrivewaysDuty of Street Transportation and Planning and Development Director. Phoenix, AZ. G-6151, 2016; Ord. hTMO0>8`RU Artistic Enhancement: Permanent works of art located in exterior spaces arranged for public use and enjoyment. Nothing in the definition of "erotic dance or performance studio" shall be construed to apply to the presentation, showing, or performance of any play, drama, or ballet in any theater, concert hall, fine arts academy, school, institution of higher education, or other similar establishment as a form of expression of opinion or communication of ideas or information, as differentiated from the promotion or exploitation of nudity for the purpose of advancing the economic welfare of a commercial or business enterprise. No. SOLD JUN 10, 2022. Overhang: The architectural elements of a building that extend horizontally beyond the wall. Wireless Communication Facility, Concealed: A facility designed to be architecturally integrated into a building so that the antenna, support structures, cabling and equipment are completely encased or hidden or designed in a manner that blends into the environment so the antenna structure can not be seen or, if seen, can not be recognized as Wireless Communication Facilities. ft. house located at 2734 E PIERSON St, Phoenix, AZ 85016 sold for $465,000 on Nov 3, 2020. Urban Context: The combination of buildings, structures, and streetscape that form a distinct neighborhood or section of a city or urban place. No. Sign, Indirectly Illuminated: Any sign the facing of which is illuminated from a source intentionally directed upon it. A community residence home shall be licensed by the State of Arizona or the City of Phoenix. Permitted land uses for this property include single-family and commercial. 3. Sign, Identification: Any sign identifying by name, message, or symbol a business, activity, institution, establishment, operation, merchandise, product, or service available at the property on which the sign is displayed. Accessway, Private: A street privately owned and maintained that is used as the principal means of access to abutting parcel or parcels and shall allow for access by emergency service vehicles, trash collection vehicles, public service vehicles, and the public in general. No. G-3498, 1992; Ord. 3. 1. 1. G-5766, 2012; Ord. Elevation, Structure: The exterior design of a structure showing features such as windows, doors, and relationship of grade to floor level. Wireless Communication Facility, Monopalm: A single, freestanding and unguyed structure in the shape of a palm tree erected on the ground that supports one or two disguised antenna. Manufacturing and assembly uses are conducted either fully or partially within an enclosed building with limited off-site impacts. Lighting, Architectural: Lighting placed on a buildings facade to highlight or accentuate the buildings design. A low wall, not more than three (3) feet high, complemented with trees and shrubs. G-3787, 1994; Ord. Minor Collector - Provides for short distance (less than 3 miles) traffic movement; primarily functions to collect and distribute traffic between local streets and arterial streets. Collectors may have one to two through lanes in each direction. Structured Sober Living Home: Any premises, place or building that provides alcohol-free or drug-free housing, promotes independent living and life skill development and provides structured activities that are directed primarily toward recovery from substance use disorders in a supervised setting to a group of unrelated individuals who are recovering from drug or alcohol addiction and who are receiving outpatient behavioral health services for substance abuse or addiction treatment while living in the home. ft. mobile/manufactured home located at 5213 S 109TH Dr, Tolleson, AZ 85353 sold for $50,000 on Feb 28, 2013. A mezzanine floor shall not be considered a story if it is less than thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the area of the floor next below it. Auto Title Loan Establishment: An establishment, other than a financial institution, which enters into retail installment contract loan as defined in Section 44-281, Arizona Revised Statutes, for a secondary motor vehicle finance transaction. Permanent Border: Shall mean the method of creating a permanent delineation of a parking, maneuvering, ingress, or egress area from the remainder of the yard area. Industrial Center: A group of three or more industrial establishments associated by voluntary common agreement or under common ownership or any recorded subdivision plat to be developed for industrial purposes. A convenience market may include sale of gasoline and packaged liquor. Glazing: A window, door or other transparent opening in the exterior wall of a building through which merchandise, services, or business are displayed or visible. Sign: Any identification, description, illustration, symbol, or device which is affixed directly or indirectly upon a building, vehicle, structure, or land and which identifies or directs attention to a product, place, activity, person, institution, or business. Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility: A not-for-profit entity that acquires, possesses, cultivates, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies or sells medical marijuana. This area shall not include counter space, food preparation areas, coolers, freezers or walkways. Channel: A watercourse with a definite bed and banks that confine and conduct the normal continuous or intermittent flow of water. No. No. Dedicated open space must be offered to and accepted by the City of Phoenix. G-3829, 1995; Ord. Planned Residential Development: A group of dwelling units with common areas which are designed as an integrated functional unit and with the permissibility of potential bonus density and considerable flexibility in the selection of building setbacks, lot areas and street configuration as long as the public health, safety and welfare are maintained. Lot Side - The side lot lines of a lot are those lot lines connecting the front and rear lot lines of the lot. Nonstructural Trim: Attachments to a sign or structure that are not structural in nature, such as latticing, polecovers, ornamental bases, including masonry, lighting fixtures, decorative trim, and platforms. No. The center may be used for any or all of the following activities or other activities normally conducted at a conference and reception center: Trade show displays; civic events; charitable events; teleconferences; seminars held or sponsored by an individual, entity, or organization on an advance registration basis; receptions; meetings; breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and dinners on an advance registration basis; parties with or without live music or entertainment; balls or dances including live music and other live entertainment; conferences; conventions. Roof, Gable: A ridged roof forming a gable at both ends of the building. An assembly hall does not include a restaurant or a bar. Sign, Freeway: An on-premise or off-premise sign structure erected within 300 feet of the right-of-way, oriented to and intended to be read from, a freeway, parkway, expressway, and similar traffic corridors. G-3663, 1993; Ord. No. Which is clearly associated or related to the use of the main building, other structure, or use of land, and 2. Solid Waste Transfer Station: A facility where solid waste is unloaded from one vehicle and reloaded into another vehicle for transport to a final disposal site. Gross Business Area: The total area of a property or building which is used to conduct business, such as outdoor dining or garden centers. RNPC Residential Non-Permitted Construction EFFECTIVE BUILDING CODES: 2012 . endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>stream 2. G-3766, 1994; Ord. Minors (age 18 and younger) accompanied by a parent or guardian shall not be counted in the number of unrelated persons. Zero Lot Line Development: A residential development, according to the provisions of Chapter 6, wherein a building envelope may extend to side lot lines. Non-Permitted Construction, Fee Waiver-Reduction Procedure Non-Permitted Construction, Fee Waiver-Reduction Request Non-Permitted Construction, NOV Release Procedure Report non-permitted construction. G-5480, 2010; Ord. G-4760, 2005; Ord. No. Off-Street Loading Spaces: An on site space for the standing, loading, and unloading of vehicles. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. No. Pocket Shelter: A class of residential facility that is accessory to a place of religious assembly, or similar place of worship, that provides residence for one to 12 unrelated persons. G-4298, 2000; Ord. This shall also include occurrences such as bona fide grand opening celebrations, special price sales, and church or school bazaars, carnivals, social events; but not limited to these. 3 beds, 2 baths, 1569 sq. Medical Marijuana: Means all parts of the genus cannabis whether growing or not, and the seed of such plants that may be administered to treat or alleviate a qualifying patients debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the patients debilitating medical condition. No. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Where the lines are equal, the front line shall be that line which is obviously the front by reason of the prevailing custom of the other buildings on the block. The terms and conditions of approval for remedial or corrective action conducted entirely on site and authorized by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to Title 49 of the Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated; or, 2. No. G-3504, 1992; Ord. One Hundred-Year Floodplain: The area adjoining a river, stream, or watercourse covered by water during the occurrence of a one hundred-year flood. G-4857, 2007; Ord. The connecting structure is less than ten (10) feet wide; or. Sample 1. . Porte Cochere: A covered automobile entryway to provide shelter for persons arriving or leaving a building by vehicle. Posted Jan 28 2018, 20:23. The term "substantial conformance" may be used as a subset of a general conformance stipulation to remove the ten percent variation and as such that particular item shall appear exactly as shown on the stipulated public hearing plans. No. Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia which are designed for use in connection with "specified sexual activities," excluding condoms and other birth control and disease prevention products. Where the side lot lines meet in a point, the rear lot line shall be assumed to be a line not less than ten (10) feet long, lying within the lot and parallel to the front lot line. 3. Tennis Court Fence: Any fence, wall, backstop, or other enclosure partly or completely bounding a tennis court or other area in which tennis or similar games are played. Planned Community Development: A master planned area which predetermines development standards related to streets, water and sewer services, drainage considerations, trails and open space, lighting, and landscaping construction and an area which is usually controlled by a master developer and maintained by a master homeowners association. Imaginative Uses of Water and Shade: The combination of live plant or man-made shading together with water in movement. No. Learn about how non-permitted construction can hurt your project, home and pocketbook. The City of Phoenix Building Construction Code, Administrative Provisions Section 114 Enforcement, Private Lane: The provision of a private circulation route within a planned residential development with the primary purpose of providing automobile access to the rear of a lot, and with a secondary purpose of providing utility services. Show more Gold Award 2006-2018 BEST Legal Forms Company 11 Year Winner in all Categories: Forms, Features, Customer Service and Ease of Use. The length of the edge for a parcel is the length of the boundary shared by that parcel with the preserve. Erosion Hazard Zone: The erosion hazard zone encompasses the active channel, and the area next to the active channel that could reasonably be expected to erode during a large flood or during the expected design life of contiguous land uses, and the portion of the one hundred-year floodplain that could reasonably be expected to erode during a series of floods.